디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

DH223,224 SPOILER lol

ㅋㅋ 2006.05.15 12:27:26
조회 310 추천 0 댓글 7

2-23 / 2-24 -- May 21    REMEMBER  -- TWO HOUR SEASON FINALE! The season finale is 2 hours long, and runs from 9-11 (8-10 Central). It will solve the mystery surrounding the Applewhites, whose story appears to end in this episode; and it will answer the question of whether Zach is Mike's son. Also, someone is going to die. The episode will include flashbacks to the women moving to Wisteria Lane.  In one flashback to 2002, Gabrielle's horrified by the condition of her lawns and shrubs.  Who ever could she find to take care of her gardening?  In another flashback to 1994, the Van De Kamps (including Rex!) move in to their new home, and Bree's disconcerted by Andrew's wish to play with his sister's doll.  In another flashback, Bree forces Andrew to apologize to a store for shoplifting, and he also says he hates his mother.   We'll learn how Mary Alice originally brought all the women together. Melanie, who was killed by one of the Applewhites, will appear in flashbacks explaining her murder.  One of the Chicago detectives seen last November investigating Melanie's murder will also appear. Betty and one of her sons are arrested.   The detective will question her about the murder. Zach has inherited a large estate and money, thanks to the death of his grandfather.   Felicia and Noah will both be in the episode. A middle-aged golf instructor hits on one of the women.  Gabrielle sees something that shocks her. Someone buys an expensive engagement ring.  Both Karl and Mike are in the scene, but which is planning to propose?  Look for Karl to try to come between Susan and Mike. Desperate for money, Susan tries and fails to get a children's book publisher to accept her pitch.  Susan ends up moving into a trailer.  Susan and Mike reunite, and there's a cliffhanger involving them.  Orson somehow comes between their happiness. Bree is still in the psychiatric facility she checked herself into, and she insists she's not like the other people there.  At night she's restrained to her bed and she cannot convince an orderly to let her go.  Bree gets some frightening news. Gabrielle and Carlos learn something about Xiao-Mei.  Jesse Metcalfe returns as John, though his appearances may be limited to flashbacks.  Gabrielle's other gardener, Ralph, will also be around.  Gabrielle suspects something's up between Carlos and Xiao-Mei. Lynette faces a crisis in her marriage as she learns the full truth about Tom. Mrs. McCluskey is in the episode. Actress Kiersten Warren joins the cast as Nora, in a recurring role that will stretch into next season, and look for her to be connected to the crisis. Tom, Nora, and Lynette have a chat together about Tom's huge secret. Orson will be around; look for Kyle Maclachlan to be in the third season, and actress Julie White will be introduced as Amanda, a recurring character somehow connected to Orson.

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갤러리 리스트
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