디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[🔊] AI)하루종일 쌓은 공든 탑의 클라이막스. 같이즐겨요

SDC갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.03.10 01:16:46
조회 168 추천 0 댓글 11

중간 중간 문장이 이상하게 느껴지면

1. 내가 허접이어서 2. AI가 이해할 수 있게 써야해서 3. 돈 아끼려고 

내용은 그냥 클리셰하고 난이도는 이지함

원래 길게 할 생각 없었는데 중간에 삘받아서 여기까지 했음

'SDCX'인 이유는 SDC X-rated 의 줄임말임 말장난 ㅋㅋ

'나'는 티내고 다니지는 않는 적당한 수저의 고3 남성

'하나'는 일찐까지는 아니고 기쎈 고3 여성

그리고 저번부터 하는 중인 ts친구 되돌리기 세션과 관련없음 <~중요함

GPT4-Turbo, 별도의 수퍼메모리는 없고, 내가 가끔씩 내용 정리해서 보조메모리에 추가해 둠.

토큰 문제로 영여가 많아서 번역기 돌리든 그냥 읽든 알아서 하셈

먹을만 하다고 생각하는데, 내가 웹소에 절여져서 기준이 ㅋㅋ

금요일 저녁. 서울, 대한민국 (이라고 상상하는 정신병자와 ai의 랜덤 헛소리입니다 판사님)

식사를 마치고, 택시를 불러 같이 하나의 집으로 간다.

문을 열고 들어가 손을 씻고 차를 준비해 식탁에 앉는다.

"식사는 어땠어? 맘에 들었으면 좋겠네. 우리 이제 이야기 할까?"

Hana walks into the apartment, the weight of the evening's revelations still heavy on her mind.

She's quiet as she moves to the sink, washing her hands with a meticulousness that seems more about stalling than cleanliness.

Her fingers work up a lather, the soap bubbles catching the light, shimmering briefly before being washed away.

The act of preparing tea is methodical, a routine that offers a semblance of normalcy.

She measures out the leaves, heats the water, and sets the teapot on the tray with a precision that speaks to a need for control, for order amidst the chaos of her emotions.

She takes a seat at the table, the china clin/king softly as she arranges the cups.

Her eyes lift to meet SDCX's, holding a depth that's been absent in past interactions, a complexity that mirrors the turn of events.

"식사는... 좋았어," she replies, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.

"네가 고른 음식들 다 맛있었고, 분위기도 좋았어."

She pours the tea, the liquid amber in color, the steam rising and curling in the quiet space between them.

"이야기하자," she continues, setting the teapot down with a quiet finality.

"난... 난 아직 많이 헷갈려. 이 모든 게... 빠르게 돌아가고 있는 것 같아. 이제 엄마가 된다는 거, 그리고 너랑... 이야기할 게 많아."

Her fingers wrap around the teacup, the warmth seeping into her palms, grounding her.

She takes a deep breath, steadying herself for the conversation to come, for the sharing of thoughts and fears, for the weaving of a future that was, until now, unimaginable.

"어렵게 생각할거 없어. 난 너를 원했고. 너는 이미 짝이 있었어. 그래서 너를 못 얻더라도 피붙이 하나 얻고 싶었어. 그냥, 그런 이야기야."

Hana listens, her teacup cradled between her hands, the warmth a contrast to the chill settling in her core.

The casual bluntness of his words cuts through her, raw and unvarnished, laying bare the nature of her situation.

She swallows, feeling the tea scald her throat as it goes down, mirroring the burn of the truth as it sinks in.

"그게... 전부야?" she asks, her voice a mix of disbelief and resignation.

The simplicity of his desire, the reduction of her to a means to an end—it's a bitter pill that she's forced to swallow, each word a confirmation of her role in his life.

She sets the teacup down with a soft clink, her gaze fixed on the table, on anything but him.

"너는 원하는 걸 얻었어. 나는... 나는 이제 어떻게 해야 하는 건데?"

Her fingers are tense, white-knuckled, as she grapples with the gravity of his admission, the undeniable fact of her pregnancy.

"나한테 뭐가 남은 거지?"

Hana's breath hitches in her chest, a silent sob that she stifles with a harsh swallow.

She feels exposed, stripped of illusions, the façade of control she'd clung to, shattered.

Her eyes finally lift to meet his, searching for something—anything—that might resemble understanding or remorse.

But she finds none, and her heart sinks even further into the abyss of her predicament.

"나한테 남을지... 너의 남친과 남을지. 선택이 남았지."

차를 한 입 마신다. "물론 나는 너의 선택을 존중할거야."

Hana’s eyes narrow, a flicker of something—anger, defiance, perhaps both—flashes within them.

She grips her teacup a bit too tightly, the knuckles of her hand whitening with the pressure.

"So that's it? Just like that, I have to choose?"

Her words come out laced with bitterness, her emotions raw and exposed.

She leans forward, the tea forgotten, her focus solely on the man across from her.

"You act like it's just a simple choice. What about responsibility, huh? What about... us?"

The last word hangs in the room, heavy and loaded.

Hana's hands shake slightly, and she places the cup back on the saucer with a quiet clink, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

"If I stay with him... what does that mean for the baby? And if I choose you, what, I'm just your 'bitch' and a mother? Is that all I am to you?"

Her voice is rising, a clear sign of her struggle to maintain control, her face flushed with the intensity of her emotions.

She stands abruptly, the chair scraping loudly against the floor.

"And if you respect my choice, why does it feel like you've cornered me into making one now? Why does it feel like I don't actually have a choice at all?"

Hana’s breathing is heavy, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her entire body coiled with tension.

