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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

알무새들 특징 -> 덤 조정을 해주면 알파고의 기력이 향상된다고 믿음ㅋㅋ

사쿠라패권(119.206) 2017.05.29 01:24:14
조회 174 추천 2 댓글 0


인공지능의 떡수를 줄이기 위한 동적 덤(dynamic komi) 시스템이 효과없음을 밝히는 논문들이 구글에 검색하면 쫘르르 나옴ㅋㅋ

아래에 첨부해놨으니까 시간남는 병신들은 읽어보고


알무새들한테 알파고 끝내기 떡수 두니까 저거 버그 아님?이라고 물어보면 아니라고 빡빡 우김 시발ㅋㅋ

만약 형세가 비슷했으면 제대로 된 끝내기를 했을거래 시발ㅋㅋ

그 말은 덤을 조정해줘서 형세를 비슷하게 만들어주면 알파고는 떡수가 발생하지 않는다는 거잖아 결국ㅋㅋㅋ

근데 과연 그럴까 병신들아?


Dynamic Komi 1

Balancing MCTS by Dynamically Adjusting Komi Value

Petr Baudiˇs1

Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

SUSE Labs, Novell, Prague, Czech Republic


The Monte Carlo Tree Search in the game of Go tends to produce unstable and unreasonable results

when used in situations of extreme advantage or disadvantage, due to poor move selection because of

low signal-to-noise ratio; notably, this occurs when playing in high handicap games, burdening the

computer with further disadvantage against the strong human opponent. We explore and compare

multiple approaches to mitigate this problem by artificially evening out the game based on modification

of the final game score by variable amount of points (“dynamic komi”) before storing the

result in the game tree. We also compare performance of MCTS and traditional tree search in the

context of extreme situations and measure the effect of dynamic komi on actual playing strength of a

state-of-art MCTS Go program. Based on our results, we also conjencture on resilience of the game

search tree to changes in the evaluation function throughout the search.

This work has not been submitted to peer review and official publication yet and is a work-in-progress, for

your review only. Version 20110724a.


The board game of Go has proven to be a challenge for traditional game-playing algorithms. Recently, the

approach of using Monte Carlo simulations organized in a probabilistic minimax tree finally made significant

headways in playing strength, far outperforming any other programmatic approaches and achieving the level of

advanced human Go players on standard-sized boards and master level on small boards (Gelly and Silver, 2008).

However, multiple obstacles hinder the effectivity of the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) approach.

To recapitulate, Go is a two-player full-information board game played with black and white stones on a square

grid (we shall assume size 19 × 19 lines unless noted otherwise); the goal of the game is to surround the most

territory and capture enemy stones. We assume basic familiarity with the game.

The Monte Carlo approach tries to solve the best move choice problem in Go by performing many simulations

(randomized self-played games) per each candidate move, then choosing the move with the highest win rate.

It turns out that a major leap in strength can be achieved by building a game tree from theMonte Carlo simulations

and treating the decision in each node as a multi-armed bandit problem; the UCT algorithm was first to be used

for MCTS in Go programs. An additional improvement has been to use information gathered in the simulations

within the tree search, resulting in the RAVE search algorithm2 that forms the basis of the current strongest


In section 2, we detail the state of art Monte Carlo Tree Search technique used in computer Go (and our test

program Pachi in particular) and the problematic points that we seek to address. In section 3, we outline our

approach to tackle the problem. In sections 4 and 5, we present several specific algorithms we have developed,

and we then measure and compare their performance in section 6. Eventually, we note our conclusions and

outline future research directions in section 7.

1email:pasky@ucw.cz. Supported by the GAUK Project 66010 of Charles University Prague.

2Originally RAVE was concieved as UCT modification, but some programs (including our Pachi test program) do not use the UCT-specific

term anymore, resulting in a wholly independent algorithm.



