디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[일반] 윾 1.37.1 패치노트

ㅇㅇ(220.94) 2024.05.16 19:31:36
조회 260 추천 0 댓글 1
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# Gamebalance
# Governments
- The government 'Seven Provinces' now also grants 15% manpower in primary culture provinces.
# War & Peace
- Mesoamerican Tributaries can no longer ally independent nations.
# Units
- The VOC interaction "increase_voc_eastindiamen_construction" now properly grants the VOC Indiamen special unit allowed fraction.
# Other
- The VOC interaction increase_voc_eastindiamen_construction now grants properly the VOC Indiamen special unit allowed fraction.
- The 3 canals can now be built by subjects.
# Interface
# Tooltips
- Fixed a typo in the first option of the 'Fate of the Chinese Emperor' event.
- Fixed an error in the reward tooltip of the "Regiment de Marine" mission.
- rewrote the decision requirements for Venture into Tribal Lands.
- The Dutch mission "Glorious Revolution" no longer mentions "Man o War" special units if the Domination DLC is not active.
- Improved the tooltip of the reward for the Dutch "Low Countries Universities" universities.
- The Arabian Trade Influence mechanic is no longer mentioned if players do not own the Winds of Change DLC.
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip for "Fugger Family Privileges" Burghers privilege.
- Fixed a typo in the declare war tooltip for the Mesoamerican Tributary Casus Belli.
# Other
- Removed a duplicate entry of the mission_hussite_empire icon from its .gfx file.
# Script
# Achievements
- "Mayapahit" no longer requires you to own or have a subject own Madura as it is technically not part of the Java island even though it is part of the same in-game areas.
- Removed an unnecessary requirement from the Hungarian Games which asks you to have been in Hungary at any point in time as it is only visible to you if you started as Hungary anyway.
- "Timurizz" now makes it clearer that the allies with 100 Trust and with 150 opinion to you are the same.
- The achievement "Mayapahit" now allows you to form any other tag than just Maya. As long you have formed the Mayas at some point, the achievement can be earned.
- "There Khan only be one!" now requires you to be a horde or the Great Mongol State at the end too. In other words, if you start as a horde and reform into a monarchy before killing all other hordes the achievement would not trigger until you return to being a horde.
- Improved the description of "There Khan only be one!" so it is clear that every country (except for you) cannot be a horde.
- Changed the visibility requirement for "Veritas Vincit" from owning "Winds of Change" to owning "Art of War" and "Emperor" as the mechanics required to fulfill this achievement are behind these two DLCs.
- Improved the visibility of the following achievements so you no longer have to form the specific country to see the achievement: "It's all coming together", "Baborg" and "Get out of my swamp!".
- The achievement "The Hungarian Games" now counts won battles against the same country up to 3 times. A 4th won battle against the same country will no longer count for the achievement though.
- "The League of Mayapan" will no longer disappear from the list of achievements after it's completed.
- "Great Moravia" achievement now accounts for Great Moravia's cores.
- Updated the achievements' descriptions of "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword", "Take that, von Habsburgs!", and "The Ostenders" to properly adjust with their script.
- "Gothic Invasion" now accounts for the new Gothic culture that is part of the Germanic culture group.
# Decisions
- Made it so you can't form AUH whilst in the relevant disasters.
- Reward from NED_glorious_revolution is now kept after forming the United Crowns.
- Great Moravia can now be formed through indirect ownership of the required provinces and the decision to form it is visible from the start.
- The "Reform into Prussia" decision will now mention the "Prussian Path" instead of the "Prussian Kingdom Path" in the trigger tooltip.
- The "Reform into Prussia" decision now requires you to have one of the Reformation religions when you don't have Lions of the North.
- "Reform into Prussia" has no longer unlocalized text in it.
- Improved the trigger tooltip for "Venture into Tribal Lands" so you no longer have to look at the effects to get an idea of what you have to do to colonize the neighboring provinces.
- The decision to "Expand the VOC" is no longer available to every country that has territory in India. This removes the ability for Indian states to commit suicide at the press of a single button.
- Players no longer have access to the "Form Austria-Hungary" decision while the events "The End of the Hungarian Revolution" and "The End of the Austrian Revolution" are actively on the screen.
# Events
- The event Raabisation now properly grants its rewards.
- The Russian events regarding the peasantry now remove ALL serfdom-related estate privileges with every step before applying the new privilege. This should cover rare cases where some serfdom privilege was "stuck" on the player even though they progressed through the event chain already, but should by default not change much for the normal experience.
- Fixed an issue with the "Muhammad Juki Seizes Initiative" (flavor_tim.20) event.
- The event "Gold Mine Discovered!" has now a goto button.
- The event "Heir needed in <Theocracy Country>" has now a 40-day cooldown between each instance. This should remove the cases where the event triggers twice for a country.
- Refined the descriptions of the "End of the Tatar Yoke" further in case Muscovy devs its way out of the yoke...
- Added a special event text for the case that Muscovy grows too powerful to be influenced by the Tatar Yok while Sarai has never fallen.
- Fixed missing ruler name and dynasty for the "Hungary wishes to join the Empire" incident events.
- The Polish event about the Election of Kasimir will no longer display certain tooltips that have no effect without the "Lions of the North" DLC.
# Missions
- The mission mongols_tumu_crisis can no longer be instantly completed.
