디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

너무 급해서 부탁드립니다.

jake 2006.04.05 12:24:20
조회 277 추천 0 댓글 21

네이버 지식검색에 내공도 다 걸었습니다. 도시의 길에 대한 영어번역입니다. http://kin.naver.com/ing/detail.php?d1id=11&dir_id=1111&eid=wZFSbyAOm7n12ZEyaflY2wwTYL9P96RD Traffic movement possibilities on The Esplanade are nothing short of amazing and fly in the face of traffic-engineering standards and norms. The Most notable is the lack of restrictions in movement between the center and the access roads at intersections. The center and the cross-streets are controlled by signal lights at every second intersection. At these intersections, left turns are not allowed from the center. But there are no traffic lights at the alternate intersections, where left turns are allowed. Access lanes are controlled separately, with a stop sign at every intersection. Cross traffic waits at the median edge. A clear hierarchy is established: traffic in the center lanes always has preference, except where there are stoplights. Second priority is given to the cross streets, where vehicles proceed past the access road traffic, without having to stop, to the edge of the center lanes, where there is either a stop sign or a traffic light. Drivers on the access roads are last in the pecking order; they have to stop at every corner. Pedestrians, as usual, have the right-of-way at crossings, except where a traffic light controls movement. Drivers use The Esplanade the way they were meant to: almost all traffic travels in the center lanes. Very few vehicles travel along the access roads for more than a block. Why would they, as they are compelled to stop at every corner, about every 400 feet? As would be expected, traffic travels much more slowly on the access roads than in the center: 21 miles per hour compared to 31 miles per hour. There is far less distance for building up speed. Theoretically, this arrangement permits some forty-two points of conflict at a typical intersection, where one vehicle can cross the path of another; but people recognize this potential and act with caution. The main conflict is between drivers on the center roadway making a right-hand turn and those on the access road going straight ahead(which is rare) or making their own right or left turns from their stop sign. In general, observation shows that central roadway drivers make the right turn more cautiously when there is a car on the access road or approaching the intersection. They look to see what the driver in the access lane is planning to do, slow down, and wait. Access-lane drivers, too, are very cautious about entering an intersection, looking in more directions than are required at a normal intersection. It is necessary to look back over the left shoulder to see if there is traffic approaching in the center roadway, especially if the light is green, and also to be sure no turns are in process or likely. This is an unusual direction in which to look, but drivers learn fast in such situations, especially after encountering a car unexpectedly crossing in front of them when they failed to check. Cars on cross streets pull up to the center roadway to wait for a green light or an opening in traffic that will permit them to pass. When cross traffic is heavy and more than two or three cars have to wait, drivers find themselves sitting in the intersection as the access lanes become blocked. When that happens, drivers on the access road intending to proceed straight may turn right instead. More often, drivers of waiting cars notice the situation and back up or pull forward to allow the car on the access road to maneuver through. When only one or two cars in the cross-streets are stopped and blocking traffic, access-road drivers wishing to go straight simply maneuver around them. Buses frequently do the same thing. People obey the rules on The Esplanade. Illegal moves by autos are few and far between. Cyclists also use the access lanes and, more often than not, they move in any direction, regardless of the one-way nature of the street. But there are few moving cars, and no one seems to mind, and the cyclists can proceed swiftly and with a certain sense of freedom. For pedestrians, however, there is a sense of being in a no-man's land when crossing a cross street. There are no crosswalk markings, so a specific pedestrian zone is not established. One feels vulnerable to traffic moving from many directions. It is a small problem that could be easily solved. If one were convinced that all those possible turning and weaving movements and potential conflicts on The Esplanade make for a dangerous street, then one would expect Mangrove Street, which runs five blocks east and parallel to it and carries about the same amount of daily traffic, to be relatively safer. Within its 65-to 67-foot-wide roadway Mangrove Street carries two lanes of traffic in each direction, plus a left-turn lane; thus it has close to the same number of fast lanes as The Esplanade. But the number of interesting streets on Mangrove Street is about half the number as on The Esplanade and, more important, the number of potential conflict points has been effectively reduced to zero. Its intersections have traffic controls that give each major movement, especially left turns, its own green cycle. Each movement has a place and time, largely separate from others, to minimize potential conflicts. Moreover, the uses along Mangrove Street are significantly different than those along The Esplanade; this is a commercial strip. Nonetheless, given all the potential conflicts-at least according to prevailing traffic-management wisdom-there should be more accidents on the boulevard than on Mangrove Street. But there are not. The accident rates of the two streets are virtually identical: 0.19 accident(per average daily traffic count divided by 1,000)on The Esplanade, compared to 0.18 on Mangrove Street. It is hard to know with certainty why the accident(per average daily traffic count divided by 1,000)on The Esplanade, compared to 0.18 on Mangrove Street. It is hard to know with certainty why the accident rates on these two streets are so similar. Close observation over extended periods at different times of the year offers some explanations. All of those complex traffic lights on Mangrove Street may give a false sense of security("Everything is taken care of, I don't have to worry.")that decreases drivers' awareness and preparedness. Also, the lights and longer blocks may encourage speed. If I know that I'm going to have to wait through three traffic-light intervals before my turn comes again, I might just try to get through the intersection on the caution light now, while there is a chance. And that might prove to be a mistake. Then, too, uses along Mangrove Street give vehicles access directly onto and off the street, creating zones where through traffic and local traffic must mix. Not so on The Esplanade, where local traffic(though light)and through traffic are kept apart. The very complexity of the intersections on The Esplanade suggests caution and the importance of paying attention to one's surroundings. The Esplanade could be a better street-what street couldn't? Gestures to the needs of pedestrians at crossings would help. The commercial area at the northern end of The Esplanade could use some tightening up-perhaps by eliminating some of the parking spaces abutting the street. And one might wish that the storeowners near the midpoint of the street could somehow find space for an ice cream shop. The only thing missing from The Esplanade is people walking along on a summer's evening, with ice cream cones. *Esplanade, center road, access road, side walk, median 이런 표현들은 해석안하시고 그냥 놔두셔도 됩니다. 꼭 좀 부탁드립니다.

