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[일반] Korea's missing ethnonationalist youth

Jefferson01(77.111) 2024.04.20 01:50:33
조회 116 추천 2 댓글 0

It is almost a daily occurrence. The alt-right Japanese, mostly elderly men and other younger men who have no place in society, shout vitriolic chants as if they were shrieking lyrics at a karaoke. "We do not tolerate Zainichi privileges!" They furrow their brows as North Korean Japanese women pass nearby in hanboks. In their eyes, the foreign freeloaders have no place in Japanese society. For if they, ethnic Japanese, have been pushed into the darkness during Japan's decades-long recession, why should Korean Japanese be allowed here at all? 

The situation is no different in America. Legions of young, disillusioned men, in a backlash against how the last decade of progressivism has failed them, chant "All Lives Matter!" It is the most logical response, as many young men are being left out of dating, their college enrollment rates have been surpassed by their female peers, and so-called "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" policies exclude them from lucrative jobs. Still, those young men have not yet taken the "round 'em up" and "genocide" bandwagon, for the Jewish news media has successfully, through "Holocaust insertion," convinced the American public that all mob violence is unethical. We will see how sympathetic people are after Gaza.

Echoes of discontent against "outsiders" puppeteering the lives of marginalized young men, however, are omnipresent in America. While not near the rich and cosmopolitan Northeastern metropolis of America; Charlottesville, Virginia, is no doubt a reflection of the United States. White nationalists gathered in this quiet university town, shouting vulgar chants that "Jews will not replace us." Just like the Japanese men above, their sentiment is understandable. If even they, ethnically white Americans cannot make it in this harsh economic reality, why should Jews have a place in America? In their minds, their failure is easily attributable to the Jews and immigrants siphoning away what is rightfully theirs.

In certain corners of the Anglosphere, the tone is shifting even more. Australia, a staunch bulwark of white nationalism, has seen increasing hate crimes towards Asian Americans. They do not care if you are Korean, Japanese, or Chinese; they look at your narrow eyes, and within even the most liberal Austrailian, the Manchurian Candidate activates. In Britain, minor YouTubers such as "Paul Joesph Watson" have been captivating their conservative audience, prominently featuring immigrant criminal gangs in England and Scandinavia. 

The message is clear: they do not want their white-skinned chavs replaced by an even more degenerate breed of brown-skinned Hindus, Eastern Europeans, and Muslims. Maybe then, it is no coincidence that many who want to "preserve a future for the white race," are the chavs themselves. Some may even point to alt-right reviewers such as "Nerdrotic," who have been pushing back against the epidemic of political correctness, as an example of this desire for self-preservation by lower-class whites. They see their faces and ideas erased from their once beloved escapist treats in gaming and cartoons, and now, they are panicking. Many abandon Western media altogether, turning to anime.

Gone are the days seen in the documentary "Welcome to Leith," where white nationalists are pushed out of public life. Today, almost a decade later, I do not doubt that many of the residents of Leith, North Dakota, who opposed white nationalist "Craig Cobb" from settling in their town, would turn a blind eye. Everywhere across the globe, it seems, that young, disillusioned men in post-industrial societies, are pushing harder and harder for their self-preservation. But amidst this epidemic, one outlier can be seen. Their young men are turning to suicide, gaming, and Twitch streams. Their version of the alt-right, instead of fostering pride in their heritage, actively dismisses the achievements of their ancestors. Their men encourage miscegenation with so-called "inferior" browns and praise the Japanese and Chinese, behavior that no right-minded ethnonationalist in the West would tolerate. Where is this elusive nation, and what happened to its ethnonationalist youth?

It is the fiery peninsula, a land with a birth rate as low as Hong Kong and Singapore. Indeed, where else than South Korea, an economic, demographic, and social anomaly? 

It is peculiar, that many young men in South Korea actively engage in self-hatred. It is more peculiar that instead of responding to their own perceived inferiority by finding solace in ethnonationalism, their young men have turned to anti-nationalism. It is no longer a rare sight to see people saying Korea must be colonized by the Japanese, particularly in fringe internet forums such as DCInside. Increasing hordes of wumaos and overseas Chinese also flood the website with propaganda that Korea should be a Chinese vassal. But despite Korea's unique history, in reality, it is no different compared to that of Poland or Israel; a buffer power between major powers, which holds them apart to prevent a large war. Yet, their men chant to preserve their progeny, while Koreans chant for miscegenation. Why?

A deciding factor is the brutal military conscription, which takes away around 80% of the male youth each year to the army; figures which weren't seen even at the height of World War II. In the army, instead of instilling national pride first and foremost, the Korean generals make sure to wring the vulnerable young conscripts for every last penny of labor during their 1 year and 6 months of "service." Conscripts are considered lucky if they spend their time catering personally to the families of the Korean generals. In most cases, military "training" is comprised of useless hazing, rituals of humiliation, and surprisingly often, threats of mortality. Very little time is devoted to effective, scientific exercises or useful military drills. The average Korean male will spend more time in the army digging holes than shooting guns, and more hours being hazed than strengthening their bodies. On the plus side, by showing Korean men the horrific reality of army conditions, fewer of them call for war and conflict. On the other side, it undermines trust in their nation and puts a chip on their shoulder, especially compared to women who have no responsibilities to serve in the military. 

