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Samsung Hidden card

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I couldn’t see Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee,

but Chairman Lee Kun-Hee

called me to a secret place where he could see me on the screen.

He said he would give me 100 billion through a voice call, About ten days later , May 10 ,2014=13

Riemann Hypothesis Zero Point Prime 6th 13

Satan snake dragon symbol

News that Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee is unconscious

I was convinced that Chairman Lee Kun-hee was assassinated.

Afterwards Samsung Republic loyal media broadcasted fake news that Chairman Lee Kun-hee

was alive.

There were no photos or any solid evidence that Chairman Lee Kun-hee was alive.

The entrance to Chairman Lee Kun-hee’s special room on the

20th floor of Samsung Hospital was always blocked by 10 guards.

Samsung Group high-ranking officials and relatives were also blocked from entering, so no one saw them.

A fake photo of Lee Kun-hee’s hospital room was revealed, with no clue as to who it is.

Samsung Republic henchmen released and distributed fake photos on media broadcasts.

Samsung Electronics succession work completed by Devil Lee Jae-yong

Lee Jae-yong’s younger sister, Lee Boo-Jin,Shilla Hotel CEO’s divorce lawsuit is over Number of the Beast 6 years later

News report on the death of Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee on October 25, 2020

October 25th=8

Illuminati numerology 8

symbol reset Korea

Symbol of removing Chairman Lee Kun-hee and resetting Korea to Lee Jae-yong’s will Illuminati Numerology 8

If Chairman Lee Kun-hee’s funeral had been held before Lee Boo-Jin’s divorce suit was finalized, he would have had to pay a large amount of money to his divorce partner Lim Woo-Jae.

Lee Boo Jin, who inherited Chairman Lee Kun-hee’s

legacy, had to pass it on to her husband Lim Woo-jae.

To prevent this

Lee Boo-jin’s divorce lawsuit is over, and Lee Jae-yong’s illegal succession to Samsung Electronics was completed, 6 years later On October 25, 2020, after the news report of Chairwoman Lee Kun-hee’s death, fake funeral devils.

Once filming is over set is dismantled and the extras and actors leave.

It is highly likely that Asuka Restaurant disappeared like that.

Samsung Group Chirman Lee kun-hee’s half-youngest daughter Lee Yun-hyeong mainly meets people from the upper class.

It is difficult to use upper class people as Sacrifices because they have a lot of helper.

Trying to use an easy to use wanderer like me as a sacrifice.

They waited for someone like me to arrive at Asuka Japanese Restaurant which was made like a North Carolina set.

It’s bee 10 days and a few more days since I had a voice call with Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee.

on May 10,2014 I suddenly saw the news that Chairman Lee kun-hee

Collapsed from myocardial infarction and thought that Chairman Lee kun-hee

was murdered by Lee Jae-yong.

Someone took me to a secret location but Samsung Chairman Lee kun-hee

was not there and we only made a short voice call.

Samsung X-file created by Lee Jae-tong’s plan

Scenario where they want to kill Lee Yunhyeong.

Those who exposed the Samsung X-file attacked Chairman

Lee Kun-hee-hee through the media.

When lasked if they were unable to attend the funeral

because they did not inform Chairman Lee kun-hee of Lee Yun-hyeong’s death under the pretext of treatment at the Houston MD cancer center they were unable to answer.

There was a high-end restaurant about 40 minutes away by car from the bus terminal.

I worked there for about 10 days

got into an argument with the chef and went back to New York but I don’s remember the exact location of that place.

The restaurant was Asuka Japanese Restaurant where sushi and kitchen dishes were the main menu.

I worked as a sushi helper.

While looking for a 40-minute drive from Charlotte North Carolina the Samsung Group religious Won-Buddhish shrine is 40 minutes away.

I was able to find the Triangular Committee run by the Rockefeller Foundation.

I heard that Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong is a member of the Triangular committee and Lee Jae-yong’s maternal uncle


is the vice president of the Asian branch of the Triangular Committee.