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3270 영작좀 도와주세요~~ [6] 멋지다재규어 06.04.24 103 0
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3256 해석 질문이요 [1] ㅁㅇㄴㄹ 06.04.24 66 0
3255 아직도 what 하고 that 을 모르겠네요. [9] 약수 06.04.24 174 0
3254 정답 좀 알려 주세요. [7] ^^ 06.04.24 159 0
3253 어익쿠 이 문장 조낸 어려워 [2] dd 06.04.24 109 0
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3251 단 한줄영작; 맞는지만 봐주세요~ [1] imfool 06.04.24 59 0
3250 간단한 한문장 해석 부탁해요.. [2] ㄴㅇ 06.04.24 70 0
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3247 leave nothing to be desired 이게 무슨뜻? [9] ㅂㄴㅇ 06.04.24 1862 0
3246 뉴스위크지 해석....조언 구합니다. [2] 에릭튜드 06.04.24 134 0
3245 형들 이 영시좀 번역해줘~ [2] 헐~ 06.04.24 82 0
3244 RBt님께 질문 [3] ㅇㅇ 06.04.24 124 0
3243 과갤러들중에 얘들보다 더 실력 뛰어난애들있냐? [3] 토플만점 06.04.24 268 0
3242 횽들, 해석하다 막히는 곳좀 시원히 뚫어주세염~ [5] 내일이시험 06.04.24 114 0
3241 간단한 한문장 해석좀.. [2] 빰빰 06.04.24 79 0
3240 해석 좀.. foul [7] ^^ 06.04.24 263 0
3239 ((BIRTHDAY SURPRISES ))이것 좀 해석해 주세욤 *** 06.04.24 56 0
3238 much yet remains to be done [2] 에미로섬 06.04.24 87 0
3237 치명적결함을찝어주세효. [6] 봉남이파양봉남 06.04.24 142 0
3236 지금 고3인데... 질문좀..군대관련.. [2] ㄴㅇㄹㄴㅇ 06.04.24 87 0
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3234 영작 부탁드립니다...(급해요) [2] Sea-Wolf 06.04.24 90 0
3232 횽들,,미안한데 영작몇개좀 ,, 06.04.24 49 0
3231 영어 관련 상담이아 횽들 잘좀 부탁해 [1] 개념좀 06.04.24 70 0
3230 영작햇는데 봐주세요 ㅠ [1] 허헝 06.04.24 73 0
3229 no ~task 의미가 뭔가요 [5] ㅇㅇ 06.04.23 105 0
3228 이 문장 해석부탁드립니다. [2] 명연 06.04.23 97 0
3227 두문장만 영작좀 부탁드려요 ㄴㄴ 06.04.23 53 0
3226 횽들.. [8] www 06.04.23 131 0
3225 이거 해석해주실 분..계신가요? [2] 트랜슬레이션 06.04.23 474 0
3224 자물쇠좆키 [1] 자물쇠좆키 06.04.23 126 0
3223 횽들아..영작좀 해줘ㅠㅠ 디게 짧은거. [2] aaaa 06.04.23 112 0
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