2.1 The RAVE Search Algorithm

The RAVE search algorithm (Chaslot et al., 2010) repeatedly descends the minimax tree, runs a Monte Carlo

simulation from the reached tree leaf, propagates the result back through the tree and expands the tree leaf when

it is reached n times.3 During the descent, for each node the algorithm chooses the child with the maximum

value of:



+ (1 − )





simsAMAF + sims + simsAMAF sims/3000

The terms in the equation represent:

• sims, wins is the number of simulations taken within the child and the number of won simulations,


• simsAMAF , winsAMAF has similar meaning, but all simulations from the current node where the player at

any point played the move represented by the child are considered (so-called “all moves as first” heuristic)

• gives large weight to AMAF values inferred from sibling simulations when few actual results are available

and small weight when more simulations are run from the actual evaluated node

The RAVE algorithm ensures that the most thoroughly searched nodes are the ones that yield the highest likelihood

of won simulation, giving initial search preference to moves highly correlated with achieving a win in the

current situation in general.

The RAVE algorithm is usually complemented by other important domain-specific extensions — most notably,

prior values of newly expanded nodes are assigned heuristically, and a lot of Go knowledge and heuristics are

used within the Monte Carlo simulations.

2.2 The Extreme Situation Problem

One common problem of the Monte Carlo based methods is that by definition, they do not adapt well to extreme

situations, i.e. when faced with extreme advantage or extreme disadvantage.4 This is due to the fact that MCTS

considers and maximizes expected win probability, not the score margin. If a game position is almost won, the

“safe–active” move that pushes the score margin forward will have only slightly higher expected win expectation

than a move with essentially no effect, since so many games are already implicitly won due to random noise in

the simulations.

A perfect example of such extreme situations occuring regularly are handicap games. When two players of

different strength play together, a handicap is determined (as a function of the rank difference of the players).

The handicap consists of the weaker player (always taking black color) placing a given number of stones on the

board before the stronger player (white) gets to play her first move. Usually, the handicap amount ranges between

one stone5 and nine stones. Thus, when playing against a beginner, the program can find itself choosing a move

to play on board with nine black stones already placed on strategic points. Similarly, the program can begin

with many stones and almost all simulations being won at the beginning of e.g. an exhibition game against a

professional player.6

3We use the value n = 2 in Pachi.

4See Figures 2a and 2b for comparison with a classical program performance.

5The game begins as usual since black goes first in even game as well, but white will not receive any compensation for black playing the

first move.

6This is especially troublesome since these games are high-profile and the general software level in Computer Go tends to be judged in

part by performance in these games.

Dynamic Komi 3

In practice, if a strong human player is faced with extreme disadvantage in a handicap game, they tend to play

patiently and wait for opponent mistakes to catch up gradually; in even games, they usually try to set up difficultto-

read complications. An MCTS program however will seek the move that currently maximizes the expected

win probability — ideally, it would represent a sophisticated trap, but in reality it tends to be rather the move the

random simulations mis-evaluate the most, ending up making trivially refutable moves.

Similarly, a strong human in position of large advantage will seek to solidify their position, defend the last

remaining openings for attack and avoid complex sequences with unclear result; then, they will continue to

enlarge their score margin if possible. MCTS program will make moves with minimal effect on the safety of its

stones or territory and carelessly engage in sequences with high danger of mistakes; it will maximize the win

expectation (of however biased and possibly misevaluating simulations) without regard to score margin, creating

the danger of losing the game.7


One possible way of tackling the described problem is using the “dynamic komi” technique. Komi is Go term for

a point penalty imposed on one of the players; e.g. in even games, black has the right of the first move, but gives

white 7.5 komi8 as a compensation: at the game end, 7.5 points will be added to white score as a compensation

for not moving first. (Conversely, komi value of −7.5 would be black taking reverse 7.5 komi and receiving a

bonus of 7.5 points to her score at the game end; this would be a form of white handicapping herself. In handicap

games, the usual komi — also used in our experiments — is 0.5, therefore ties are broken in favor of white but

white gets no compensation for moving second, being the stronger player.)

The dynamic komi approach suggests that depending on the board situation, the program should adjust the internally

used komi value to make the game more even — either giving the program virtual advantage in case it is

losing in reality, or burdening it with virtual disadvantage when it is winning too much in the actual game.9

We have decided to implement and test several approaches to dynamic komi. We test their performance in various

handicap settings (since it is an obvious and well-defined example of the extreme situations described earlier) and

also general performance in even games (where the extreme situations — with a chance of overtuning them —

can occur naturally time by time).

