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F-18E/F APG-79 레이더에 결함발생

I.M 2006.01.31 12:30:42
조회 1561 추천 0 댓글 8

슈퍼호넷의 APG-79 레이더에 소프트웨어적인 결함이 발생하여 개발 스케쥴에 지장이 발생할것 같습니다. 2007년 말까지 실전배치 하려면 올해초에 에러를 수정해야 원래 스케쥴대로 진행이될 수 있는데, 현재로서는 비관적인것 같습니다. APG-79는 동시에 공대공과 공대지 트래킹을 할 수 있는 최초의 AESA 레이더(실전배치된 APG-77과 APG-80은 안된다는 얘기인가?)라고 하는데, 탐지거리와 해상도로 조종사들을 감탄시키고는 컴퓨터 처럼 다운되어 켜졌다 꺼졌다 한다는군요. 소프트웨어 코딩중에 발생한 에러인것 같은데... 세계 최고의 기술력으로도 AESA 레이더 개발은 쉽지 않은것 같군요.    " http://www.flightinternational.com/Articles/2006/01/31/Navigation/177/204360/+%E2%80%98Dazzling%E2%80%99+FA-18EF+radar+marred+by+software+faults+.html " ‘Dazzling’ F/A-18E/F radar marred by software faults APG-79 praised, when it works, but shutdowns and restarts continue to frustrate A Raytheon active-array radar upgrade for the Boeing F/A-18E/F Block II Super Hornet has at times “dazzled” US Navy crews during tests, but continuing software stability problems are hampering performance and jeopardising the development schedule, says a new US military test report. The APG-79 active electronically scanned array (AESA) “has experienced multiple radar shutdowns that necessitated airborne radar restarts”, says the 2005 report by the Director of the Office of Test and Evaluation. The software stability issue must be fixed if the radar is to remain on schedule to enter operational evaluation early this year, which the report says is an “optimistic” goal. The software glitches have led to other delays in the APG-79 integration plan, with the USN deferring some radar capabilities planned for inclusion in the first software block. The first-release software will now be used only for training aircraft, with a second version with full functionality planned for integration with the navy’s first deployed Block II Super Hornet unit, which will become operational late in fiscal year 2007. The APG-79 will be the first active array in the US military inventory with simultaneous air- and ground-tracking modes. The test and evaluation report notes that the radar has operated consistently in spurts during tests. “On one flight it will dazzle the aircrew with its target detection range and resolution, and on the next it will frustrate them with multiple shutdowns and restarts,” it says. Raytheon acknowledges “there have been instances where coding errors or system anomalies have caused the radar to cease operation or hang up and require a restart to recover operation. This is a similar condition in which our desktop or laptop computers occasionally hang-up and require a restart. In some cases the restart may have been caused by a software coding error or anomalies with the Fiber Channel [databus]. “The effort to achieve stable radar operation and eliminate restarts is part of normal radar development and integration,” Raytheon adds. “All earlier generation radar systems pass through similar processes including the effort to achieve system stability. We are on track for operational evaluation entry later this year.”

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