디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[일반] 저장용3

dd(118.39) 2018.01.19 14:38:51
조회 521 추천 0 댓글 0

Silent Storm: Sentinels A Pistoleer's Adventure in the World-War-II-ravaged lands by Laclongquan suportgiathainguyen@yahoo.com version 1.0 Date 31st Oct 2008 Future version: will update the rest of equipments Silent Storm Sentinels is (c) 2003/2004 Nival Interactive, JoWood, and their affiliates. This guide is copyright 2008 Laclongquan aka Nguyen Gia Thai. This guide is for personal use only and may not be sold, bartered, or used for any purpose that involves profit, including but not limited to, money, favors, slaves, and/or human babies. Sexual favours is okay, though.Unauthorized copying of this Guide will result in your horrible, agonizing destruction of said electronic or devices. Then it gets worse. ****************************************************************************** ***************** * 01.00 Preface * ***************** Detail: Custom game, enemy +3 lvl with 100% in damage, max on AP and VP Save anywhere (because I hate inconvenient thing) Heal on skill (realistic, and hard), Hidden Encounter OFF (no tick), ***************************** * 01.01 What is a pistoleer * *****************************
정찰부터하고 나댈것 헤드 - 크리티컬 팔 - 디스암 다리 - 쩔뚝이 초반엔 깝치지말고 탄창 다쓸것
혼자 나대면 못따니까 동료 데려올것 spot, interrupt 용으로 스카웃/스나이퍼 챙길것 스카웃, 솔져 똥 - 밀리, 쓰로잉 ㅄ 메딕 hide ㅄ 스나이퍼/엔지니어 좋음 -엔지니어링 130만 할수잇는 스페셜 미션 있음 엔지니어는 snipe만 딸림 - 권총질에 snipe 필없음 척탄병 op이긴한데 필수 퍽이 퍽트리 끝에잇어서 구림 **************************************************** * 01.02 왜 권총맨인가 * **************************************************** 밀리맨 - 어렵긴한데 보급이 쉬움 smg맨 - 쉬움 hmg맨 - 븅신 소총맨 - 존나쉬움. 지루함

척탄 - 개씹쉬움

권총맨으로 할려면 최소2 이상적으로 4명 끼고 ㄱ

전방은 spotter interrupter, 엔지니어, 피니셔(척탄병/스나이퍼)

후방은 중화기 전문가 or PK 필자는 엔지니어-권총맨

엔지니어는 시크릿 미션도 할수있고 공병질도 잘하니 개꿀

****************************** * 01.03 Cover my ass section * ******************************

strategycore.co.uk 에서 트레이닝 정보 얻엇는데 다른건 내 경험임 ㅅㄱ ********************************************************* * 02.00 Chapter 1 (On the funs and unfuns of pistoleer) * ********************************************************* 권총맨 장단점 다룸 ************************************************* * 02.01 Oh the funs, the great funs that we had * ************************************************* 권총질 쳐하는건 기동성 높아서 좋음

엔지니어링 높으면 폭발물 뎀지 올라가니까 닥치고 엔지니어하셈

백업잇어야됨 1마리하던가 3마리하던가 spotter interruptor 피니셔
권총 2개 챙기셈 shoot 올릴려 뻘짓하지마셈
좆같은 상황 많이 마주칠거임 ******************************************************* * 02.02 Ugh, it's not so good, we are in trouble now. * *******************************************************
sauer 븅신임

m712 메인으로 쓰셈

후반엔 딴것도 좋은거 잇긴한데 마우저 시리즈랑 친숙도 올려놓으면 손떼기힘듬 일단은 (개잡권총)->M712->브라우닝hp->스털링패러벨럼이 정석임

cz m25 좋긴한데 잘안뜸 의존하지마셈
소음기 달린거 쓸수도잇는데 수가 한정적임 잘 안뜨기도

뎀지 구려서 존나게 쏴야하기도함(shoot은 잘오름)