- Made it so the azt_unify_mexico mission's title does not overflow out of the UI if you are a theocracy.
- The "Emperors of Rome" mission now gives rewards according to the chosen path.
- The mission Refine the Condottieri will no longer grant Mercenary Leader Army Tradition.
- Sarig Yogir is now granted the basic Mongol missions.
- The "Statists and Orangists" mission can now be completed after manually switching to reform with the Dutch Election.
- The mission tre_trapezunite_pride now has an alternative requirement if the province Trebizond produces Gold.
- The Dutch mission "Hansa Relations" now always rewards you regardless of how you complete it.
- The owner of Kyoto now gains 100 Dip Power from the Dutch mission "Japanese Trade" if the mission is completed via relations.
- The Dutch mission "Japanese Trade" now grants the reward of both options if both a true at the same time.
- The Dutch mission "Teachings of Erasmus" now gives 1 stability or 100 ADM if you have already 3 stability if you do not have a clergy present and you are NOT Reformed.
- The mission "Humiliate Austria" is no longer automatically completable when you start a game without the Rights of Man.
- The Theodoran mission "Into the Steppes" will no longer mention a reward for your Cossacks estate if you do not have the Cossacks estate.
- The Aztec mission "Telpochcalli Academies" will no longer enable the "Telpochcalli Academy" Local Organization if you don't own Golden Century.
- The Austrian mission "Surpass the Poles" now gives the PU CB against Poland until they have more than 400 total development instead of 300 total development.
- The Dutch mission "Ending the Sound Toll" has its reward now properly available for Holland, and not just the Netherlands.
- The Timurid mission "Mamluk Delusions" now requires 40 instead of 50 provinces, no longer demanding the player to make up 4 additional provinces in these areas.
- The Austrian mission "Italian Ambition" has its rewards no longer exclusive to each other.
- The event from the mission "Question of Azov" now properly triggers for Genoa instead of Theodoro.
- The Bohemian mission "The Golden City" no longer allows you to achieve Leviathan-levels of Development in a province any more, limiting the maximum amount of dev gain to 3 times (so +9 development in total).
- Forming Prussia as the Teutonic Order before completing "Defeat Poland" will now automatically complete the mission and select for you the Prussian Path.
- The Russian mission "The Fate of the Peasantry" is no longer blocked if the player goes a weird path of crushing the peasants just to liberate them later on anyway.
- The mission "Endthe Regency" now automatically gives you the Hussite branch as long you finish it while NOT being Catholic. Updated the tooltip too to reflect this change.
- Deccan now has religion after being released through the MUG_viceroyalty_of_deccan mission.
- Forming Yuan while being a horde will no longer lock players out of the mission "Four Great Schools".
- Fixed inconsistency for the Church estate naming in the Yuan "Inward Perfection" / yua_inward_perfection mission, as it referred to twice as "Clergy" and once as "Shizu".
- Fixed the reward of the "OMA_buffing_outposts" mission that was dependent on Trade Companies for non-Dharma owners.
# Modifiers
- Fixed an issue with the modifier Vegvar System not applied correctly to border forts, for Hungary.
- The modifier hun_avenge_varna is removed from Hungary if the Ottomans are annexed or subjugated.
- The privilege estate_nobles_ITA_military_governors now grants state governing cost instead of territories governing cost.
# Setup
- The disaster 'Austrian Revolution' will now only show up if Austria does not exist.
- The Austrian reform "Imperial Austrian Monarchy" is now properly granted via the Multicultural Empire mission.
- The "Land Reform" (development_of_infrastructure) parliament issue is increased by having Infrastructure ideas.
- The capital of Moghulistan is now Ilian.
# Other
- Minor text improvement of horde event.
- The modifier name in French now properly says yearly.
- Fixed Lake Chad name.
- Changed mention of Chagatai to Moghulistan in the startup screen text.
- Added missing declaration of war string for the Mesoamerican Tributary subject.
- The government reforms "Roman Empire" and "Roman Republic" now require you to be either the Roman Empire, Byzantium, or a custom nation atop of the normal Roman culture requirement. This should avoid the weird cases where the Client States would call themselves the "Nth Rome" by enacting the reform.
- The Sich Rade government reform has now - 75% Capital Movement Cost to synergize better with its Itinerant Capital mechanic.
- "Expanded Black Army" will no longer show that mercenaries are free of Army Professionalism cost if you do not own Cradle of Civilization.
- You no longer have the "Start War in Colony" button for Sunset Colonies subjects as it cannot work outside of Colonial regions anyway.
- Fixed an issue with the 'Compromise with the Hungarians / Austrians' decision.
- "Return of the Hussites!" will no longer trigger "Election of a New Ruler". Additionally to this, Jan is now always a 25 year old one Czech.
- The event "New Government!" for former colonies will now properly make you into a Republic in the 2nd option.
# Bugfixes
- Great Moravia's achievement now accounts for Great Moravia's cores.
- Fixed an issue that fired the Unprofitable Trade event for the Netherlands after creating the VOC.
- The reform imperial_hungarian_government now has a proper icon assigned to it.
- Updated the achievements' descriptions of "The pen is mightier than the sword", "Take that, von Habsburgs!", and "The Ostenders" to properly adjust with their script.
- Fixed some overflowing texts of the Spanish localization.

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