In the following text and algorithmic descriptions, we will assume the black player’s perspective—increasing the

komi means giving extra advantage to the opponent, decreasing the komi corresponds to taking extra advantage

on oneself. Real code needs to reverse the operations in case the computer is playing as white.

3.1 Prior Work

It has been long suggested especially by non-programmer players in the Computer Go community to use the dynamic

komi approach to balance the pure winrate orientation of MCTS, however it has been met with scepticism

from the program authors since it introduces artificial inaccuracy to the game tree and it was not clear how to deal

with it in a rigorous way.

However, during our research we have become aware that some forms of dynamic komi are used in some programs.

Perhaps the first report of dynamic komi usage has been posted by Hideki Kato (Kato, 2008). Many Faces

of Go uses an algorithm analogous to our Linearly Decreasing Handicap Compensation with slightly different

constants (Fotland, 2010). Hiroshi Yamashita has independently proposed an algorithm used in his program

Aya that is similar to our Score-based Situational Compensation, along with some positive experimental results

(Yamashita, 2010).

7In our test program Pachi, 0.04 of the win/loss value is actually allocated to reflect the score difference, however the effect on larger win

margins preference appears to be very limited and the constant cannot be raised further without incurring strength loss.

8The exact komi value may vary; fractional value is used to avoid ties.

9The actual final score count is of course not affected by the dynamic komi and the opponent needs not even be aware of it; it is used only

to change internal evaluation of the simulations within the program.









100 150 200 250 300

win rate vs. GNUGo10 [%]

number of moves with dynamic komi

Pachi black, 3 stones

Pachi black, 6 stones

(a) h = 7 with various values ofM








2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

win rate vs. GNUGo level 10 [%]

handicap stone value

Pachi black, 3 stones

Pachi black, 6 stones

(b)M = 200 with various values of h

Figure 1: Performance in handicap games.


The simplest approach we used successfully was to simply special-case handicap games and try to stabilize the

reading by imposing a komi on the program based on the number of handicap stones and linearly diminishing the

komi throughout the game:


Require: MoveNum is the number of the current move to play.

if MoveNum > M then

Komi   0


end if

KomiByHandicap   h · NumHandi

Komi   KomiByHandicap · (1 − MoveNum

M )

M denotes the number of moves for which the dynamic komi effect should last; we have found the optimal value

to be around 200 (see Fig. 1a). h is the point value of single handicap stone; values around 7 work best for us

(Fig. 1b).10

We should note that we compute the exact komi value in the tree leaf where we start the simulation. That implies

the nice property that even when reusing parts of the tree after generating a final move, each node has all games

played with the same komi. Since our next models will have no such property, we have checked its effect; we

were not able to measure a statistically significant performance decrease when applying the same komi value

computed on tree root in all simulations. Therefore, we assume that it is safe not to preserve this property.


A more sophisticated way to adjust komi throughout the game is adapting to the currently perceived situation

on the board. We are not limited to the case of handicap games, but determining, implementing and tuning the

mechanism is more difficult.

The situational compensation can be decomposed to several aspects: how to judge the current situation, how

often to re-adjust the komi, and how much to adjust the komi in various phases of the game.

10The value of one extra handicap stone is twice the value of the standard komi (Gailly, 2010) so approximately 14 points. However,

dynamic komi apparently works best when only a certain percentage of handicap stone value is added to the komi. At any rate, at least in the

(4, 14) range the effect of this constant is very small.

Dynamic Komi 5

5.1 Situation Measure

5.1.1 Score-based Situational Compensation

One way to assess the situation is by observing the expected score of the Monte Carlo simulations over a time

period (e.g. the previous move) and adjust the komi so that E[score] − komi ! 0.


