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마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[질문] (해결?) 겜 중반부터 첨단 연구대 설치가 안되는 오류

00(59.21) 2024.05.16 23:18:07
조회 113 추천 0 댓글 2

겜 초반엔 첨단 연구대 설치할 때 문제 없는데
일반 플레이로 시간들여서 첨단 연구 뚫고 '히히 첨단 연구대 설치 해얒디~' 할 땐 설치가 안됨
설치하려고 하면 오류 로그 뱉고, ui창 사라지면서, 카메라 빼곤 조작 안되는 증상

- 첫 번째 로그

Exception in UIRootUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[Ref EBCE7A1B]

at RimWorld.CompAffectedByFacilities.CanPotentiallyLinkTo_Static (Verse.ThingDef facilityDef, Verse.IntVec3 facilityPos, Verse.Rot4 facilityRot, Verse.ThingDef myDef, Verse.IntVec3 myPos, Verse.Rot4 myRot, Verse.Map myMap) [0x00007] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

- TRANSPILER PerformanceOptimizer.Main: IEnumerable`1 PerformanceOptimizer.Optimization_FasterGetCompReplacement:Transpiler(IEnumerable`1 instructions, MethodBase method)

at RimWorld.CompAffectedByFacilities.CanPotentiallyLinkTo_Static (Verse.Thing facility, Verse.ThingDef myDef, Verse.IntVec3 myPos, Verse.Rot4 myRot, Verse.Map myMap) [0x00012] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

at RimWorld.CompAffectedByFacilities+<PotentialThingsToLinkTo>d__24.MoveNext () [0x00154] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

- TRANSPILER PerformanceOptimizer.Main: IEnumerable`1 PerformanceOptimizer.Optimization_FasterGetCompReplacement:Transpiler(IEnumerable`1 instructions, MethodBase method)

at RimWorld.CompAffectedByFacilities.DrawLinesToPotentialThingsToLinkTo (Verse.ThingDef myDef, Verse.IntVec3 myPos, Verse.Rot4 myRot, Verse.Map map) [0x00038] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

at RimWorld.PlaceWorker_ShowFacilitiesConnections.DrawGhost (Verse.ThingDef def, Verse.IntVec3 center, Verse.Rot4 rot, UnityEngine.Color ghostCol, Verse.Thing thing) [0x00018] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

at Verse.GhostDrawer.DrawGhostThing (Verse.IntVec3 center, Verse.Rot4 rot, Verse.ThingDef thingDef, Verse.Graphic baseGraphic, UnityEngine.Color ghostCol, Verse.AltitudeLayer drawAltitude, Verse.Thing thing, System.Boolean drawPlaceWorkers, Verse.ThingDef stuff) [0x000e4] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

- PREFIX VanillaVehiclesExpanded.Mod: Void VanillaVehiclesExpanded.GhostDrawer_DrawGhostThing_Patch:Prefix(ThingDef thingDef, Vector3& __state)

- POSTFIX SmashPhil.VehicleFramework: Void Vehicles.Rendering:DrawGhostVehicle(IntVec3 center, Rot8 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Graphic baseGraphic, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude, Thing thing)

- POSTFIX VanillaVehiclesExpanded.Mod: Void VanillaVehiclesExpanded.GhostDrawer_DrawGhostThing_Patch:Postfix(ThingDef thingDef, Vector3 __state)

at RimWorld.Designator_Place.DrawGhost (UnityEngine.Color ghostCol) [0x00033] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

at RimWorld.Designator_Place.SelectedUpdate () [0x00079] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

at RimWorld.Designator_Build.SelectedUpdate () [0x00000] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

- POSTFIX rimworld.gguake.vivi: Void VVRace.ArcanePlantPatch:Designator_Build_SelectedUpdate_Postfix(BuildableDef ___entDef)

- POSTFIX Kikohi.PipeSystem: Void PipeSystem.Designator_Build_Patch:Postfix(BuildableDef ___entDef)

at Verse.DesignatorManager.DesignatorManagerUpdate () [0x00031] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

- PREFIX rimworld.neptimus7.progressrenderer: Boolean ProgressRenderer.Harmony_DesignatorManager_DesignatorManagerUpdate:Prefix()

at RimWorld.MapInterface.MapInterfaceUpdate () [0x0002e] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

- POSTFIX SmashPhil.VehicleFramework: Void Vehicles.MapHandling:DebugUpdateVehicleRegions()

at RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootUpdate () [0x00015] in <91ef6de66e7b4ba2839be0ab7f01fedf>:0

UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()

(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Log.Error_Patch8 (string)

RimWorld.UIRoot_Play:UIRootUpdate ()

(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Root.Update_Patch1 (Verse.Root)

Verse.Root_Play:Update ()

- 두 번째 로그

Exception in UIRootUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[Ref EBCE7A1B] Duplicate stacktrace, see ref for original

UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()

(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Log.Error_Patch8 (string)

RimWorld.UIRoot_Play:UIRootUpdate ()

(wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition:Verse.Root.Update_Patch1 (Verse.Root)

Verse.Root_Play:Update ()

처음부터 안되면 모르겠는데
모드 정리하고, 겜 하기 전에 확인 해보고 되길래 맘 놓고 플레이 하면 안되니까 슬프다 ㅠㅠ


'Gloomy Furniture Fix' 의 나무책장이 맵 내에 설치되어 있으면 이런 문제 생김 책장 포장해두니까 그냥 잘되더라
거꾸로 연구대 두고 책장 설치는 잘됨

이제 진짜 맘 놓아도 되겠다 ㅎㅎㅎ


추천 비추천


고정닉 0


댓글 영역

전체 댓글 0
등록순정렬 기준선택
본문 보기

하단 갤러리 리스트 영역

왼쪽 컨텐츠 영역

갤러리 리스트 영역

갤러리 리스트
번호 말머리 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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526689 일반 바텍과 함께하는 우주선 시동 (소개편) 초꼬우유갤로그로 이동합니다. 06.06 77 0
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526678 일반 습격 우선순위 개발자 모드 신호없음갤로그로 이동합니다. 06.06 141 1
526677 일반 금 존나 땡기는 방법 없나 [7] ㅇㅇ(121.165) 06.06 185 0
526675 일반 후반부엔 약탈이념 2~3교대로 돌리는게 낫나 ㅇㅇ(106.101) 06.06 51 0
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