디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

가쉽걸 6화 왕스포(대본).. 스포 싫어하는 횽들은 클릭하지마

떼리갤로그로 이동합니다. 2007.10.21 12:31:35
조회 868 추천 0 댓글 4

횽아들.. 내가 가쉽걸을 좋아해서 이러저리 돌아다니다보니 대본 일부까지 봐버렸어..
일단 길어서 6화만 올려볼게..
횽아들이 올리지 말라면 안올리고
좋아하는 횽아들이 있으면 9화까지 올려볼게..

내가 가쉽걸 스포담당해도 될까??ㅋㅋ
스포담당은 환영받지 못하는 건가..ㅠ.ㅠ

1.06 sides



Black and white images of masked balls from days gone by. A drawing of a pierrot, Renaissance paintings, elegant couples in formal dress and feathery disguises...

GOSSIP GIRL: (V.O.) Long ago, when European royals grew bored with palace balls, they took a page from the peons, and added some pageantry. Couture and canapes are just another Saturday night... until you add a mask.

Masked Sinatra, Mia Farrow, Truman and Katherine Graham, etc. at Capote\'s Black and White Ball...

GOSSIP GIRL: This bit of Old World decadence flourished in New York. Palaces were replaced by The Plaza, and Truman Capote -- the author of Blair\'s beloved Breakfast at Tiffany\'s -- made the Bel Masque a New York institution.


Boxes of Choos and Louboutins. A rack of gorgeous couture gowns. A dress folded in tissue and laid in a box. Gloves, headpieces, masks. Necklaces placed in velvet pouches...

GOSSIP GIRL: But preparing for a Ball is an event in itself. Which is why Queens invented handmaidens...

Reveal -- Jenny. Filling out an invoice, "DELIVER TO BLAIR WALDORF." A daper male clerk (40s), smiles at Jenny.

JENNY: The dresses should be delivered. I\'ll take the small stuff with me.

CLERK: (re: the dresses) Which one is yours...?

JENNY: Oh, no. I\'m just helping Blair. (tries to downplay) I mean, there are five dresses. And she only has three friends. So the thought may have crossed my mind. But, you know... we\'ll see.

CLERK: (smiles) Well, here\'s hoping --

He clasps a platinum and diamond bracelet on Jenny\'s wrist.

JENNY: Oh, no... I can\'t --

CLERK: Consider it a good luck charm. (smiles) Just bring it back tomorrow morning.

Off Jenny -- in awe. It\'s beautiful...


Blair, in her robe, with two lattes, navigates her way through the pandemonium: workers carry out furniture, replace it with Moroccan pieces. Eleanor is supervising.

ELEANOR: No, no, Marco, the divan should go by the window! If a guest chooses to lounge, she should have a view of the park, not the pantry...

Blair\'s eyes land on an ornate contraption with tubing.

BLAIR: Is that a bong? Never took you for a stoner, Mom.

ELEANOR: Please. It\'s a hookah. And it\'s adorable. It goes with my Moroccan theme. (looks at Blair) Any chance I can change your mind about coming tonight? I\'ve got the most exquisite kaftan that would look stunning with your hair.

BLAIR: Hard as it is to pass up free kaftan, you know I\'ve got plans.


SERENA: I guess in some ways, a masked ball is better than a regular party. All those kids from school he hates? He won\'t even recognize them...

BLAIR: (brandishing phone) Invite him. I insist. A night of romance for everyone.

CAPTAIN: (V.O.) Goddammit, Anne! I told you no starch.


Nate walks down the hall in a robe. Stops when he sees, arguing through their partially open door, The Captain and Anne Archibald (40s, prim and proper, a lady-who-lunches).

ANNE: We\'ve been going to the same cleaners for nineteen years. Your shirts are exactly how they always are. (beat) Howard, we both know this isn\'t about your laundry.

CAPTAIN: I\'m sorry, it\'s just that everything needs to be perfect tonight.