Require: E[score] is the average score over reasonable amount of simulations (including then-used dynamic


if MoveNum < 20 then



end if

BoardOccupiedRatio   OccupiedIntersections


GamePhase   BoardOccupiedRatio + s

KomiRate   (1 + exp(c · GamePhase))−1

Komi   Komi + KomiRate · E[score]

This way (assuming c > 0), at the game beginning we adjust the dynamic komi by measured average game result

(except the first few moves where meaningless fluctuations are expected to be large), up until a certain point in

the game when we dramatically reduce the amount of further komi changes. The phase parameter s determines

the point in the game when the phase shift happens.

The best values we have found are c = 20 and s = 0.75, but they still perform worse than the approach presented

below. We have also tried other KomiRate transformations, without much success.

5.1.2 Value-based Situational Compensation

The other way to assess the game situation and amplify winrate differences between candidate tree nodes is to

look directly at the winrate values at the root of the tree and adjust the komi to put the values within a certain



Require: Value is the winning rate over reasonable amount of simulations (including then-used dynamic komi).

if MoveNum < 20 then


Ratchet   1


end if

if Value < red then

if Komi > 0 then

Ratchet   Komi

end if

Komi   Komi − 1


if Value > green ^ Komi < Ratchet then

Komi   Komi + 1

end if

end if

We will divide the winrate value to three ranges: red (losing), yellow (highest winrate resolution), and green

(winning). We will call the upper bound of red zone red, the lower bound of green zone green. Our goal shall

then be to dynamically adjust the komi to keep the winrate in the yellow zone, that is between red and green.


Furthermore, we need to avoid “flapping” around critical komi value especially in the endgame —when the true

score of the game is well established (i.e., very near the game end), winrate will be high with komi n and much

lower with komi n + 1. To alleviate this problem, we introduce a ratchet variable recording the lowest komi for

which we reach red zone; we then never give this komi or more. (This applies only to giving extra komi to the

opponent when our situation is favorable; in case of negative komi compensating for unfavorable situation, we

are eager to flap into the red zone in order not to get fixed in a permanently lost position and keep trying to make

the game at least even again.) Optionally, the ratchet can expire after several moves.

The optimal values we have found are red = 0.45, green = 0.5 — that is, locking oneself into a slightly

disadvantageous position, allowing to give the opponent an advantage but never expiring the ratchet. This is

curious: in our strategy, it seems best to allow giving extra komi (evening out a game we are winning) at the

beginning, but if we at any point lose the advantage, we only allow taking extra komi (balancing a game we are

losing) from then on.

Using this kind of situational compensation has an interesting consequence. Normally, the program’s evaluation

of the position can be determined by the winrate percentage, representing the program’s estimate of how likely the

color to play is to win the game. However, here the value is always kept roughly fixed and instead, the program

gives a bound on the likely score margin in the given situation—the applied extra komi.11

5.2 Komi Adjustment

There is a question of how often to adjust the komi: we can either determine the dynamic komi for the whole next

move based on information gathered throughout the whole previous move (offline komi), or we divide the tree

search for a single move into fixed-size time slices12 and re-adjust dynamic komi in each slice based on feedback

from the previous slice (online komi); all slices work on the same tree, so no simulations are needlessly lost.

We have found the latter to be a significantly better approach, allowing to quickly fine-tune the komi to an

“optimal” value during the search. The downside is of course that values obtained with varying komi values are

mixed within a single tree, however we have not found this too harmful.

Another question is the size of single komi adjustment step in case of value-based dynamic komi: when using

online komi, the finest adjustment amount of 1 point worked best for us. We expect that more complicated

arrangement would have to be in place in case another method is used.

We have discovered that the situational dynamic komi methods are not stable at the game beginning, especially in

handicap games. We have obtained small improvement by using the LINEARHANDICAP for the first n moves13

and only then switching to the situational compensation.

The final question is how to limit the amount of favourable komi imposed on the player; surely, with extra 100

komi in favour, the board examination completely loses touch with reality — also, deciding when to resign may

become complicated. We have found that 30 is the top useful value for favorable komi; moreover, we stop

allowing negative komi altogether when we reach 95% of the game14 in order to resign in cases when we cannot

catch up anymore.