Once filming is Complete the set is disassembled and no additional equipment is required It is possible that Asuka Japanese Restaurant was also demolished as extras

and actors were no longer needed.

At that time several waiters waitresses and others worked in the restaurant.

KBS News reported that Lee Jae-Yong who murdered Lee Yun-Hyung falsely announced that Lee Yun-Hyung died in a car accident.

Reporter Shin Yong-I’ll was tracked down to prevent him from publishing the report in Kore so he gave the article to the New York Times and published an article claiming he had not died in a traffic accident.

Samsung changed its position again and said that he committed suicide because he liked Shin so-bin.

Chairman Lee kun-hee who knew about the relationship between Shin zoo-bin and Lee Yun-Hyung did not believe the claim that Lee Yun-hyeong Committed Suicide because of Shin soo-bin.

Chairman Lee kun-hee who knew about the relationship between Shin soo-bin and Lee Yun-Hyung did

not believe the claim that Lee Yun-hyeong Committed Suicide because of Shin soo-bin.

The hidden card created by Jae Yong -Lee was me.

Yunhyeong-Lee met me at the restaurant where North Carolina was located and when I left he tried to trick Chairman Lee kin-Hee by saying he

Committed Suicide because he couldn’t forget me.

After seeing a job advertisement in the newspaper arrived in Charlotte North Carolina by bus from New York taking 2days and 1 night.

The restaurant Owner came to pick me up at the bus terminal.

I did ‘t check his ID but he said he was Mr.Park the Owner of the Yun hyeong-Lee called the restaurant owner his maternal uncle.

I questioned Samsung Group Chairman Lee kun-Hee and said that although Jaeyong-Lee and Yunhyeong-Lee are listed as

Siblings with the same mother in the family Registe in reality they have different mothers.

At that time there was a man named Soo bin who was following Lee Yunhyeong around the restaurant.

The restaurant owner called the man and woman Soo bin and Yunhyeong.

Soo bin and Yunhyeong’s movements via cell phone.

November 19,2005=2+5+1+1+1+9=19 Illuminati Numerology 19=3am It seems to be the same person as Shin Soo bin

Who first saw Lee Yunhyeong’s body.

When I told him that he was an assassin disguised as a bodyguard hired by Lee Jae-yong Chairman Lee kun-hee didn’t answer and let out a long Sigh.

I remember telling him to be careful because Lee Jae-yong could kill Chairman Lee kun-hee as well.

At the time I could not meet Chairman Lee kin-hee and spoke via voice call.

Chairman Lee kun-hee seemed to be talking while looking at me on the screen.

Chairman Lee kun-Hee is trying to help me so he tells me to wait a moment.

Why are the forehoding so accurate?

Approximately 10days later on may 10,2014 =2+1+4+5+1=13 Illuminati Numerology Satan =snake=Dragon=Symbol Number 13. I was convinced that he was murdered after seeing a news article about Samsung C-T 1 stock Chris Industries 0.35merger Share holders meeting date July 17, 2015.

The National pension service a government affiliate agreed to the merger taking a loss of 245.1 billion won.

The National pension service made Lee Jae-yong

take over management of Samsung Electronices.

In fact Lee Jae-yong is manipulating the Korean government and the national pensionas he pleases.

The permanent court of Arbitration ruled that the Korean government must compensate Elliott

130 billion won It was claimed that during the approval of the merger between Samsung C-T and Cheil Industries on July 17, 2015 the Korean government at the time the Ministry of Health and welfare and the National pension service exerted pressure to vote in favor and suffered losses.

Elliott held a 7.12% Stake in Samsung C-T .

At the time Elliott argued that the National pension service would not have supported the merger without the illegal intervention of the Korean government.

He argued that if there had been no confiscation -level merger

Significant profits would have been made.

Lee Jae-yong’s younger sister Shilla Hotel CEO

Lee Boo-Jin’s divorce

lawsuit is over.

