디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[정보] 1.93 2차데브 데이터마이너피셜 변경점.

찹쌀떡날탄갤로그로 이동합니다. 2019.10.28 09:45:05
조회 298 추천 0 댓글 5

Damage_model.blk: that's a lotta damage

  • Added new damage models: funnel_05_dm (probably for the new bigger ships), and a lot of main caliber and auxiliary caliber DM’s as well


  • Added new bands for radar frequency cross sections (bands 0 to 9) and also added a new factor to each frequency “treesNonTransparencyMult”

Updated the halloween hangar (wink wink update this week? :P) 할로윈 이벤트 추정

Added new weather preset: weather_preset_halloween. 할로윈 이벤트 추정

FM changes:

  • Fury mk1,Fury mk2,Nimrod mk1 and Nimrod mk2 got completely revamped.

  • New FM file called Gladiator_j8a

  • Hunter F.9 received 30kgf more thrust

  • Saab J29D huge FM change: thrust decreased from 2170kgf to 2070kgf, slightly increased maximum mach speed, nerfed base thrust coefficient on every altitude, buffed afterburner thrust coefficient on every altitude and finally, changed landing gear brakes friction.

Weapon Presets:

  • Saab J29D received new preset: 14x150mm rockets

Plane changes:

  • A-129 received countermeasure options (same exact IRCM as the Mi-24’s)

  • Br 20m received a new skin (br_20m_m1_c_tomoe)

  • G-lynx and Lynx Ah mk1 received a TV Tracker sensor (not sure what this is might be the MFD’s)

  • Ka-50 Zoom-Out FOV changed from 1.5 to 3.6

  • Saab J29D should have received it’s full loadouts: 75mm rockets, 145mm rockets, 150mm rockets and 180mm rockets

  • Swift F.7 received its Fireflash AAM’s


  • TV tracker sensor LoS lock changed from “nothing” to a cone.

Tank changes:

  • ZTZ-96: Armor fixed, won’t have more than 30000mm of armor anymore. Also has a TT icon.

  • AMD.35 Has a TT icon.

  • AMX 30 ACRA got a TT icon.

  • BMP-1 DDR got a TT icon.

  • Centurion Action X got a TT icon, some armor changes on it as well.

  • All centurions and Fv4005 got composite armor for hull (not sure what that means “composite_armor_hull_01_dm”), i defo would like to know what this really means.

  • Vickers MBT got a TT icon. Some slight DM changes and now it got the ready rack ammo mechanic.

  • M1A1 Abrams weight reduced, from 58970kg to 57150kg

  • M1A2 ammo storage increased from 40 bullets to 42 bullets.

  • 9P149 got a new modification, 9P149M, gives it thermal capabilities.

  • BMP-3 some armor changes for the gun, floating ability changed, modern laser rangefinder added as a modification.

  • Tunguska: changed some antenna locations and DM’s.

Weapon Changes:

  • 100mm 2A70 ATGM rate of fire nerfed from 0.1 shots per second to 0.034 (from 10s reload to 29.4s)

  • 100mm D-10T-2S rate of fire for the ATGM also nerfed to 0.034.

  • M830A1 will no longer explode when in proximity with other shells.

  • New naval weapons added: 120mm_45_qf_mk12_mount_cp17_single,127mm_38_mk12_turret_mk22_twin, 127mm_38_mk12_turret_mk28,20mm_oerlikon_mk24_twin_mount.

  • Lots of changes for: 127mm_38_mk12_turret_mk21_single, 127mm_38_mk12_turret_mk30_single, 127mm_38_mk12_turret_mk38_twin.

  • 152mm_6inch_47_mk_16 recoil offset changed from 0.457 to 0.533.

  • 7.92 MG34 (for naval) changed shell type from “ap_i_ball” to “ap_i_t_ball”

  • 9M127 Vikhr ATGM added new code “autoAimTrackingSensitivity”

  • Lots of changes for the new swedish 145mm,180mm and 75mm rockets.

  • New rockets added: swd_150mm_srak_m46,swd_150mm_srak_m51.

Map changes:

  • Avn_ice_port: changed tankGridSteps,tankGridSize,tankMapCoord0 and aiTanksMapCoord0 (they all went up in value)

  • Changed the hangar to the Halloween version with the new weather preset, different tone mapping added.

That's everything.



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정보 1.93 2차데브 데이터마이너피셜 변경점. [5] 찹쌀떡날탄갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.28 298 0
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106742 정보 독일 돌격포 트리 입문자용 공략 및 운용법 1편 (스압주의) [5] EtihwHawk갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.24 994 8
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105368 정보 아케팁 몇개 [3] kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.20 208 0
105276 정보 10월 21일까지 부품 팔 생각 없는 사람들을 위한 심플한 팁 [1] EtihwHawk갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.19 209 3
105200 정보 데이터마이닝 신규폭탄 모델링 4개 [7] 찹쌀떡날탄갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.19 343 2
105170 정보 야간전은 필터로 극복하자(엠드는 안되요) [2] 릴캐갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.19 159 0
104218 정보 상품 환불시 불이익.jpg [20] 대공포갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 2800 18
104214 정보 퀴진로얄 정보-방어구편 kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 69 0
104210 정보 퀴진로얄 총기 정보-수류탄과 기타편 [2] kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 82 0
104205 정보 퀴진로얄 총기 정보-샷건편 [9] kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 139 1
104202 정보 퀴진로얄 총기 정보-권총편 [1] kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 102 4
104194 정보 퀴진로얄 총기 정보-MG편 [1] kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 113 0
104192 정보 퀴진로얄 총기 정보-SMG편 kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 65 0
104182 정보 퀴진로얄 총기 정보-라이플편 [4] kraj갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 184 1
104109 정보 헬파이어 좆창난 이유 짤로 설명 [4] 시커돌갤로그로 이동합니다. 19.10.17 903 7
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