We have implemented the methods above within the state-of-art MCTS Go-playing program Pachi. (Baudiˇset al.,

2010) As of October 2010, multi-core instance of the program was ranked at the 2k level on the KGS internet Go

server (Schubert, 2010) and reached rating around 2450 on the CGOS computer-go server (Dailey, 2010). We

use the RAVE algorithm as described in Section 2.1 with heuristic node value priors analogous to (Chaslot et al.,

2010), the simulations use Mogo-like heuristics and 3 × 3 patterns (Gelly et al., 2006). In the play tests, we use

a single core, reuse appropriate tree portions but do not ponder on the opponent’s move.

11Note that the same tree policy, choosing the best value (expectation) available at the moment, is of course used.

12We update dynamic komi every 1000 simulations in our implementation.

13We use n = 20 for 19 × 19, n = 4 for 9 × 9.

14Estimation based on board fill ratio.

Dynamic Komi 7

Table 1: Dynamic Komi Performance —Even Games

Method Opponent Time per Game Win Rate

Pachi NONE GNU Go 3.6min 27.3% ± 3.2%

Pachi SCORESIT GNU Go 3.6min 26.3% ± 2%

Pachi SCORESIT Pachi NONE 3.6min 46% ± 2%

Pachi SCORESIT Pachi VALUESIT 3.6min 43.4% ± 1.8%

Pachi VALUESIT GNU Go 3.6min 29% ± 2.6%

Pachi VALUESIT Pachi NONE 3.6min 54.2% ± 3.4%

Pachi VALUESIT Pachi NONE 10min 55.6% ± 2.2%

Pachi VALUESIT Pachi NONE 20min 59.4% ± 3.2%

Pachi VALUESIT Pachi NONE 30min 58.3% ± 3.4%

Our tests were performed on the 19 × 19 board.15 We perform play-testing against GNU Go v3.7.12 level 10

(Bump et al., 2010)16 and self-play testing.

In table 1, we present our measurements of various dynamic komi methods in even games. Even though the improvement

against GNU Go is not statistically significant in the presented table, based on many tests with various

settings throughout the development we believe that there is a tangible small improvement. The improvement in

self-play is much more pronounced and increases with alotted time.

In Figure 2a, we present measurements of dynamic komi effect in handicap games when taking black and varying

amount of stones. We compare Pachi with no dynamic komi, the linear komi and value-based situational compensation.

The thinking time of Pachi is fixed on 3.6 minutes per game—this means very fast time controls, but

allows to gather sufficient sample sizes. GNU Go Level 1 performance is included for further comparison; Level

1 achieves even better results than Pachi, but it is difficult to judge how much the usual self-play effects interfere

with the performance, i.e. if MCTS performance in handicap games is still as lacking as it might appear here.

In Figure 2b we show measurements of dynamic komi effect in handicap games when taking white and giving

varying amount of stones; the opponent is GNU Go Level 1 and GNU Go Level 10 is a reference. It is apparent

that while linear komi is not effective in this case, value-based situational komi gives the expected improvement.

The results clearly show that dynamic komi is a significant playing performance improvement in handicap games.

They also indicate that it can enhance program performance in even games. Value-based situational compensation

fits the bill as a universal dynamic komi method, yielding an improvement for both handicap and even games.

Alternatively, linear handicap compensation may be implemented very easily in any program to get just the shown

major improvement in handicap game performance against stronger players.


We have shown that balancing tree search using dynamic komi can be a viable approach to increase the search

accuracy and thus the program strength. Non-trivial and statistically meaningful win rate increase has been

measured in both handicap and even games, while accounting for the extra time spent on komi calculations. The

proposed algorithms are easy to implement and offer many tunable parameters.

We have not researched other approaches to reduce noise and make the MCTS more score-focused; possible

future research might investigate ways to co-guide the tree search by expected score difference or estimate and

account for expected win probability variance when choosing the move to play. Better functions might be found

both for decreasing handicap compensation and situational compensation parameter. The fact that it is best to

never expire a ratchet might indicate that the dynamic komi allocation has some hidden structure we have not

been able to discern yet.

15We have done some informal testing that indicates dynamic komi performing well on 19 × 19 does not deteriorate 9 × 9 performance.

