디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[일반] 플레이드 원에 대해선 좀 다른 생각을 가진 네크론도 있더라구앱에서 작성

매옹이갤로그로 이동합니다. 2021.10.09 12:14:39
조회 2040 추천 30 댓글 5

Every necron knew the story: that Llandu’gor the Flayer, the only one of the necrons’ parasite-gods to be annihilated entirely in the rebellion following Szarekh’s great war, had enacted a dire revenge. After the killing blow had been struck by its slayers, the star-eater had gifted them with its own cannibal essence, and those doomed lords had passed it to their dynasties in turn.

Mentep believed in Llandu’gor’s death, but was sceptical of the rest. With no first-hand accounts of the slaying having surfaced in all the time since, he considered it a myth, spun from the chaos of the war’s ending, to ­explain away a sadder truth. Why admit the basic fact of our vulnerability, he had once asked Oltyx, during a long and bitter argument about what he insisted on calling the ‘Longing Sickness’, when we could blame our distress on the spite of gods? The cryptek could believe what he liked, however. To Sedh’s nomarch the curse was a curse, and it was contagious.

란두고르가 죽은 것은 믿지만 정말 걔가 저주를 퍼부어서 플레이드 원이 발현한게 맞나? 더 슬픈 진실을 해명하는 일종의 신화 같은거 아닌가. 플레이드 원을 "갈망 병"이라고 부르는 것에 대해 꽤 격한 논쟁을 벌인 적도 있다.


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