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[정보] 번지 패치노트 올라왔는디

ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 2019.10.27 03:46:37
조회 3527 추천 17 댓글 12


눈에 띄는건 버그패치중 이자나기픽스
업적 점수에 티어추가(티어마다 보너스 업적점수 부가)
UI, 폰트 색깔및 크기 변경 옵션 추가
신규 PVP모드에 대한 설명
24일날 올라온건데 왜 아무도 안올렸누

Destiny 2 Update 2.6.1

Next Tuesday, Destiny 2 Update 2.6.1 is scheduled to go live. This update will introduce a broad variety of changes to the player experience, and resolves a number of known issues that have emerged since the launch of Shadowkeep. Here are some highlights:

  • Resolved an issue that prev1ented some veteran players from unlocking Black Armory forges and completing the Mysterious Box quest for Izanagi’s Burden.

  • Resolved an issue that preve1nted players from abandoning the Mysterious Box quest for Izanagi’s Burden on alt characters—it will be retrievable from Ada-1.

  • Resolved an issue where the Exodus Black destination quest could not be recovered if abandoned—it will be retrievable from Failsafe.

  • Resolved an issue which preve1nted some players from earning the “Silimar’s Design” Triumph—this Triumph will unlock retroactively for eligible players.

  • Resolved an issue causing daily bounties from Eris Morn and the Lectern of Enchantment to rotate weekly.

  • Resolved an issue that increased load times for previewing gear while traveling between destinations.


Now that we’re neck deep in Season of the Undying, we wanted to talk about some changes to Seasonal Triumphs in the third year of Destiny 2. You may have noticed some of the changes to the system and the Destiny Dev Team wanted to let you know some of our thinking behind why we are adjusting Triumphs going forward. 

Destiny Dev Team: 

As always, we start with the goals:

  • Provide more tiers of pursuit for players 

  • Provide Seasonal pursuits that match each Season of Destiny

  • Ensure everyone has a chance to show off their accomplishments

What’s in a Triumph Tier?

Starting with Shadowkeep, individual Triumphs can now have tiers. They grant a portion of its total Triumph score as you make progress toward the final Triumph. For example, consider the SEASON 8: POWER BONUS Triumph. It has three tiers. To earn the first tier, you need to gain 5 points of bonus Power from your Season 8 Artifact, the Gate Lord’s Eye. Once you do, you’ll get 10 points of Triumph score toward your account’s total Triumph Score, and the next tier will be revealed to you. 

As part of this release, we went through all the existing Triumphs in the game and added in tiers to Triumphs where they made sense. 

Color Your Words

Accessibility is something we’re always trying to improve in Destiny. We have some new changes coming next week to make subtitles easier to read. The Destiny Dev Team is here to tell you more! 

Destiny Dev Team: Have you ever found yourself wishing the subtitles were bigger, or liked having them on but thought they took up too much space, or wanted them to be a different color? 

It has always been important for us that we make Destiny’s UI accessible to the widest range of possible players as we can. Later this month, we’ll be releasing an update that adds more options to let you change the look of subtitles in Destiny. Five different sizes to pick from, a variety of text colors, and a few different styles for the background. 

Video Link

These new subtitle settings are found in the settings tab under “Gameplay” on PC and “Accessibility” on consoles, and they’re present in new users’ initial log-in experience. We’ve also taken this opportunity to consolidate some PC settings into five subsections.

This is just one focused update on increasing accessibility options in Destiny, with plans for additional updates in later releases. (A small example that didn’t quite make this next release is a fix for subtitles disappearing when navigating between menus). We’d love to hear your feedback on these changes, as well as what other accessibility improvements are important to you.

Continue the Momentum

Image Linkimgur

Next week, Lord Shaxx is mixing things up in the Crucible with a new mode called Momentum Control. While Mayhem puts focus on Supers, Momentum shifts your focus to gunplay. This is a fast-paced, hair-on-fire experience where the lethality of all weapons has been cranked to 11. You’re incentivized to be aggressive as you defeat other Guardians to earn charged melees, grenades, and Supers. Here’s a quick rundown of what to expect:

  • Instant Respawn Times 

    • Out of the fight? No problem; drop right back in immediately

  • Weapon Damage Increased 

    • Higher combat lethality 

    • Everything in your arsenal is a contender

  • Ability Regen Requires Effort 

    • Defeat enemy players to charge your melee, grenade, and Super

  • No Tracker 

    • Sneak around your enemies for some sweet flanks

  • Amped Control 

    • Zones capture faster and grant more bonus points per kill

  • Super Charged Supers

    • Increased damage resist in Super means you become the 1,000-pound gorilla

    • Be careful, because Heavy weapons will put you down quickly

  • The Heaviest of Ammo 

    • Increased Heavy ammo respawn rates and drop amounts 


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2642367 🚫스포 스포)싱글벙글 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:56 155 1
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2642358 일반 갤클 데이투 몇팀이나 나오려나 애옹이갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:44 49 0
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2642355 일반 이거 뭐임? 이게 왜 여기 있음?? 뭐지?? [5] ㅇㅇ(182.215) 08:38 213 0
2642353 일반 빨리 메아리시즌 하고싶어서 미치겟다 [2] ㅁㄹㅅ갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:37 147 0
2642352 일반 타이탄 추진기도 헌터 구르기처럼 3인칭되면 좋겠음 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:36 42 0
2642351 일반 척결 알아서 팀짜줌? [4] ㅇㅇ(221.143) 08:35 131 0
2642350 일반 베일이 활동을 안하는게 신기함 [1] bamboo갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:32 110 0
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2642343 🚫스포 스포)여행자 상태 생각해보니 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:19 262 0
2642342 질문 이거 아직 됨? [2] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:19 61 0
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2642340 일반 서버 진짜개좆같네 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:12 59 0
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2642336 일반 생각해보니까 데가랑 관련된 의미있는 숫자가 뭐가있을까 [3] ㅇㅇ(106.255) 08:07 102 0
2642335 일반 고스트찾기 환영퀘 깬사람 있음? [6] 하얀콩갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:06 137 0
2642334 일반 이거 쓰레기야? 2개나 있음 [2] 씹새갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:05 251 0
2642333 일반 빛의티끌 서비터 아직도 안풀림? ㅇㅇ(210.90) 07:55 68 0
2642332 일반 창백한심장 방어구 먹는 방법 따로 있음? [4] ㅇㅇ(106.255) 07:46 155 0
2642331 일반 2네임드 딜페 보고 나서 시간 너무 모자란데 뭐 놓친거 있나? [4] ㅇㅇ(211.201) 07:45 150 0
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