16GNU Go is a classical program that does not directly maximize win probability like MCTS. It is a popular benchmark for computer go

programs performance due to its availability and speed, even though it is by far not as strong as the top programs.










1 2 3 4 5 6

win rate vs. GNUGo level 10 [%]

handicap [stones]

GNUGo level 1

Pachi none

Pachi Linear

Pachi Situational

(a) Playing black








1 2 3 4 5 6

win rate vs. GNUGo level 1 [%]

handicap [stones]

GNUGo level 10

Pachi none

Pachi Linear

Pachi Situational

(b) Playing white

Figure 2: Dynamic komi in handicap games.

Our findings have a remarkable consequence — it appears that MCTS trees are tinker resilient to shifts in the

evaluation function; if the evaluation function is adjusted to give a more even result in the middle of the search,

the search tree can cope well and the end result is an improvement, even though the values in the tree have not

been obtained consistently.

7.1 Acknowledgements

We would like to thank Hiroshi Yamashita and others on the computer-go mailing list for helpful discussions, and

Jan Hric and the anonymous reviewers for comments on the paper.


Baudiˇs, P. et al. (2010). Pachi —Simple Go/Baduk/Weiqi Bot. http://pachi.or.cz/.

Bump, D., Farneback, G., Bayer, A., et al. (2010). GNU Go. http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/gnugo.html.

Chaslot, G., Fiter, C., Hoock, J.-B., Rimmel, A., and Teytaud, O. (2010). Adding Expert Knowledge and Exploration

in Monte-Carlo Tree Search. Advances in Computer Games (eds. H. van den Herik and P. Spronck), Vol.

6048 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 1–13. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/

978-3-642-12993-3 1.

Dailey, D. (2010). Computer Go Server. http://cgos.boardspace.net/.

Fotland, D. (2010). Message to the computer-go mailing list, Feb 11. http://www.mail-archive.com/


Gailly, J.-l. (2010). Komi and the value of the first move. http://www.mail-archive.com/


Dynamic Komi 9

Gelly, S. and Silver, D. (2008). Achieving master level play in 9x9 computer go. AAAI’08: Proceedings of the

23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence, pp. 1537–1540, AAAI Press. ISBN 978–1–57735–368–3.

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Research Report RR-6062, INRIA. http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00117266/en/.

Kato, H. (2008). Message to the computer-go mailing list, Feb 28. http://www.mail-archive.com/


Schubert, W. (2010). KGS Go Server. http://gokgs.net/.

Yamashita, H. (2010). Message to the computer-go mailing list, Feb 11. http://www.mail-archive.com/