After the illegal inheriance of Samsung Electronics ended Lee Jae-yong

Said that Chairman Lee Kun-Hee died.

News report date:October 25, 2020 =8 Illuminati Numerology Reset Korea Symbol.

When Lee Jae-yong found out that

Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-Hee was trying to give me money Chairman

Lee kun-hee and lied that Chairman Lee Kun-hee was alive.

After the succession of management rights was completed

Six years later he held a funeral saying that Chairman Lee Kun-hee was dead.

On November 22, 2005 maijor domestic broadcasters such as MBC.

SBS. and KBS reported that Lee Yun-Hyung the third daughter of Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-Hee was

involved in a car accident in New York on the 18th.

He died on the 19th.

A news article reported that Samsung Electronics cremated

the body and completed the funeral on the 21st.

It is believed that the body was cremated two days later

to hide the Signs of murder when it was later

revealed that Samsung Group fabricated the death in a traffic accident it was changed to suicide.

An absurd news article that said the cause of death was not determined through a detailed autopsy

but was determined to be suicide by the coroner’s eyes

half-youngest Sister Lee Yun-hyeong who was murdered

by Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong Date of death

November 19, 2005=2+5+1+1+1+9= 19

Why Number 19?

Why is it corona 19 ?

Illuminati numerology 19

Why was Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-Hee

assassinted on May 10, 2014=13

Riemann Hypothesis Zero point prime Number

6th 13 Satan =snake Dragon Symbol

Cheil Industries stock 0.35per Samsung C-T stock Unfair merger shareholder

meeting date July 17, 2015 =2+1+5+7+1+7=23 shareholder meeting

attendance rate 83.57%=23

Shareholders meeting in

favor of merger 69.53%=23

Illuminati numerology

is used by the satanic forces that control worldly materials and money.

It is mainly used Ada signature number to offer human Sacrifices to Satan.

RiemannHypothesis Zero prime ………………

6th decimal number 13 Illuminati numerology

Satanic Symbol 13 Dragon ser pent Satan species 666 Beast Number.

63 Samsung Group affiliates including Samsung Electronics 17 financial institutions.

Riemann hypothesis Zero point prime number pyramid stairs Satan’s hierarchy Symbol

Physics tells us that human sperm break imbalances.

achieve balance and move forward.

This physics is precession.

Universe 99% Plasma

Sakyamuni’s Middle Way and Christianity’s Adoptive Trinity

The identity of light is that electricity and magnetism are intertwined and proceed as a wave.

Electricity and magnetism are intertwined an interaction

Where electricity creates magnetism and magnetism creates electricity

Cosmic CPT symmetry does not exist individually but exists when the three come together.

99% of the universe becomes plasma there is Opposite to each other in plasma

Charged particles atoms and electrons mixed together

Magnetic forces act in opposite directions to balance the plasma thermal pressure.

Democracy creates balance and fairness by checking and criticizing opposing forces.

Asymmetrical imbalance Like parasite cancer cells Satan’s

dictatorship creates asymmetrical imbalance creates false idolatry.

Even if we live in the same time zone we think at different

levels in different spaces.

What dogs and cats like The perspective of thinking is different from that of other people.

Einstein called the theory of relativity that even people living in the same time zone have

different thoughts and desires spaces.

Except for God there are no results only


When World Cup winner Messi dies a new process begins

Riemann hypothesis 0 points prime number pyramid staircase satanic hierarchy dictatorship idolatry forcing

fake answers.

If I post something like this the dirty devils who lobby with

money from Samsung Electronics owners will send demons to falsely

accuse me and create traps to kill me.

Jesus Christ felt the anger of the imbalanced and unfair conscience of the world’s

dictators and fought

Human sperm breaks imbalances achieves balance and moves forward.

Miraculous Balance Universe CPT Symmetry

Imbalance and unfairness must be resisted If you obey unfairly unconditionally it is not human conscience.

Why I Tweet The process of finding the right

answer in a fair and balanced way.

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