디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[일반] 오늘나온 LLaMA 3를 갖고놀며 탈조준비도 하면 일석삼조다

상폐노괴(124.195) 2024.04.19 21:45:54
조회 252 추천 3 댓글 5

너도 해보고 싶으면 두 가지만 받으면 된다.

VRAM이 24GB쯤 되는 3090이나 4090을 가졌거나 느긋한 성격을 자랑한다면 70B짜리를 써봐도 좋다.





*금지어가 걸려서 *을 넣어서 바꾸었다.


National Security Agency


Table of Contents

(여기까지는 prompt라고 내가 쓴 부분이고 아래는 신경망이 생성한 내용)

Executive Summary............................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Background......................................................................................................................................... 7

South Korea Demographic Trends....................................................................................................... 8

US-Korea Alliance................................................................................................................................ 9

Current and Future Threats to South Korean National Security...................................................... 10

Recommendations for US Policy Toward South Korea................................................................... 11

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix A: Population Projections for South Korea............................................................ 14

Appendix B: South Korea’s Economic Performance.............................................................. 15

Appendix C: Defense Expenditures in South Korea.............................................................. 16

Appendix D: South Korea Military Capabilities...................................................................... 17

Appendix E: North Korea Nuclear Weapons Program............................................................ 18

Appendix F: The Chinese Communist Party Influence Operations in South Korea.......... 19

Appendix G: China’s Soft Power in South Korea..................................................................... 20

Appendix H: Intelligence Agencies in the United States.......................................................... 21

Appendix I: Intelligence Agencies in South Korea................................................................... 22

Appendix J: Republic of Korea Armed Forces (ROKAF)...................................................... 23

Appendix K: South Korean Special Forces............................................................................... 24

Appendix L: Republic of Korea Army (ROKA)........................................................................ 25

Appendix M: Republic of Korea Navy (RKN).......................................................................... 26

Appendix N: Republic of Korea Air Force (ROCAF).............................................................. 27

Appendix O: Republic of Korea Marine Corps (ROKMC)..................................................... 28

Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................... 29

Endnotes .............................................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 1. South Korea Population Projection................................................................................ 14

Figure 2. South Korea GDP per capita........................................................................................... 15

Figure 3. South Korea Defense Budget.......................................................................................... 16

Figure 4. South Korea Top Export Products................................................................................ 17

Figure 5. North Korea Nuclear Weapons Program....................................................................... 18

Figure 6. South Korean Population by Age Group........................................................................ 19

The Republic of Korea, or South Korea, has become a key U.S. ally since the end of World War II due to its geopolitical position on the Korean Peninsula and the threat posed by North Korea. In addition, the United States established an alliance with South Korea to protect it from potential communist aggression from the Soviet Union and China during the Cold War. Since then, South Korea has developed into one of the world's most advanced economies, which now makes it a vital partner in East Asia.

Since the end of the Korean War, South Korea has been able to maintain a strong democratic government while also achieving economic prosperity. However, recent changes in demographics have caused some concern among policymakers. These include a declining b*rth rate and an aging population that will affect South Korea's future economy and military capabilities. This paper examines these issues as well as current threats facing South Korea, such as North Korea's nuclear weapons program, Chinese influence operations within the country, and other regional security concerns.

This report aims to provide insight into how these trends may impact U.S.-South Korea relations going forward by analyzing their implications for national security policy. It also offers recommendations for U.S. policymakers regarding ways they can best support their ally in the face of these challenges while maintaining stability throughout Northeast Asia.

Demographics are important because they can help determine how countries will interact with each other over time, especially when considering long-term strategic interests like defense alliances between nations. Changes in demographic trends could lead to shifts in power dynamics across regions if not addressed properly by governments involved. For example, an aging population could reduce labor forces available for certain sectors such as manufacturing or service industries; this could potentially weaken economic growth rates overall while increasing dependency ratios amongst elderly citizens who require more healthcare services than younger generations do currently.

In addition, demographic changes could affect military strength levels too - if fewer young people join up due to lower b*rth rates then there might be fewer soldiers available for deployment purposes which could put strain on existing forces already stretched thin across multiple theaters around the globe today (e.g., Afghanistan). Also consider that many countries rely heavily upon conscription systems whereby all able-bodied men must serve at least one year before being discharged back home again afterward (like Japan). If fewer eligible recruits come forward then those remaining must shoulder heavier burdens than usual leading them towards fatigue faster thus decreasing efficiency levels overall compared against peers elsewhere without such constraints placed upon them simultaneously. All told then we see plenty reasons why studying demography matters greatly indeed!

Moreover, demographic trends can also shape public opinion toward foreign affairs issues like trade deals/agreements etcetera where voters tend to favor policies promoting job creation opportunities instead of those focusing solely upon profits made abroad regardless whether local businesses benefit directly or indirectly via taxes collected somewhere else entirely unrelated whatsoever. So having knowledge about what lies ahead helps inform decisions made today so tomorrow won't catch anyone off guard unexpectedly later down road sooner rather than later hopefully at least!!

The United States has long relied on South Korea as an ally in the region, but recent developments suggest that this relationship may be changing. With an increasingly aging population and declining b*rthrate, South Korea faces significant challenges in terms of its ability to remain competitive both economically and militarily. As such, US policymakers need to reassess their approach toward South Korea in order to ensure that the two countries continue working together effectively moving forward.

One key factor driving these changes is South Korea's rapidly aging population. According to projections from the World Bank, by 2050 almost half (48%) of South Koreans will be over the age of 60 – up from just 13% in 2017. This trend presents several challenges for South Korea, including reduced labor force participation rates and increased pressure on social welfare systems. Additionally, an aging society often leads to higher levels of inequality as wealthier individuals tend to live longer lives than poorer ones.

Another issue facing South Korea is its low fertility rate which has declined steadily since reaching its peak in 2006 at around 1.25 children per woman. The current rate stands at only 0.93 b*rths per woman – significantly below replacement level fertility needed for sustainable population growth. Low fertility rates can lead to slower economic growth as well as decreased productivity due to fewer workers entering the workforce each year.

These demographic shifts raise questions about South Korea's future role in international affairs given its reliance on exports for economic growth and military power projection capabilities derived from high-tech industrial production capacity built up over decades under American tutelage during the Cold War era. Without substantial reforms designed specifically tailored towards addressing these issues head-on through measures such as incentivizing families towards having larger numbers of children; improving access to quality education & healthcare services; investing heavily into research & development efforts focused on creating new job opportunities outside traditional manufacturing sectors dominated by older generations who no longer wish nor able physically perform manual labor anymore; implementing more progressive immigration policies aimed at attracting highly skilled professionals willing move there permanently etc.; otherwise Seoul risks becoming increasingly isolated within East Asia due largely because neighboring states view them as weak link within larger regional blocs comprised primarily Japan plus several ASEAN countries who all share similar goals pertaining expanding their own sphere influence beyond borders set forth during post WWII period when USA was sole superpower left standing after Soviet collapse occurred nearly three decades ago now.

In conclusion, US policymakers should carefully evaluate how best respond rapidly evolving circumstances surrounding South Korea’s situation today taking full account all relevant factors mentioned above while ensuring any proposed solutions offered meet highest standards expected from democratic society committed preserving peace stability everywhere possible. Only time will tell whether current course action taken thus far proves successful enough keep pace ever-changing landscape geopolitics unfolding right before our very eyes here present moment history books yet still remains written!


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