재밍 쳐거릴때 spare도 잘 없으니 걍 쓰지마셈 소음기는 솔로플레이하게 만드니 겜 노잼으로 만들기도함(이건취향이지 씹새야) PK뜨면 헤비 수류탄말곤 답없음 엔지니어는 고관통 지뢰나 고성능 폭발물 쓸수있으니 좋음 PK 좆같은데 challenging하기도함 ***************************************************** * 03.00 Chapter 2 (On the ins and outs of training) * ***************************************************** 스킬 레벨, profession, attribute에 제한됨 리밋 가까워질수록 안오름 스킬은 행동 할때마다 오름
총질 칼질 쓰로잉질 할때마다 친숙도 오름 주먹질은 다 낮춤
attribute는 미스터리함 스킬 올리면 올라간다는데 잘은 모름 profession하고 레벨하고 관련잇지싶은데 걍 감임
int는 exp 획득량 높이는데 머 걍 그렇다고 그리 신경 쓸 필욘없음
VP: 쳐맞으면 오름 AP: 행동하며 오름 Evasion: 회피하면 오르는데 성공할 필욘 없다나 쳐맞으면 피 흘리게 두셈 VP하고 Evasion 오름 ㅄ처럼 쳐 뛰어댕기면 AP오름
Shoot: 쏘면오름 Melee: 주먹질,칼질,둔기질 Throwing: 칼이건 폭탄이건 암거나 쳐 던져대면 오름 Burst: 숏이건 롱이건 버스트질하면 오름 Snipe: Snipe모드에서 해야 오르나봄
Hide: hide버튼 쓰면 오름 Spot: 머 spot할때마다 오름 Interrupt: interrupt할때마다 오름 Medicine: med템쓰면오름 Engineer: 엔지니어템 쓰면 오름 (락픽,트랩,디스암,수리) repair는 니가 하는것보다 딜러가 해주는게 더 쌈 *********************** 03.01 해야될거 * ***********************