ANNE: (soothing) Eleanor knows you\'re the right person to represent her company. She\'s going to pick you. You just have to show up and be yourself...

Anne kisses his cheek, heads to the door, as Nate steps off --

ANNE: Oh. Nate. You\'re up.

She pulls the door shut, hiding The Captain, who now sits on the bed, head in hands. She steers Nate down the hall.

NATE: Hey, Mom. Is everything okay... with Dad?

ANNE: (selling it) Just work stuff. Nothing for you to worry about. (beat, smiles) Want some breakfast? I\'ll have Louisa make those waffles you like.

Anne heads off. Leaving Nate, unsettled. Glancing back to his father\'s room.


Dan and Rufus eat and talk.

DAN: ...I\'m not saying I wouldn\'t go. If Serena wanted me to, I wouldn\'t deprive her of my company.

RUFUS: No, that would be too cruel...

DAN: Except she hasn\'t invited me.

Dan\'s phone rings. Dan looks at the caller ID. Smiles.

RUFUS: That her?

DAN: No... it\'s Vanessa. (answers) Hello? Vanessa --

VANESSA: (on phone) Hey. Yeah. It\'s me... Hi.

RUFUS: Say hi from me --

DAN: My dad says hi, too.

VANESSA: I say hi back. He still better looking than you?

DAN: Actually, he got some really bad plastic surgery. Looks like a cross between Don Johnson and... a cat.




Music plays. Vanessa lies on his bed with the Village Voice out, looking up movies. Dan sits by the window, a little out of sorts after his strange Serena call.

VANESSA: God, I love New York. There was on theater in Woodbury, and it only ever showed family movies. The Pacifier played for like, a year.

DAN: And they said Vin Diesel couldn\'t do comedy.

VANESSA: (smiles, shuts the paper) I can\'t pick. I\'m overwhelmed by choice. Whatever you want.

DAN: (distracted) Sure, okay...

VANESSA: You do want to do something? You don\'t have plans...?

DAN: (smiles) You\'re my only friend. Who would I have plans with?

A beat between them. Then she nudges him with her foot -- a playful, but intimate gesture.

VANESSA: Is it weird, having me back?

DAN: Why would it be weird?

VANESSA: Because. You said some things, the night I left...

DAN: Things that you immediately asked me to take back.

VANESSA: Because I was leaving. (off his look, searching) But now I\'m here.

DAN: (awkward) It\'s been over a year. A lot\'s happened...

She nods, fair enough. Rises.

VANESSA: I look forward to hearing about it tonight. (smiles) Late show? Angelika? Whatever\'s playing.

DAN/VANESSA: Unless it\'s The Pacifier.

They both smile. Know each other well.

DAN: I\'ll get tickets.

VANESSA: (smiles) I\'m glad to be home, Humphrey.

DAN: (smiles back) Glad to have you, Abrams.

And as Vanessa heads out, we see her glance back, stealing a look at him.


Serena and Blair are dressed for the day, now joined by Kati and Isabel. Kati and Is plug away, texting on their phones. Blair paces.

SERENA: (covering her true hurt) ...so he\'s seeing someone else? We never said we were exclusive --

BLAIR: Why should you have to say that to him? He\'s... him. And you\'re Serena van der Woodsen.


VANESSA: My friend works in the costume department at BAM, we can borrow one. Next?

JENNY: I don\'t have an invitation.

VANESSA: Every ballroom has a back door. What else?

JENNY: If Blair saw me there, she\'d be furious.

VANESSA: Then it\'s a good thing you\'ll be wearing a mask. (smiles) Get off your ass, Cinderella -- we\'re going to that ball!

As Vanessa stands and pulls Jenny up, we CUT TO:


QUICK CUTS -- Blair being laced up in he corset by Dorota. Serena in her pale blue gown, attaching her headpiece. Kati and Is fastening stockings to garters.

