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[닙턱]Julian McMahon Interview

Vicodin(211.212) 2007.11.02 23:53:44
조회 266 추천 0 댓글 4

Though you\'ve always filmed in Los Angeles,
does it feel like you\'ve moved since the show is now set in L.A. instead of Miami?

[It\'s] very different, because the sets are so different. Not just the way they look, but we had very small sets before.
And now we have these large, expensive sets, as you can see by the first episodes,
where we were playing basketball in the office.

How much is the new location going to figure into the new season?
Are Sean and Christian going to hang out at clubs and become Hollywood guys?

Absolutely. L.A.\'s going to be another star of the show, as Miami was in the first four years.
 It just opens doors for so many great situations, different characters, and you know, we bring in this whole Hollywood lifestyle,
the extraordinary characters in this city and lengths people go to to do things.

Did you laugh when you first heard about the storyline with \'Hearts and Scalpels,
\' the TV medical drama Sean and Christian are hired to work on?

Oh, absolutely. I like the fact that it lightened up the show.

The tone seems like it\'s going to be lighter overall this season.
Yeah, I mean, we\'ve had a couple of heavy years, and I think that\'s enough of that.
The show\'s always been a romp, and we\'re just kind of keeping on romping.

The show has such a history of great guest stars, and that\'s continuing this season, right?
Rosie O\'Donnell is back as Dawn Budge?

Yeah, we\'ve got Rosie, we\'ve got Oliver Platt, Bradley Cooper ...
We\'ve got Lauren Hutton, we\'ve got John Schneider, Daphne Zuniga, Portia de Rossi ...

Will we see more romance between Dawn and Christian when Rosie comes back?
Ah, there\'s always a thing between Dawn and Christian, but how far we explore it,
I can\'t really tell ya, otherwise I\'d be giving away too much.

I also saw a rumor about New York, from \'I Love New York,\' guesting?
Is that true?

Yes, she comes in, and it\'s fantastic.
Episode six. Christian is feeling a little out of the loop, because Sean is getting all the attention from this \'Hearts and Scalpels\' thing, and so he decides to do a reality show, and New York comes on to give him pointers on how to be a good reality star.

So she\'s playing herself?

And does Christian go on a reality show then?
Yeah, he has his own reality show.

That\'s so perfect for that character! Is that an ongoing story or a one episode thing?
Well, it\'s not very successful.

That\'s hard to believe ... Christian really seems like the perfect reality show star.
Well, you\'ve got to watch. It\'s really done well.

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