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일본 그로벌호크 또는 프레데터 2007년 배치

I.M 2006.01.13 10:06:13
조회 1344 추천 0 댓글 7

일본이 북한의 탄도미사일과 일본의 외딴 섬지역 방어 목적으로 그로벌호크 또는 프레데터를 2007년 도입한다고 합니다. 프레데터는 15km 중고도(?)를 날아다니고 그로벌호크는 18km 이상의 고고도를 날아다니며 작전하는 최첨단 무인정찰기로서 이라크전에도 활동한 기체입니다. 공식적으로 해외에는 이탈리아에 5대의 프레데터가 활동중이고, 독일에 5대의 그로벌호크가 공급될 예정입니다, 프레데터 가격은 한대에 14~18억 엔, 그로벌 호크는 64억 엔 이라고 합니다. 우리는 프레데터급은 자체생산하고 그로벌 호크급은 수입할 예정이었는데, 그로벌 호크 수입과 관련하여 미국과 마찰이 있었습니다. 후속 뉴스는 안나오는것 같은데 궁금하네요. " http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200601120290.html " Nukaga confirms spy plane deployment in fiscal 2007 01/12/2006 The Asahi Shimbun LONDON--Defense Agency chief Fukushiro Nukaga confirmed Wednesday that Japan will deploy U.S.-made unmanned reconnaissance planes as early as fiscal 2007, and that the selection process will move into high gear in March. In response to questions from reporters accompanying him on a visit to Britain, Nukaga indicated that consideration was being given to buy either the Predator or Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The decision for an early acquisition of a UAV was prompted by the need for intelligence to guard against a ballistic missile attack by North Korea or an invasion of an outlying island by foreign forces, observers said. Both the Predator and Global Hawk would be able to collect visual intelligence from North Korea and China, even while flying within Japan's Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ), which establish the boundaries for territorial airspace. The United States has used both vehicles in the war in Iraq. The Predator was equipped with missiles that took out military targets in Iraq. However, senior Defense Agency officials said Japan would not install any attack potential on the Predator because of the government's long-stated policy of establishing an exclusively defensive posture. The Predator can reach altitudes of about 15 kilometers, while the Global Hawk can fly up to about 18 kilometers. While the Predator can fly in any type of weather, the Global Hawk is better equipped to provide surveillance over a wider area. One Predator costs between about 1.4 billion and 1.8 billion yen, while the price for a Global Hawk is about 6.4 billion yen. The Defense Agency will send officials to the United States in March as part of the process of selecting a UAV. Officials will also be sent to Italy, which currently operates five Predators, and Germany, which has five Global Hawks restructured to meet its needs. Intelligence gathering using UAVs was one area in which Japan and the United States agreed to strengthen cooperation in an interim report on U.S. military realignment in Japan. The two nations agreed on the contents of that report in October. Defense Agency officials are also considering using the UAVs in the missile defense system to be set up using American equipment. The UAVs could be used to transmit launch information about ballistic missiles, heightening the ability of Aegis cruisers to shoot down those weapons. The Defense Agency at one time considered domestic production of a UAV. While research and development began in fiscal 2003, experts said about two decades would be needed to produce such a vehicle. Because of the pressing need for the quick deployment of a UAV, the decision was made to buy one from the United States. The Defense Agency plans to formally abandon plans to domestically produce such a vehicle in the near future.(IHT/Asahi: January 12,2006)

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