GOSSIP GIRL: (V.O.) On the Upper East Side, appearances are often deceiving. From friends to hair color, there\'s always more than meets the eye.

Serena, Kati, Is and Blair each put on their masks.

GOSSIP GIRL: Only when no one knows who you are can you let your true self come out. And for one night only, to thine own selfishness be true...


Dan arrives on foot, looking smashing in his rented tuxedo. He approaches a drunk rich kid stumbling out of the building, obviously leaving.

RICH KID: Is uptown this way or that way...?

Dan turns him around, points him in the right direction.

DAN: That way, and those things whizzing by? They\'re cars -- try to avoid them. (takes his mask) You\'ll see better without this.

RICH KID: (heading off) Whoa. That is better.

DAN: Hey -- you got a name?

RICH KID: Jack Altman.

Dan puts on the mask and strides up to the man with the list behind the red ropes.

DAN: (confident) Just stepped out for some air. Jack Altman?

The man checks the list, opens the red ropes, Dan enters.


Jenny, wearing a pale blue gown and mask is ushered through the kitchen by Vanessa and a hip waiter. As the waiter points to a door, Vanessa hands him two Sugar Daddy CDs (the cover features the photo of an L7-ish grrl band).

VANESSA: Thanks, man. Appreciate it. (beat) Check out track 12 -- it\'s killer.

The guy nods, heads off. Vanessa and Jenny stop at the door. Vanessa gives her a final once over -- straightens mask, adjusts her dress.

VANESSA: Okay, the dress has to be back at BAM by 12:30 sharp.

Jenny hugs Vanessa, happy, excited.

JENNY: I don\'t know how to thank you...


CAPTAIN: And I just think that with our firm\'s track record --

ELEANOR: You know I adore you, Captain, but you\'ve never done a fashion line. I\'ve been talking to Calvin\'s people and their presentation is very impressive.

Anne and the Captain exchange a look. He\'s tanking.

ANNE: (a new tact) Oh, enough business talk, Howard. You\'re boring her. Eleanor, I\'ve been thinking that when Nate and Blair are engaged, she should have my great-grandmother\'s ring?

ELEANOR: (interest piqued) The one from Cornelius Vanderbilt...?

Anne nods, as she flashes the gynormous rock and Eleanor admires. She and the Captain exchange a look...

They move off, passing -- Rufus, who finds Lily by the bar, watching Bart move around the room with his model.

RUFUS: You\'re still following him around? If you really want to make a man jealous there\'s only one thing to do...

LILY: Please, Rufus. I brought you here for a lot of reasons, but knowledge of romance isn\'t one of --

[u]Rufus grabs her into a passionate kiss[u]. It lasts a very, very long time, and it goes quite intense.

Bart looks at them, almost wanting to move to stop them like a jealous husband, but he restrains himself, looks off.

Rufus and Lily break. Both a little thrown. A beat as they compose themselves.

LILY: Well... that was... unexpected.

RUFUS: (glancing at Bart) Give him 20 minutes.

Lily nods, okay.

LILY/RUFUS: I need a drink.

And they both turn to the bar.


Serena is dancing with Edward. Now that we\'re up close, we can see that they are not the perfect match. He\'s pompous. She\'s bored.

EDWARD: (this is hilarious) -- and every time we see their yacht now, we get out our air horns and let \'em rip. (rolls his eyes) I tell you, it\'s almost enough to make you never want to summer in Newport again.

SERENA: Yeah. I\'ll bet. Sounds... awful.

The music changes. Serena sees that as her cue to sit out:

SERENA: If you don\'t mind, I think I\'ll --

Suddenly, Dan sweeps in and take\'s Serena\'s hand, with:

DAN: Change partners?

SERENA: Dan...? (off his look) What are you doing --?

DAN: Saving you.

SERENA: (diffident) I don\'t need to be saved.

DAN: Really? Cause I could see your eyes rolling to the back of your head from across the room.

