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마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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[일반] 밑에글 잘못 번역해서 가져왔길래 정확하게 가져온 전 PS5 개발자 루머

ForteFreccia갤로그로 이동합니다. 2020.04.26 15:03:29
조회 154 추천 7 댓글 2

A little while ago there was an article in an overseas site that had an interview with a Crytek Engineer. That part is real of course, the guy actually does work at Crytek. But it was found out that the guy did not have direct access to either devkit and was a mobile developer at the time.

( Edit : feel bad here for calling Ali Salehi a fraud in the title. He never actually lied about anything in regards to his position at Crytek. )

So in an effort for fairness, this needs to be known about Chris Grannell.

Chris Grannell is the source you keep hearing about on social media sites, supposed game news sites, and of course YouTube sites ( the bastion of fake insiders currently ). He is the one who says the " difference between the PS5 and Series X is staggering ". And makes claims that the PS5 would have difficulty rendering open world games and such and such.

What's the problem you ask? Remember what I said about the above Crytek developer? The same thing is happening here with this former Sony developer. He has no devkit. He does not work for any game company even. He hasn't been In the game industry for 10+ years. Yet here he is creating headlines talking about the technical aspects of both systems.

Beyond just that information. Chris Grannell is a fraud. His PUBLIC LinkedIn is a lie. Within the LinkedIn he claims to actually be a game designer for Killzone 2. This is a staggering claim and absolutely false. He is not credited at all during the creative portion of the Killzone 2 credits. The only time his name is seen is when the list of employees at other studios is shown. In his case his name pops up during the SCEE Liverpool section. He did not have anything to do with the creation of Killzone.

He also mentions he is the game designer of Wipeout. This is another lie. His name can be found nowhere in regards to the Wipeout titles. ( Edit. After further research I cannot find his name mentioned anywhere in regards to Wipeout HD. What I found was actually his own words stating he worked on Wipeout HD in a forum esque looking post. Researched further and for alot longer and his name never comes up with Wipeout credits anywhere at anytime )

His only legitimate claim to anything in regards to game design for Sony is the Formula One series on PS3. From 2001-2007 ( edited ) He is credited as " game design ". Not lead game design, just lead design. Lead Game Design is credited for someone else. ( Edit someone found more info, he is credited as game design in the formula one series 2 times, 1 as just Design, 2 as additional design, Lead once )

So we have a guy running around social media claiming 14+ years experience as a game developer for Sony and claiming game design ( even saying Lead game design ) for Killzone 2 and Wipeout and such like that when in reality he worked on a few formula one games as game design for 6 years and in the QA department at Liverpool before then.

That is what you call a fraud.

If Ali Salehi should have all his statements retracted because he didn't have a devkit. So should this guy.

Will it happen? Lol. Probably not. Not with this current media cycle. Just look at the headlines created by this guy.

I'm seeing articles even claiming he worked on Horizon Zero Dawn lol. That he was a lead game designer at Guerilla Games ( he never worked for Guerilla Games ever ), etc etc. It's staggering.

So as I said. Simply for fairness sake. Let's let the truth be known about this so called insider. If he will lie in a public record, what truth can he possibly claim to actually knowing people with PS5/Series X hardware ? None. His credibility is gone.

It's unfortunate the hype surrounding the next generation allows such people as the above to flood media sites with false information but here we are. People like to use times like these to bolster their image or whatever. This is when you see all those fake insiders appear out of the woodworks with " secret information ". Just follow my channel and click that subscribe button for more!

이게 원문인데 내용 요약하면

전에 크라이텍 개발자라고 알리 살레히란 사람이 아랍 웹진과 인터뷰하며 PS5 개발킷이 훨씬 더 좋다는 요지의 말을 한 적이 있었는데 까고보니 모바일 개발자에 콘솔 개발킷에 접근할만한 권한도 없다는게 뽀록나면서 인터뷰도 내려가고 이사람도 잠적하는 사건이 있었음

그리고 최근에 또 크리스 가드넬이라고 전 소니 직원이 XSX 와 PS5 의 성능을 비교하며 PS5가 오픈월드에서 고전할 거라는 주장을 한 사람이 있는데, 레딧 유저의 주장은 이 크리스 가드넬도 사기꾼 구라쟁이라는거임

최소 10년은 게임업계에서 일해본적도 없고, '포뮬러 원' 이란 게임에 개발 리드 디자이너로 참여한건 맞지만 게릴라 게임즈에서 킬존 2, 호라이즌 제로 던 등의 타이틀 개발에 참여한 경력도 없고 LinkedIn 프로필은 완전히 사기로 꾸며놓았다고 주장하고 있음

그러면서 알리 살레히의 인터뷰가 거짓으로 판명나 내려갔듯이, 얘의 주장도 거짓이라 믿지 말아야 한다고 말하고 있는 내용임

즉 PS5 가 오픈월드 환경이나 레이트레이싱 면에서 XSX 보다 낮을 것이라고 인터뷰했던 자칭 전 소니 직원 크리스 가드넬이 사실은 소니 퍼스트 출신도 아니며 프로젝트 핵심 인력으로 참여한 전적도 없고 개발킷을 다루어본 적도 없다는 게 저 레딧글의 주장임


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