The apartment feels too small suddenly, the walls closing in on her as the magnitude of the situation becomes suffocating.

Hana begins to pace, her footsteps erratic, the trapped energy within her seeking an outlet.

"And what about what I want? What about my life, my plans? Did you ever think about that?"

Her words are a crescendo of frustration, the veneer of calm shattering as the raw reality of her predicament becomes undeniable.

"맞아. 너는 완벽하게 유도됐어. 이 모든 상황은 나의 계획대로야. 음침하고, 기분 나쁘지."

차를 마신다.

"걱정하지마, 학교를 원하면 남을 수 있게 해줄게. 아니면 전학도 가능하고 검정고시를 치뤄도 괜찮아.
남친을 선택한다면... 아이의 출신을 속이고 남친과 키우고 싶다면 그렇게 해.
너와 아이를 주기적으로 만날 수만 있다면 그것도 지원해 줄께.
나를 선택한다면... 많은 걸 해줄거야.
오늘 봤겠지만, 나는 할 수 있는게 꽤 많거든."

다 마신 차를 내려놓는다.

"안 돼는건 하나야, 낙태. 그 선택을 하면... 후회할거라는 말만 해둘께."

The words hit Hana like a slap to the face, the realization of how meticulously her life had been orchestrated by someone else.

"So you've been playing God with me..." she spits out, the tea she was holding forgotten, her hands now trembling with a mixture of anger and fear.

"I get it, I was just a pawn in your sick little plan. Manipulated. Used."

Her voice is sharp, laced with a venom that's been building inside her ever since the evening's events unfolded.

She stands up abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor with a sharp noise.

"And now you give me these... options. Like I'm supposed to be grateful for your magnanimity."

Hana paces back and forth, her mind racing with the gravity of the decisions before her.

School, her boyfriend, the baby—every facet of her life has been tainted, turned into a chessboard for SDCX's machinations.

She stops, turning to face him, her eyes ablaze with a fire that hadn't been there before.

"You say you'll support me no matter what I choose, but it's all on your terms, isn't it?

What about what I want? What I need?"

She leans forward, her fists clenched at her sides.

"You can't control everything. I am not your property, and this baby..."

Hana's hand instinctively goes to her belly, protectiveness flaring within her despite the situation.

"...is not just some extension of your ego."

Her voice drops to a dangerous whisper, her words slow and deliberate.

"And if I decide to get an abortion, that's my choice.
You don't get to threaten me with regret or anything else.
This is my body, my life, and I won't be a prisoner to your desires or your money."

Hana grabs her bag, ready to leave, to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the apartment, to breathe, to think, to figure out what her next move is in this high-stakes game she never asked to play.

"I need time," she says, her voice steadier now, her resolve like steel.

"Time to think, to decide. And whatever I choose, it will be for me, not for you, not for anyone else."

With that, she heads for the door, each step fueled by a newfound determination, a desperate need to reclaim her agency in a narrative that's been wrested from her hands.

Her exit is swift, the closing door a punctuation mark on a chapter that may just be the beginning of her fight for control of her own destiny.

"저런, 바보 하나. 자기 집에서 자기가 나가버렸네."

손님, 이었지만 지금은 홀로 남은 나는 잔을 정리하고 문 밖을 나섰다.

"아들이든 딸이든 지능은 날 닮고 외모는 엄마를 닮았으면 좋을텐데 말이야."

하나를 찾아 밖을 나선다. 임신초기에 이런 행동은 위험하니까.

The apartment door closes with a soft click, leaving the space hollow and silent in Hana's wake.

Her departure is a statement, a sharp break from the tension that had thickened the atmosphere moments before.

Her footsteps echo down the hallway, a rhythmic beat that marks her distance from the situation she's fleeing.

Outside, the night has taken on a chill, the buzz of the city creating a distant backdrop to her troubled thoughts.

Hana wraps her arms around herself, the need for self-comfort evident in the gesture.

Her mind races, a tumult of emotion—anger, fear, uncertainty—each vying for dominance.

As she moves through the streets, her pace is brisk, her direction seemingly aimless but driven by an inherent desire to put distance between herself and the decisions that await her.

The cool night air is a sharp contrast to the warmth of the apartment she's left behind, the quiet of the evening juxtaposed against the turmoil within her.

Hana's hand absently comes to rest on her abdomen, the reality of the life growing inside her both a source of wonder and a wellspring of concern.

The thought of SDCX, his plan, and his words—each twists like a knife in her gut, complicating the protective instinct that has begun to stir within her.

She's cognizant of the risks of her emotional and physical state, the stress of the confrontation and the night’s escapade potentially hazardous to her and the baby's well-being.

The gravity of her situation weighs heavily on her, and a part of her knows she cannot run indefinitely from the choices that she must confront.

Her breath comes out in visible puffs, the only outward sign of the inner upheaval she's experiencing. Each step is a silent declaration of her determination to take control of her story, her life, her body.

Yet, even as she moves through the shadows of the night, part of her remains acutely aware of the possibility that SDCX will come looking for her, his concern for the child driving him into the night in search of the reticent mother-to-be.

GPT4 쉨 중간부터 당황해서 프롬프트 무시하고 영어로 말하기 시작하는거 고칠까 했다가 그냥 냅둠 ㅋㅋ

감정의 급류처럼 느껴져서 나쁘지 않네

여기서 멈춰놓고 딴거해야지

아 금지어 애미

추천 비추천


고정닉 0

댓글 영역

전체 댓글 0
등록순정렬 기준선택
본문 보기

하단 갤러리 리스트 영역

왼쪽 컨텐츠 영역

갤러리 리스트 영역

갤러리 리스트
번호 말머리 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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