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마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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[일반] 장문) 레딧에서 엘든링 dlc 사전플레이 평 유출 떴다앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.05.26 23:34:10
조회 167 추천 1 댓글 7


Based on this photo, I think it's trustworthy.

Now that I've somewhat calmed down, I'll leave some reviews.

Firstly, I had boxed lunches for three days, and they were the main boxed lunches. It was my first time trying them, and they were quite tasty. The scrambled eggs were particularly well-made.

I enjoyed having meat as the main side dish for three days.

Today, there was also fried kimchi, and the broth was a bit too spicy.

On Friday, I had a good feeling in the restroom while doing my business. But over the weekend, there was no music in the restroom at all. Perhaps because it was a day off.

P's false team mentioned that they're monitoring the community rigorously.

Thanks for keeping an eye out so far, but they really warned us to be careful. They said they won't go easy on us. After it ended, we received another warning email.

Participants, be careful. You all know how tough it is, but let's endure it with the Buddha's heart.

Anyway, when I calculated the total playtime, it was roughly around 21 hours and 30 minutes.

No comment on the progress.

I played for about 7 hours each day, but I forgot about the tiredness because of the enjoyment and satisfaction of playing.

Just like collapsing after overtime and coming home, looking at the time, it seems like I played quite intensely.

Optimization is just like a goat, as everyone knows.

And below here are really my subjective thoughts. Some participants may have different opinions, so don't take it too seriously.

Firstly, here are my emotions each day:

Day 1: Wow, so fun, haha, this is great!

Day 2: Huh? What's this? Is this right?

Day 3: Huh... just lost for words, couldn't even explain my emotions.


Ah... this damn game is just inadequate no matter what you say.

I wonder if the developers were on drugs or just lost their minds, and the main storyline just seems insane.

I used to love and adore From Software's Souls more than anyone, but after this experience, I just fell for this guy.

I used to not understand why someone would cheat on their partner, but now I kind of get it. Is this the kind of emotion one feels?

It was just a continuous shock beyond what I imagined while demoing.

I just lost words because of the perverted details and craftsmanship. Just... just... just, ugh...

After the test ended at 6 p.m., most participants didn't go home and had their own meeting.


Seriously, it was like opening a big debate arena.

We exchanged opinions on almost every topic, seriously discussing if there was anything else to add, all while scratching our heads.

We gathered all the tables in the first-floor lounge to create a debate space and had intense discussions.

Although the schedule officially ended at 6 p.m., the debate went on until 9 p.m. It felt like everyone forgot about their tiredness, as we focused on summarizing feedback and everyone showed great concentration and seriousness, with happiness apparent in their eyes.

A staff member asked us to leave because of building inspection, so we finally left at 9 p.m., but everyone's energy was like we were going to stay up all night. Everyone seemed completely absorbed in this.

After that, we talked outside the company, walking, standing in front of the station, entering the station, and even near the turnstiles, talking incessantly.

We even continued talking after tapping our cards to enter.

Everyone had faces and energy levels that hadn't subsided.

Those who ran out of energy just stared blankly and sighed.

Wow, what's going on...? No, really... Most of the reactions were like this.

There were also professional listeners who listened without expression, but when asked how it was, their facial expressions changed completely.


It was almost like this feeling:

Suddenly, it was like a scene of madness, where thoughts didn't even have time to settle before pouring out like a floodgate opening.

I couldn't find a chance to speak, damn it.

Inside, I was like, 'Oh shit, it's my turn now,' and just laughed.

But because everyone had different gaming experiences, it made for a diverse and captivating discussion.

The funny thing is, even before the test started, we were all chatting.

As people arrived one by one, they smiled and thought, 'Ah, everyone seems tired from chatting.' With this expression, they naturally joined in, chatting away like flowing water.

I didn't see anyone sitting and using their phones.

We talked for about 30 minutes to an hour while waiting for the test.

So, we pretty much had discussions for about 4 to 5 hours a day.

And then, someone would say, 'How about this?' and others would respond with, 'Oh, yeah?' and gradually, we split into small groups based on the topic and had intense conversations.


Really, all sorts of topics came up.

I talked with most of the participants.

From those who love Souls-like games to hardcore fanatics, almost everyone was crazy about FromSoftware's Souls series.

Many people said it was more fun than the original.

Does that really make sense? It's so hard to explain. Even when I try to think about it again, I just don't understand it myself.

Doesn't everyone seem like they've lost their minds collectively?

Seriously, everyone seemed to lose it after this.

I still think most of us haven't had our thirst quenched.

Before this game, Dark Souls 3 was the best for me.

But my thoughts changed after this experience.

Personally, I think it's on par with Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, and Sekiro.

As an individual work, I consider it a masterpiece.

I excluded Elden Ring because it's open-world, but in terms of combat alone, including Elden Ring, it's personally the best.

Damn, this game is so emotional. The more I talk about it, the more excited I get...

Ah, damn, it really makes me think...

I feel so empty without the access card that should be hanging around my neck.

Ah... I love you, damn it. Please come out safely, I'll take care of you.

I saw the faces of the developers, and I was really annoyed by the false topic for discussion.

Ah, damn it, how did I endure tasting this?

Everyone knows that if you pre-order the deluxe edition, you can play three days early.

Really, just for that alone, it's worth buying, and I can prophesy that you'll be a true winner.

Well, anyway... It's really hard to express anything beyond what you've imagined.

I really hope everyone plays it and feels this emotion and happiness.

Well then, Adidas.

추천 비추천


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