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[일반] 생각나서 적어보는 임페라토르 타이탄 크기들

BlackTemplars갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.05.14 16:02:18
조회 425 추천 6 댓글 14
임페라토르 타이탄 키에 관해 꽤 많은 글이 보여서, 여러 소설들을 토대로 정리 해보려 합니다

Iron within 단편소설

The communications spires and steeple-scanners at the very bottom of the fortress were hanging several thousand metres above a vast naturally-occurring lake of crude promethium, which bubbled up from the planet depths.


The Imperator was huge and certainly tall enough to stand beside and beneath the Iron Warrior citadel. It could disgorge a siege-ending horde of traitor Iron Warriors and reinforcement foot contingents of the Bi-Nyssal Equerries.

요새는 프로메튬호수 수천미터위에 메달려 있으며 임페라토르 타이탄은 그 크기에 맞먹는다고 묘사됨.

여기서 등장한 타이탄은 최소 천미터로 추청.

Blood in the Machine 오디오 드라마

An Imperator-class Battle Titan, the Validus was a monument to the achievement and arrogance of man.


The kilometre-long weapons mounted under the Validus’s shoulders blazed like miniature suns as they fired, annihilating entire columns of ork vehicles and burning great furrows in the earth.

임페라토르 타이탄 발리두스는 1킬로미터의 포를 장비하고 있다.

포가 1킬로면 키는 아마 1킬로미터 이상으로 예상됨.

Fire Warrior 게임 소설

Its architecture was positively bizarre: a chapel-fortress rising up sixty storeys or more, vaulted windows and defensive emplacements pocking every square tor’lek of stone and metal.

60층 이상의 높이를 가졌고, 저게 움직인다는 사실에 놀람.

한 층당 2미터로 가정을 한다면(물론 2미터로 잡은것 뿐, 바닥등등에 아스타르테스까지 들어갈 수 있으니 훨씬 더 높을 것) 120미터 이상

Horus Rising 소섫

" Black, humanoid figures paced slowly in across the limits of the palace sprawl. They were shaped like armoured men, and they trudged like men, but they were giants, each one hundred and forty metres tall. The Mechanicum had deployed a half-dozen of its Titan war engines. Around the Titans’ soot-black ankles, troops flooded forward in a breaking wave three kilometres wide."

140미터의 임페라토르 타이탄들

False gods 소설

The Titan stood forty-three metres tall on crenellated bastion legs, each one capable of mounting a full company of soldiers and their associated supporting troops.

Dies Irae 43미터..

워해머 커뮤니티 - 전에 본 9피트짜리 실물 기사에서 발췌, 링크는 못찾음..

As the largest of all Imperial Titans, the Imperator is legendary among fans of god-machines. An official model has only been produced once, in the late 90s, for the Epic-scale Titan Legions game. 

Ever since then, the sheer improbability of a 100+-metre high* walking cathedral has captured the imagination of generations of gamers and artists. 

100미터 정도의 걸어다니는 성당

이렇듯 타이탄의 크기 묘사는 소설마다 다릅니다. 43미터부터 1킬로미터까지 다양하게 있죠. 

최소 43미터, 좀 크다 100미터 이상, 최대??? 로 결론을 낼 수 있을 것 같습니다.



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