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이스라엘제 Heron 중고도 무인정찰기가 공개된다고 합니다

I.M 2006.02.16 12:32:27
조회 1196 추천 0 댓글 7

싱가폴에서 열리는 항공 전시회에 이스라엘제 Heron 중고도 무인정찰기가 공개된다고 합니다. Heron은 IAI에서 개발한 중고도 무인정찰기로서 30,000 FT 상공에서 40시간을 날아다닐 수 있는 물건입니다. 해안감시용 레이더와 ELINT 능력을 포함한 다양한 센서가 장착되고, 최근 이스라엘 공군에 몇대의 Heron 시스템 공급계약을 5,000만 달러에 맺었다고 합니다. 이밖에도 활주로가 아닌 발사대에서 이륙가능한 근거리 전술 UAV(6 마일 범위)인 I-View도 참여한다고 합니다. I-View는 최근에 오스트레일리아와 1억 달러짜리 계약을 했다네요. " http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1139395419480&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull " IAI gears up for Asian Aerospace Expo By YAAKOV KATZ Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) began making its final preparations on Wednesday for the Asian Aerospace Expo - one of the most important international aviation exhibitions in the world set to begin next Tuesday in Singapore. IAI will conduct a unique flight demonstration of its Heron Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) - capable of enduring 40 hours at altitudes up to 30,000 feet while under tough weather conditions. The Heron can be fitted with various sensors including maritime patrol radar systems and electronic intelligence capabilities. IAI recently signed a $50 million contract with the Israeli Air Force to supply it with several Heron systems. In addition to the Heron, IAI will also put on display its I-View tactical UAV which specializes in close-range missions and takes off from a launcher and not a runway as well as the Bird Eye mini-UAV which provides over-the-hill reconnaissance with an operational range of 6 miles. IAI recently signed a $100 million deal with the Australian Defense Forces for the supply of the I-View UAV. IAI's Lahav Division said Wednesday that it planned to unveil the innovative Guardium Unmanned Security Vehicle (USV) which specializes in autonomous fence and border protection. The Guardium, officials said, would become operational by the end of the year and would be used by the IDF for border patrols. The Guardium USV is equipped with sensors for unmanned navigation and can be outfitted with grenade launchers, machine guns and other operational means. Another new invention to be unveiled at the expo is the Twister Multi-Mission Joint Operations Control Center developed by the IAI's MagNet Center and designed to give military commanders full control of joint operation missions involving USVs, UAVs, attack helicopters and ground forces. Meanwhile Wednesday, Elta Systems Group - an IAI subsidiary - announced the signing of several contracts valued at $100 million for a range of coastal surveillance, maritime patrol and intelligence systems with two countries in Africa and three other undisclosed clients.

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