디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[정보/공략] 영혼의 아홉 요소 원문 정리함.

9O갤로그로 이동합니다. 2023.12.23 16:19:59
조회 228 추천 2 댓글 1

감염의 경우 감염원에 따라 설명이 조금씩 다른데, 그냥 설명창에 적힌 기본 정보만 적었다. 더 볼거 있다고 여기면 로웨나리움으로 가봐.
어원 부분의 경우 당연히 추정이니 더 적절한거 있으면 알려주시고.

위험, 감염, 증상 이런건 임의로 부여한 분류임.

위험 : maladyrisk
감염 : malady.inflicting
증상 : m요소 항목의 Desc. (mChor 등)

이름 : Chor
설명 : Exuberance; instinct; rhythm.
속성 : Heart, Grail
지혜 : Preservation, Birdsong
강화 : Intensify my Chor, Preservation: a heart still beats beneath the world's skin. / Birdsong: we listen, we learn, we change.
대화 : Everything goes easier with a song. [Boosts Heart and Grail]
어원 : Choir
질병 : Duendratic
위험 : My chor has been compromised - by a possessing presence from the Mansus behind the world! Quite a pleasant possessing presence - but it makes it hard to concentrate. [A defeat when Heart is present makes chor vulnerable to duendracy.]
감염 : As my concentration lapses, I begin to hear a distant music, like the tapping of a drum.
증상 : Duendracy is a kind of distraction or of inspiration, or of posession. In the wind, in the sea, in the crackle of flames, there's a music only I can hear, and when I give it too much attention, the world grows red as a rose...
속성 : Heart <> Moth
어원 : duendrazone / 이것도 게임 상에서만 나오는 조어인데, 심장과 관련한 의식을 거쳐 승천한 자를 지칭한다.

이름 : Ereb
설명 : Pride, compassion; hatred and fear.
속성 : Grail, Edge
지혜 : Bosk, Skolekosophy
강화 : Embrace my Ereb, The Wood is filled with shadows. / Skolekosophy will unchain my Ereb.
대화 : My pride will find an echo in theirs. [Boosts Grail and Edge]
어원 : Erebos
질병 : Westengryred
위험 : My ereb has been compromised by the green-sickness, the wasteland-terror, the bosk-haunt that Abbot Thomas named <i>westengryre</i>, long ago. [A defeat when Nectar is present makes ereb vulnerable to westengryre.]
감염 : As my spirits sink lower, a creaking fear passes softly into me, like something crawling through a window left carelessly open.
증상 : Westengryre is what the early monks of St Brandan's called it; that old green-sickness, the raptness of desolation, the terror of the wastes, and it is upon me now. The Wood. The Wood. The Wood...!
속성 : Nectar <> Forge
어원 : Wilderness Horror / 성경인지 외경인지, 사막과 방랑에 대한 공포를 서술할 때 나왔던 단어.

이름 : Fet
설명 : That part of us which dreams.
속성 : Rose, Moth
지혜 : Horomachistry, Nyctodromy
강화 : Expand my Fet, Horomachistry will widen my aspirations. / Nyctodromy will show my Fet where we can go.
대화 : Perhaps we shared a dream. [Boosts Rose and Moth]
어원 : Fetus
질병 : Gisting
위험 : My fet is gisting - too loosely tethered to me - so that I glimpse the Mansus even in daylight hours. [A defeat when additional Rose is present makes fet vulnerable to gisting.]
감염 : As my concentration fails, a part of my soul flutters away, drawn by a distant half-imaginary light.
증상 : In dreams I have visited the House behind the world... and some part of me is trapped there now, even when I wake.
속성 : Rose <> Grail
어원 : Gist / 요약하다.

