디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Greetings, nerd guys who do DC.

ㅇㅅㅇ(58.140) 2013.04.09 23:05:32
조회 93 추천 0 댓글 0

KH Park  :  We have survived the onslaught of North Korea. But as you know, always our victory comes with a price. Our fellow nerds still remain captured upon Seoul. Since the transport system has been destroyed, we must travel to our ruined city of Seoul and rescue our wounded brethren. 

Aide : Your task will not be easy DC Galler. A number of foes and renegade soldiers have taken root upon Seoul. You must recover the secret transmission system that hold the key to secure whole destiny of our captured people.

ps. Transformed Starcraft Mission dialogue which is adjusted present situation in Korea.

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번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
설문 가족과 완벽하게 손절해야 할 것 같은 스타는? 운영자 24/06/24 - -
1730 btw [1] 장크리스토프(125.130) 13.04.15 148 0
1729 so, the purpose of this gall became... 장크리스토프(125.130) 13.04.15 70 0
1728 hi everyone HIo(125.176) 13.04.15 68 0
1726 Monday 눈누상향좀(121.181) 13.04.15 53 0
1716 wtf? 짱쌘엘리트코볼트(173.52) 13.04.13 58 0
1714 saranghaeyo.. canaria.. flower(211.234) 13.04.13 86 0
1711 I am the bone of my sword emiya siro(182.213) 13.04.13 142 0
1708 canarianun.. sarangibnida..! flower(211.234) 13.04.12 115 0
1707 i want say with you charls(211.54) 13.04.12 85 0
1706 english conversation is shit [3] oos(116.40) 13.04.12 173 0
1705 any englith experts? [1] bbb(220.78) 13.04.11 150 0
1704 hi ㅇㅇ(223.62) 13.04.11 96 0
1703 canaria zzangzzang girl! [1] flower(211.234) 13.04.11 154 0
1702 Hello, guys [1] JiyuL(110.11) 13.04.11 148 0
1701 Never underestimate 떡꼬치갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.11 102 0
1700 today's phrase [3] charls(211.54) 13.04.11 135 0
1698 I could speak Español [4] 기타늅갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.11 190 0
1697 Yo guys.. [1] kk(1.127) 13.04.11 105 0
1696 Have U ever seen Korean Baseball League? in NY(211.234) 13.04.11 111 0
1694 canarianun.. sarangibnida..! flower(203.236) 13.04.10 86 0
1693 Guess this gallery completely fuked up now [1] 술봉이갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.10 116 0
1692 Time to speak What's up(115.94) 13.04.10 65 1
1689 choose your answer [1] ㅉㅉ(121.128) 13.04.10 105 0
1687 some guy describes the boxer as this (112.186) 13.04.10 46 0
Greetings, nerd guys who do DC. ㅇㅅㅇ(58.140) 13.04.09 93 0
1681 canarianun.. sarangibnida..! [1] flower(211.234) 13.04.09 101 0
1679 Y did u sign in this site? [6] curious(180.250) 13.04.09 166 0
1678 Wow I thought this was some running joke ㅇㅇㄴ(130.15) 13.04.09 73 0
1677 Tell me something, something like kimchi [2] Mio(182.213) 13.04.09 101 0
1674 wtf is this gall? [3] 12(175.116) 13.04.09 130 0
1673 canarianun.. sarangibnida..! flower(211.234) 13.04.08 52 0
1671 I have a question bros [3] 미러코트갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.08 166 0
1670 Greetings after a long [1] 부질없는짓이다갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.08 89 0
1669 canaria zzangzzang girl! flower(211.234) 13.04.08 72 0
1668 I think this gallery is waste ow(110.70) 13.04.08 72 0
1667 Hey would you please translate [1] ow(110.70) 13.04.08 133 0
1666 What the fucking jot mang gall? [2] dj(203.249) 13.04.08 153 0
1665 nimdle jou aadaim RevKIM갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.08 86 0
1662 ddong e an na wa sibal ... [3] ㅇㅇ(218.50) 13.04.08 150 0
1661 canarianun.. sarangibnida..! [1] flower(203.236) 13.04.08 117 0
1657 kisama !! zetainie koros !! si ne !! [1] 검은연갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.08 134 0
1656 u fuck u, bad man. no fta,usa beef=devil [1] juanrain(124.54) 13.04.07 1511 0
1655 hellow idoits! I ma god front God_front;갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.07 70 0
1653 i want to study TOEIC.. what should i do [8] ㅇㅇ(14.48) 13.04.07 203 1
1652 Expression in English is not difficult. -_e(58.140) 13.04.07 75 0
1651 english talking gallery [1] godfather(115.22) 13.04.07 76 0
1650 Yes, I loved you [1] 떡꼬치갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.07 118 0
1649 :) 떡꼬치갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.07 45 0
1648 hey boys (112.186) 13.04.07 65 0
1647 Kawai~!! [1] sneak(182.213) 13.04.07 113 1
갤러리 내부 검색
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