EDWARD: (leans in to her) You want anything to drink?

SERENA: Champagne, please... (for Dan\'s benefit) ...and hurry back?

Serena turns back to Dan. He says nothing. Just puts one hand firmly on her waist, and takes hers with the other. And she has no choice but to follow his lead...

Edward heads off, passing Nate, who gazes at Serena, now with some mystery guy. Blair and the game not on his mind...


Blair, Kati & Is, seeing Nate. Blair is now quite unhappy:

BLAIR: I can\'t believe he\'s right there and he\'s not even looking for me. Go over there and give him the clues.

KATI: But I thought he was supposed to find us?

BLAIR: Just give him the damn clues! It\'s getting late and I\'m losing heat!

Kati and Is immediately cross to Nate. He sees them, and looks up, with:

NATE: Hey...

KATI: "Your next lady-in-waiting is wearing leather and lace, she\'s got a crown of gold and a cupid\'s face."

Kati looks at Is, who matches this deion exactly. Nate is not paying attention.



Dan\'s eyes are locked on Vanessa\'s. She realizes she\'s totally busted. Turns tail, heads out.

DAN: (to Serena) Will you excuse me? I just saw... the last person I expected to see.

SERENA: How can I say no to that?

Dan is already on the move. Gets in front of Vanessa.

DAN: This is a surprise --

VANESSA: Funny. I could say the same thing.

DAN: What are you doing, Vanessa?

VANESSA: Writing an American History paper. (beat) Oh wait. That was supposed to be you. When did we start lying to each other?

DAN: I merely refrained from sharing the truth, which would actually sound more like a lie than what I told you.

VANESSA: Humphrey...?

DAN: I didn\'t understand that myself, I admit. (beat) But what was I gonna say? That I was renting a tuxedo to attend a masked ball -- without a mask or an invitation -- to get a girl who not only had an invitation and a mask, but also another date?

VANESSA: At least it\'s honest.

DAN: What\'s going on here, exactly? Did you follow me to prove I was lying or something?

VANESSA: (stung) Yes, Dan. That\'s why I\'m here. I stalked you. Cause I\'m just so obsessed with you. (beat) Why stop there? You\'re the whole reason I came back to New York. Cause I haven\'t been able to stop thinking about you.

DAN: Alright -- I get it -- you can lay off the sarcasm --

Vanessa reacts. Doesn\'t know what\'s worse. Dan thinking she\'s in love with him, or finding the idea impossible.

VANESSA: How \'bout I lay off the whole evening? Bye.

DAN: Wait, stop. I\'m sorry I lied about writing a paper --

VANESSA: (it just comes out) You said you love me.

He stops, realizes the weight of this situation, what\'s really at play here.

DAN: I said I loved you. In the past. And in a fifteen year old, pre-shaving way. (beat) Things have changed.

Serena\'s walked up behind Dan, looks at Vanessa.

VANESSA: (seeing Serena) Clearly. Looks like someone\'s traded up.

Vanessa turns and heads off.

SERENA: Everything okay?

DAN: Nope. I\'m sorry, but I have to --

SERENA: Follow that girl? Got it. (beat) Is that...

DAN: Vanessa. Yeah. She\'s...

SERENA: Pretty. And you...

DAN: Have to go after her? Yeah. I\'m sorry.

SERENA: (sotto) ...you loved her?...

Dan heads out. Leaving this information to land on Serena.


Chuck waits on the rooftop, psyched. In boxers and undershirt.

CHUCK: Feel free to find me...

Jenny is on another part of the roof. Gathering his pants. His shirt...

JENNY: Found your pants.

CHUCK: Then you\'re getting warmer. Which is an accomplishment considering you\'re already hot.


And he leans in, kissing her. As they pause, apart --

SERENA: You know, the Ice Capades are coming to town...

DAN: Men in spandex? Dancing cartoon characters? If you\'re there, so am I.

