디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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유러파이터 개발 막바지 단계 돌입

I.M 2006.02.24 10:49:30
조회 999 추천 0 댓글 9

유러파이터 개발일정이 막바지에 이르렀다고 합니다. Block 2B 를 위한 공대공 Phase 4 소프트웨어가 막바지 단계이고, 공대지 Phase 5에 들어간다고 하네요. 또한 GBU-16 장착시험을 시작되어 여름에는 실제 사격훈련도 가능하다고 합니다. 2007년초에 인도될 Block 5 기체가 독일에서 제작중이며 계약된 모든 조건을 만족하는(트렌치 2 ???) 기체가 될거라고 합니다. 사진은 연료탱크 3개, 암람 4발, IRIS-T 2발, 4발의 1,000 lb 짜리 GBU를 장착한 모습으로 최대 이륙중량 24톤(23.5톤)에 육박하는 한다고 합니다. " http://www.flightglobal.com/Articles/2006/02/23/Navigation/181/205020/Pictures+Heaviest+ever+Eurofighter+Typhoon+test+configuration.html " Pictures: Heaviest ever Eurofighter Typhoon test configuration flying Eurofighter has released a series of photographs of the Typhoon fighter aircraft in its heaviest configuration to date as it continues its evolution into a multi-role strike aircraft The test aircraft pictured below took off from EADS Military Air Systems’ Aerodrome at Manching, southern Germany earlier this week. It is one of several development and instrumented production aircraft (IPA) in Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK now supporting flight test activities. EADS’s IPA3 is pictured carrying four Raytheon Paveway II 450kg (1,000lb) laser-guided bombs, an air-to-air missile fit of four Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAMs and two BGT IRIS-Ts and three external fuel tanks at a maximum take-off weight of almost 24t. © EADS " http://www.eurofighter.com/News/Article/default.asp?NewsItemID=234 " 20 February 2006 - Busy Year for Eurofighter Typhoon - Flight Test Programme in Final Stages A busy year lies ahead for the four national Eurofighter Typhoon team, as the programme has entered the final stages of the main development with more than two thirds of the flight test programme achieved so far. The testing of the air-to-air carefree handling Flight Control System software is almost finished, the last clearances for the so called Phase 4 software, necessary for the Block 2B standard aircraft will be finalized over summer. A new chapter in Eurofighter Typhoon’s development has now been entered with testing of the air-to-ground Flight Control Software. This FCS Phase 5 software, written by a Joint Team headed by EADS Military Air Systems in Germany, will over the next months undergo rigorous testing in all four partner nations and will involve six aircraft for testing and validating the data required for the required clearances. Development Aircraft DA2 in the UK will be conducting carefree handling tests, low speed flying, asymmetrical loads in spring 2006. This aircraft has been picked for these challenging tests, as it is the only test aircraft to be flown with an anti-spin gantry to prevent the aircraft from departure in extreme flight maneuvers. DA3 at Alenia Finmeccanica in Italy will do performance testing in respect to lift and drag, but also will jettison air-to-ground weapons in summer. Instrumented Production Aircraft IPA1 at BAE Systems in Warton will focus on the clearances for the Paveway II and will concentrate on flutter and vibration flight testing, envelope expansion and jettison of Paveway II, starting end of February. IPA3 at EADS Military Air Systems in Manching, Germany, will be used for under wing load tests with the full air-to-air weaponry load plus up to four Paveway II and external fuel tanks. Taxi tests will start end February, some three flights are planned, also in asymmetrical configurations. IPA4 in Spain at EADS CASA is the aircraft focusing on the GBU-16 clearances. Having concluded electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) tests with the GBU-16 laser guided bomb, IPA4 will be used for flutter and vibration testing, pit drops and actual separation of GBU-16 including basic handling tests throughout the summer of 2006. IPA5, again at BAE Systems, is set for carefree handling, low altitude and transonic testing. After conclusion of the tests, the final clearances for the Full Operational Capability (FOC) specified with the Main Development Contract are expected in 2007 and then will be available in Block 5 aircraft. The first Block 5 aircraft is already in final assembly in Germany. Deliveries of Block 5 aircraft will start early 2007. Alongside with the Phase 5 software tests, the FOC avionics functionality is now undergoing flight test, the second major area in the Eurofighter Typhoon flight test programme. Rig tests were concluded already end last year and a clearance for flight testing has been received from the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency (NETMA) in December 2005. Main focus will be the testing of the new Eurofighter Typhoon pilot helmet. Images of Eurofighter Typhoon tests with Paveway will be available through EADS Military Air Systems or from our website.

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