As a result, many young men are made susceptible to anti-nationalist narratives suggesting that Korea as a nation has failed, and that the Korean women and elite (who they view as freeloaders), deserve to pay. While people may suggest Confucian influences or the ostensible Korean "patriarchy" as the cause of their radicalization, in reality, these very people would have supported the leftists a mere decade ago. It is only after the reign of various apathetic leftist and conservative presidents, that young men found their onus of conscription to be unreasonably heavy compared to its benefits. Conscripts are viewed as a joke in society, and any systemic measures to compensate the men for their time properly have been derailed under concerns of "misogyny" by women's rights activists, and an "I have mine, eff you" attitude by the older men who are no longer fit for service.

Some Korean men are so disillusioned with the nation, that they find more value in bringing Vietnamese genes to this peninsula than meeting an ethnic-Korean woman. Many more worship Japanese and white women. It is as they say, the grass is always greener on the other side. But the crux is that through their suffering and oppression, the Korean men are in such a state of despair, that they refuse to reproduce another ethnic Korean. They realize what it is like to be a Korean male in the era of mandatory conscription, and have decided to procreate with external genes to prevent their cursed Korean destiny from being passed onto their children. More often than not, these disillusioned men do not procreate at all, stating that the suffering must end with them. 

Of course, ethnonationalism is making a comeback here too, but it is abnormally weak and fragile compared to other nations. For example, there are murmurs that the Chinese Koreans must leave this nation. However, their voices are small and scattered, and the honorable former president Park Chung Hee, who fought against the Chinese plague, is long dead. It is yet to be seen if Koreans create their anti-Chinese version of the "Association of Citizens against the Special Privileges of the Zainichi." It is also yet to be seen if Korean men will wake up from the globalist agenda and create righteous mobs to levy decisive action upon the foreign criminal gangs of white, brown, yellow, and black complexions that roam this nationThe arrows of hate are drawn within, instead of outwards, and it is likely because of the "inspiration" bestowed upon many Korean men during their time in the army. 

My words likely, will not reach many people. But to the alt-right Koreans who insist on exterminating their own kind, I want to ask you this: were you aware that the Chinese Koreans are not the subject of mandatory conscription? Are you aware of the millions of foreign migrants, who aim to take your jobs and lower your pay? Are you aware that the white, Japanese, Chinese, and black men in Seoul whom you sacrifice time and energy to protect, are actively taking your women in your absence? The enemy within is not your kin; rather, it is the Hindu who takes the Korean's IT job, the Thai who lowers Korean farmhand pay, the whites and blacks who take our women, the Muslim who wants you dead, and the Chinese who peddle drugs in our communities. The Korean elite has subjugated its own people, and for what? To protect foreigners who have no will to fight for this nation, and aim to return to their homeland once they had their fill of easy money and sex? Perhaps, instead of removing workers, we must aim first to remove useless eaters.

So, the mystery of the missing ethnonationalist youth is solved. In Korea, the military funnels away any patriotism left in the Korean male youth, replacing it with righteous anger against the system that oppresses them. Hence, these Korean male youth, instead of pointing the finger outwards at yellow, white, brown, and black foreigners, often point the finger at the Korean elite and the Korean women whom they view as freeloaders. They are not wrong, but their strategy is. To restore this missing generation of ethnonationalists who shall purify the nation in nationalism and democratic socialism, I have a simple proposal.

First, we must acknowledge unique Korean circumstances, and give active benefits to our soldiers. We must see feminism for what it is: an inherently Western ideology that spread only because the Cold War allowed an absence of military conflict in the US and the UK. Had the UK still been a strait away from authoritarian Germany, feminism would have never even been brought up. Hence, we must deny the propositions of feminism, because its prerequisite: a peaceful society far away from the battlefields, is not met. Korea is a strait away from authoritarian China, North Korean vassals, and the quasi-authoritarian Japanese. In such a threatening environment, it would be deeply foolish to push feminism. When England was being bombed, did the feminists come out and chant? Or did they go into the bomb shelters like everyone else? Korean feminists best go into the bomb shelters, before they are put on the frontlines, too.

Second, we must center the argument to be anti-foreign, instead of being against Korean women or elites. Of course, the system of militarism is what led vulnerable Korean men into the barracks. But it is also true that freeloaders, foreign scum who infest the provinces and nightclubs, are benefiting off Korean male suffering while they get to enjoy what we do not. The epidemic of Chinese Koreans is telling, because they want the benefits of living perpetually in Korea without serving in the military or going through our harsh entrance exams. It is time we flush this nation of parasites. It is also a nice way to show the Korean elite the absurdity of our sacrifice, without insulting them personally. 

Korea once had a vibrant ethnonationalist youth, who would do anything to defend this country. They did not trust China, nor America, nor Japan. They knew that Koreans prosper when Korea prospers. This generation was the so-called "Young 40s" generation, who had one of the lowest military conscription rates in modern Korean history. In contrast, the current youth are almost unanimously critical of Korea, and skeptical of fighting to defend this country in any circumstance. They are the generation with the highest military conscription rates in modern Korean history. In Japan, a nation with no military, its marginalized males throw stones at Zainichi and Chinese, not their own women. It is not a coincidence. The Korean elites best wake up and pursue a new policy that will preserve the interests of themselves and their people, before it is too late. 

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