And they kiss again.


Nate passes by. Finds his parents up.

NATE: Hey. You guys are up late.

CAPTAIN: We were celebrating.

ANNE: Eleanor Waldorf\'s agreed to let your father\'s firm take her company public.

NATE: (genuine, to his dad) Congrats! That\'s great news...

Nate notices that neither of them is very celebratory.

ANNE: Yes, it is. Which is why I was looking for a wine opener. So I could surprise your father with a bottle of Chateau Margeaux. (beat) Which is how I found this.

Anne holds up the bag of coke. Nate\'s eyes widen.

ANNE: (sharp) Well, what do you have to say for yourself, Nate?

NATE: What? It\'s not mine.

ANNE: Well, it\'s not mine. And it\'s not your father\'s. So that only leaves one other person in this house.

Nate looks at his dad who remains silent, looking down. Selling him out.


Dan enters in his tux. Finds Jenny in a t-shirt and sweats. She\'s spread out on the sofa, reading a magazine.

DAN: Hey. Wow. What a night. I ended up going to that ball -- didn\'t see you there, did I?

JENNY: (keeps it to herself) I wish. Just been me and some back issues of OK magazine. (beat) But your night\'s not over yet. Someone\'s here to see you...


Dan enters to find Vanessa sitting on his window sill. She holds up a bag.

VANESSA: Pierogies? I come in peace...

DAN: Great. Cause I\'m starving.

She tosses them to him. He hesitates. About to speak --

VANESSA: Save it, Humphrey. You\'ve never done contrite well. Besides, I\'m the one who should apologize.

DAN: No, you\'re not. I should have told you about Serena.

VANESSA: And I should have asked you.

DAN: I shouldn\'t have lied about tonight.

VANESSA: And I shouldn\'t have run out on you.

A beat between them.

VANESSA: If we\'re gonna be friends again, we\'re gonna have to figure this stuff out.

DAN: I\'ve missed having a friend.

VANESSA: I\'ve missed being one. (off his look) We can start slow, with the basics.

DAN: (nods, eating) Like fewer lies, and more Ukrainian food.

VANESSA: (smiles) And you telling me about everything I missed while I was gone. Such as this Serena...

DAN: Well she\'s pretty... fantastic. Almost as great as this pierogie. But she\'s got this best friend, and the best friend has a boyfriend... And Serena and the boyfriend? Well they kinda... Wait. Let me start at the beginning. (beat) Remember in ninth grade when I mistakenly got invited to Patrick Norris\' birthday party?

And as Dan begins to tell Vanessa all about his new life, and Vanessa realizes in that his new life, she has a new place...


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127615 덱스터 재밌게 봤는데.. 로스트 어떨까?;; [22] 렉스(219.241) 07.10.24 803 0
127614 [영어자막] numbers 4x4 [2] JS갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.10.24 327 0
127613 덱스터 독스 말이야 [3] Jj(210.104) 07.10.24 639 0
127612 [오피스] 드와이트 '안들려' 신공. [1] 아유키딩미(121.129) 07.10.24 578 0
127610 천재 소년 두기(Doogie Howser M.D.) 영자막에 대해서 [15] 민솔갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.10.24 993 0
127608 어잌쿻 가십걸 무한빵빵~ [14] 고객사은품(203.229) 07.10.24 1082 0
127607 [Dexter]Lila 너무 쌕시해... [11] ...(211.187) 07.10.24 1587 0
127606 가십걸 6화 [6] 라라라(121.130) 07.10.24 1728 0
127603 난..........취향이 애들인듯. 이거 보는 횽들 없어? [11] 오홍홍갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.10.24 682 0
127601 프랙티스 16. 17 버스 [6] 겨울갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.10.24 301 0
127600 지난번 프레디 로드리게스 "형님"에게서 메일 온 그 다음이야기... [21] 무명녀갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.10.24 735 0
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