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314896 『 223.33 소용바라기 병자 』 하하(183.107) 17.06.12 68 3
314895 혈액형 이소용, 중한전 이다혜 이 둘만 아니면 됨 [1] ㅇㅇ(223.33) 17.06.12 124 1
314894 내 뒤에 사이 서있으면 타이젬9단 찍냐? ㅇㅇ(121.149) 17.06.12 70 0
314893 이소용 관심없다. 프로 여자들이나 진행에 써라.. [2] ㄴㄴ(211.36) 17.06.12 167 1
314891 이다혜,문도원은 더 좋지.앵무새 때문에 소용이 찾는거지. [2] ㅇㅇ(223.33) 17.06.12 163 1
314890 바둑 입문 중인데 질문이 있어 [4] 티알갤로그로 이동합니다. 17.06.12 226 0
314889 좆같은 한주가시작됫다 출근준비한다 ㅇㅇ(175.223) 17.06.12 84 0
314888 『 좇둑TV야 고마워 』 하하(183.107) 17.06.12 138 3
314886 알파고로 제일 피해본건 커제 지? [1] ㅋㅋ(117.55) 17.06.12 185 0
314885 릴라 강9단으로설정하는법이 뭐냐 ㄴㄱㄷㅂㄴ(175.223) 17.06.12 155 0
314884 우리 소용이 좀 써줘라. 바둑tv야 얼굴도 까먹겠다. [4] ㅇㅇ(223.33) 17.06.12 236 3
314883 하사장이 알파고 바둑 접은 이유 ㅇㅇ(130.126) 17.06.12 161 3
314882 내가 잠잠하니까 좋지? [2] 어섹쿠갤로그로 이동합니다. 17.06.12 112 3
314881 루이나이웨이가 대단한 이유 [3] ㅇㅇ(124.216) 17.06.12 238 3
314880 솔직히 바세돌이랑 업스 대단하다 [3] 포자아님(223.62) 17.06.12 185 1
314879 고레이팅에선 여류기사들 중 조승아를 고평가하더라 [1] ㅇㅇ(223.33) 17.06.12 405 3
314878 타이젬에있는 강좌 고급까지 다 숙지하면 어느정도수준임? [1] ㅇㅇ(124.58) 17.06.12 247 0
314877 지금 시간에 바둑 보는 아재들 뭐하시는 분들임? [4] ㅇㅇ(119.70) 17.06.12 222 0
314876 바둑티비 서봉수 오다케 응씨배 5국 존나재밋다 바세돌9단갤로그로 이동합니다. 17.06.12 184 1
314875 야 진심 궁금해 뒤지겠는데 누가 ㅇㅅㅇ 썰좀 풀어주라 [1] 존잘이현욱투(110.70) 17.06.12 168 0
314874 그러케 치면 이창호 시대에는 다 강제씹쩌리되버렸지 ㄹㅇ 존잘이현욱투(110.70) 17.06.12 76 0
314873 한상훈이 입단 2년차에 세계대회 결승 진출 했는데? ㅎㄷㄷㄷㄷ [2] ㅇㅇ(218.234) 17.06.12 183 2
314872 바둑에 입문해볼까합니다 [7] ㅇㅇ(124.58) 17.06.12 206 3
314869 초반에 삼삼두는거 [2] mumi갤로그로 이동합니다. 17.06.12 226 0
314868 릴라 얘 이상하다. [3] !!!(115.143) 17.06.11 300 0
314867 릴라 시간이 길면 길수록 떡수가더심한거같다 [2] ㅇㅅㅇ(175.223) 17.06.11 258 0
314866 조한승 오늘 을조 [2] ㅇㅇ(223.62) 17.06.11 305 2
314865 야 이거 내가 썼던건데 다시한번 봐라 [4] ㅇㅇ(218.234) 17.06.11 215 0
314864 근데 넷상에서 진짜 척수바둑 두는 사람 아니면 다 젠충 릴충으로 보인다ㅠ [2] 진리의유지애갤로그로 이동합니다. 17.06.11 203 0
314863 생각없이 보다가 터졌네 ㅋㅋ [1] ㅇㅇ(122.37) 17.06.11 357 12
314862 내가 릴을 너무 믿었다. 진리의유지애갤로그로 이동합니다. 17.06.11 135 0
314861 바세돌 진요엽 이시끼 대갈통 박살낼꺼임 야마모토겐류사이(58.120) 17.06.11 86 0
314860 내 기력이 6급인가 하는데 바세돌이랑 뜨면 이길 수 있음? [3] 야마모토겐류사이(58.120) 17.06.11 171 2
314859 한국 중국 유럽 스타계보 야마모토겐류사이(58.120) 17.06.11 126 1
314857 개인적으로 한국기사 아니면 이야마가 우승하는거 보고싶다 ㅇㅇ(218.234) 17.06.11 109 0
314856 이야마유타vs이세돌 [2] 야마모토겐류사이(58.120) 17.06.11 254 0
314854 이야마유타 결승진출확률 50퍼됨 야마모토겐류사이(58.120) 17.06.11 92 2
314853 진요엽 이노무시끼 내가 쳐바르고 인증간다 야마모토겐류사이(58.120) 17.06.11 75 0
314852 백홍석 머리 치는 소리 엄청 크네 ㄷㄷ ㅇㅇ(223.62) 17.06.11 102 0
314851 중국은 숫자가 많으니 몇명 떨어져도 뭐라안하잖아 [5] ㅇㅇ(203.226) 17.06.11 164 4
314850 바세돌 잦밥새끼 아이디좀 [2] 야마모토겐류사이(58.120) 17.06.11 102 0
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