이름 : Health
설명 : The dwelling-place of the soul.
속성 : Heart, Nectar, Scale
지혜 : Bosk, Preservation
강화 : Train my Health, The Wood is filled with life. / Preservation: the earth endures, and so do I.
대화 : I'm ready to lend my limbs. [Boosts Heart, Scale, Nectar]
어원 : Health
질병 : Sick
위험 : Perhaps the damp air is affecting my lungs. [A defeat when Winter is present risks sickness.]
감염 : I've exhausted my strength. [My Health has a Malady.]
증상 : I've become unwell.
속성 : Winter <> Heart
어원 : Sick

이름 : Mettle
설명 : The capacity for meaningful choice.
속성 : Forge, Edge
지혜 : Horomachistry, Illumination
강화 : Improve my Mettle, Horomachistry will heighten my aspirations. / Use Illumination to understand better who I am.
대화 : Inspiration and determination. [Boosts Forge and Edge]
어원 : Mettle
질병 : X
위험 : X
감염 : X
증상 : X
속성 : X
어원 : X

이름 : Phost
설명 : Sight, perception, inspiration, all the Glory's gifts.
속성 : Lantern, Sky
지혜 : Illumination, Ithastry
강화 : Brighten my Phost, Use Illumination to focus my inner radiance. / Ithastry will spark my inner radiance.
대화 : Together, we'll be watchful. [Boosts Lantern and Sky]
어원 : phos- / 그리스어, 빛.
질병 : Fascinated
위험 : Phost is the brightest part of the soul - sometimes it can grow too bright for safety. [A defeat when additional Lantern is present makes phost vulnerable to fascination.]
감염 : My inner light gutters, then flares - I am snared in a dangerous fascination.
속성 : Lantern <> Nectar
어원 : fascination

이름 : Shapt
설명 : Eloquence and understanding. The door opens both ways.
속성 : Knock, Forge
지혜 : Nyctodromy, Skolekosophy
강화 : Open my Shapt further, Nyctodromy will take my Shapt to new thresholds. / Skolekosophy will dissolve the limitations of my Shapt.
대화 : Education, or beguilement? [Boosts Knock and Forge]
어원 : Shape 의 다른 형태. 현재 사용하지 않는 사어.
질병 : Acusis
위험 : Acusis is a malady of the soul in which the door, shapt, cannot be closed. [A defeat when additional Knock is present makes shapt vulnerable to acusis.]
감염 : The doors of my soul have opened too wide. Every sound rings like a bell - every word scratches at my eyes or skin -
증상 : The doors of my soul have opened too wide. Every sound rings like a bell - every word scratches at my eyes or skin -
속성 : Knock <> Winter
어원 : Hyperacusis / 청각 과민

이름 : Trist
설명 : The change and the longing.
속성 : Moth, Moon
지혜 : Birdsong, Hushery
강화 : Follow my Trist, Birdsong: what we were, what we will be. / I'll change.
대화 : Secret sorrows may join our strengths. [Boosts Moth and Moon]
어원 : tristis / 라틴어, 슬픔.
질병 : Despairing
위험 : Trist is already half a hand trailed in a river of deeper sadness. [A defeat when Edge is present can submerge trist in despair.]
감염 : I've placed too heavy a strain on my soul.
증상 : Melancholy is the mist on the soul's waters. Despair is the wolf that prowls the water's edge.
속성 : Edge <> Sky
어원 : Despair

이름 : Wist
설명 : Name, memory, that part which remains. (Most librarians know that books have souls; most librarians hope for books with simple souls of wist and nothing else.)
속성 : Winter, Lantern
지혜 : Hushery, Ithastry
강화 : Sharpen my Wist, I'll remember. / Ithastry will ensure my Wist endures.
대화 : We'll watch for what lies ahead. [Boosts Winter and Lantern]
어원 : Whist / 슬랭, 쉿. 아니면 네덜란드어, 앎.
질병 : Shell-Crossed
위험 : Memory crossed, hatched, lined, snapped. [A defeat when Scale is present can leave wist shell-crossed.]
감염 : I've over-tired myself. My thoughts are crabbed and strange.
증상 : My thoughts are tangled and unfamiliar to me. Something of those who came before - the Carapace Cross - has always lingered in humankind. It's risen now in me.
속성 : Scale <> Lantern
어원 : Carapace Cross

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1819 일반 영혼의 아홉 요소 [9] 시르케갤로그로 이동합니다. 06.11 214 2
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