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코치 인터뷰보니 소트니 이번 국내 3차대회 안 나오는거 아님?

ㅇㅇ(67.82) 2014.10.27 15:54:37
조회 1413 추천 1 댓글 12

아까 어떤횽이 궁금해 하길래 검색해 봤음. 번역기 돌려 좀 이상해도 대충 이해.

10월 27일 기사

"I want to show everyone what actually Adeline"

Coach Elena Buyanova

Tonight Moscow time in Chicago, the first stage ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating - "Skate America." Results of the tournament, open more international season in one of the most popular sports, "Novye Izvestia" fail in the next room. So far, offer readers an interview with a mentor Olympic champion Adelina Sotnikova champion and Russian Maxim Kovtun - Elena Buyanova whose students will speak at the Grand Prix in the later stages.

- Probably not so easy to start work after the Olympic season, especially when he was so successful?

- In this state one way or another have to go every year. But now, of course, was more difficult than usual.Still, last year took so much effort and emotion ... Probably enough for a lifetime. But it's not only that. When all the difficulties end such a success was the victory of what Adeline in Sochi, it is very difficult to look for motivation to work on. And I'm no exception.  (어디서 들었던말)

- Do not miss the season there is an idea? Or to coach such things are unacceptable in principle? - Oh ... In fact, such a recovery coach, I think there is even more necessary than the athlete. But I do not accidentally said that in principle, each new season pass through these thoughts. It seems that all these endless training, travel, tournaments, experience is quite impossible to sustain. But then, probably, like all who are dedicated to the coaching business, works the opposite sense: how will my students without me? .. And I can without them? And again awakens interest, passion, desire again to prove something ...

 - And the motivation appears by itself ... - Yes, we have put so bright Adeline program, which would be a shame if they saw only a narrow circle of fans. They love me and as a coach, and that's very important to her. Wants everyone to see how Adeline blossomed how her skating has become more sensual, more feminine, more harmonious. Often it happens that, by becoming an Olympic champion, sportsman like "freezes", showing what has already been developed and brings results. And Adeline, I think, is only now beginning to really open up, she matured, liberated, greatly added into rotation. Of course, all of this will be seen only in competitions, but I can say that in my opinion, is that Adeline now shows on the ice, even more inclined to artThat's me and our entire team - Tatiana Tarasova, Peter Chernyshov, Irina Tagaeva - really want to show what it really is.    

든이들이 솥이 얼마나 활짝 피어나는지, 스케이팅이 얼마나 더 관능적이고 여성적이고 조화로워졌는지 보기를 원한다고..  자기 생각엔 솥이 아이스에서 현재 좀 더 예술로 지향하는 모습을 보여준답니다. (풉) ㅋㅋ 

- A Lifetime Sotnikov changed much? Still, the status of Olympic champion leaves its mark on the lot. - She, as I have said, very grown up. Of course, some kind of soul-life occurred, but in our work, little has changed. Although I see how she does not just keep up everywhere.Adeline also continue to tear apart, constantly invited in some projects, show ... 

- It is advised you where to accept and what to leave for later? - Of course, all the same control over the training process and training, whatever was a student, always on the coach. I try to go to meet, help Adeline. I perfectly see what interesting herself, and what really can wait. I want her to see, and the other life, but was not limited to sport. Especially since she has earned it its great difficulty. 

- What kind of injury that would not allow her to speak at one stage of the Cup of Russia? : - sprained foot, stretching happened. Never mind, here you need only time to get everything fell into place. But, of course, some adjustments had to be made ​​in training.

코브튠 부분 생략

-When we see Maxim and Adeline competitions? : - I think the main thing is that we managed to find and select the best that there is in and Adeline Maxim, so the images were very interesting and memorable. Maxim will open the season on the third Grand Prix in Shanghai, and Adeline can be seen on the fourth in Moscow.

왜 국내대회는 언급이 전혀 없지?


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