일단 옛날에 쓰던 무기 친숙도부터 낮춰야됨 3가지 방법이잇음
첫째: 밀리. 벽이나 땅에 주먹질 쳐하셈 (칼이 ap 더 안쓰면 칼 써도됨) HP/Evasion/med 올릴놈한테 주먹질해도됨 둘째: 쓰로잉. 표창이나 투척용 칼 쓰셈 HP/Evasion/med 올릴놈 벽에 세워놓고 하셈 그래야 재활용 가능
셋째: 총질/버스트. 사우어나 38SW이 좋음 ap 낮아서
***옛날 무기 친숙도가 아직도 1+면 트레이닝용 무기써서 0으로 만드셈 그 후에 지금 무기로 게임 ㄱ ***지금 무기가 ap낮고 총알 넘치면 걍 그걸로 트레이닝하셈 루거 p08도 트레이닝용으로 좋음 총알이 넘쳐서
Medicine: HP 올릴놈 뒤질만큼 패놓고 붕대감아주면됨
Engineer: 락픽싼거사서 사무실에 절대 안따지는 캐비닛에 락픽질 갈기셈
Interrupt: hide모드에서 적한테 접근해서 컴뱃모드 들어가셈 주변에 적 많을수록 좋음 *************************** * 03.02 하면 안되는거 * ***************************
ENG 올릴려고 무기 수리하지마셈. 무기 팔아먹을용으로 수리하는건 ㄱㅊ 락픽질이 훨씬 싸게먹히니 닥치고 락픽질하셈
트레이닝용으로 렙높은 med템 쓰지마셈. 쓰지말라면 쓰지마셈
돈으로 스킬 사는건 니 자유임 근데 str dex int는 닥치고 사셈 ********************************************************** * 04.01 Pistol (that itty bitty thingagumies you fondle) * ********************************************************** 젤 좋은거하고 정석만 다룸 딴건 내좆대로 다룸 Name: Snap/Burst/Average-Damage-per-AP(burst)/Magazine/Ammo caliber M712: 10/15/6.67/20rds/7,62*53 USSR 신뢰성높음 루팅잘됨 (독일 연구소 2번째 스테이지) 2발 버스트, 총알 2가지. 최후반까지 쓸 수 잇음 파파샤 pdd ppss42-42 이런거랑 총알 호환됨 인벤 절약 가능
Browning HP: 8/*/7.38/13rds/.38 Parabellum 스털링이나 Cz M25 뜰때까지 쓰임 버스트 X 총알 2가지, 좀 레어함 총알은 잘뜸 내구도 2000 Cz M25: 8/incomplete 젤 좋을수도 잇고 안 좋을수도 잇음. 존나 레어함. 2발 버스트, 총알 2가지, 내구도 1600 척탄병이나 스카웃 서폿용으로 좋음 장탄 24 Sterling Pratchett Para: 8/ 젤 좋음. M25한텐 좀 딸려고 spare 잘뜸 (재밍 걱정 안하고 버스트질 가능) 2발 버스트, 총알 2가지, 내구도 1200, 장탄 32 ***************************************************** * 05.00 Chapter 4 (On companions and baggages, aka * *on the ones who like to let hands wander unnoticed)* ***************************************************** 용병 사는거엔 두가지가 잇음 싼놈 사서 직접 기르거나 비싼놈 사거나 근데 돈 많이 드니까 뺑뻉이좀 많이 돌아야함
비싼놈은 attribute가 씹오짐 트레이닝 하는것보다 나을수도있음 총합 26포인트 만들려면 첨부터 최후반까지 달려야 겨우 만드는데 그걸 ㅅㅂ 언제쳐하냐 차라리 사는게 낫지 Shade is 28 points and as cheap as they can get, but he paid for it by level up quite slower than others. And some skills take forever to train Engineer is especially bad. How long will your train to get to 130? At least consistently until midgame. (I must admit, the limit on Engineer's skill is through mission and level: level 13 to allow for 130 pts). You can have one, or three, mercs with 26 points at the very start with a wonderful low low price of 30K~. Good mercs, good equipments. 메딕은 트레이닝 하기 쉬우니 비싼거 사지마셈
****************** * 05.01.01 Shade * ******************
스위스 랜덤인카운터에서 Shade 구출할 수 있음
밀리 쓰로잉 높고 hide도 존나 높음 attribute 개씹높음 11/11/9도 가능
근데 렙이 존나 안오름
fast throw 찍으면 개씹오지는 척탄병됨 카타나나 투척용 칼 챙기면됨 아머 못입어서 중후반엔 유리몸이니 조심
*********************************************************** * 05.04 Medic (the ones who like to play doctor with you) * *********************************************************** Medic got the making of a fine rifleman. Oh they can wield pistol just fine. But that wont make full use of his gun tree: fast snap, good aimed, better careful. Equip them with 14AP rifle like those carbines and medic shine like stars. The silenced carbine delizle is especially fit, since it have no snipe mode and early middle game, plus with fast snap they cost 11AP to shoot. Beware the trap of Carbine 98 K silenced. It's only deadly in the hands of Snipers. In the hand of Medic it's make him bloody slow killers (4shots for a target). So you can use it as interim weapons to train out of Fami from the Delizle. Exchange it with Scoped SVT 40. Dont forget 3 points to get the perk seeing enemies' HP. A fine tactical tool, it is! And to be frank, it's about the only reason we pick up Medics, because Engineer can bandage you quite well with proper training. 메딕은 스냅샷 14-15AP 라이플만 쓸것 ********************************************************************** * 06.00 Chapter 5 (That spot of troubles you got during travel time) * ********************************************************************** There're 3 types of Random Encounters: Worthy, Generic, and Dangerous Generic.
worthy는 존나 레어함. 반복가능이라는데 존나 안뜸
generic이랑 dangerous은 비슷한데 당연히 dangerous가 더 어려움 상자에서 루팅되는건 렙에따라 바뀜 ************************* * 06.01 Prison of Shade * *************************
짐꾼하고 해야됨. 스위스 중심, 호수 왼쪽에서 뜨는데 존나 오래 기다려야됨 이 인카운터로 shade얻음 From the back you can see and shoot a guard standing near the stair watching the door. After that done the anthill is in chaos. Either they run out and get killed in the dark by you or you methodically open the door, throw one apple in to wound/bleed them first then enter. The guard booth is a bit strange, opaque glass maybe? 렙2때도 꺨 수 있고 템도 좋은데 짐꾼 없으면 다 못먹으니 짐꾼 생기면 하셈 ******************** * 06.02 BANK HEIST * ******************** happens near the LZ of Germany, right to the right, and a bit down 후방으로 존나 달려서 사무실 한두군데 먹고 알아서 하면됨 70K in treasure and cash. 풀스쿼드로 장비 최소만 챙기고 오셈 존나많음

************************************ * 06.03 Germany's research station * ************************************ One 3-floor building surrounded by fence (cuttable by wire cutter you got from second mission to last, or you can destroy it manually). Top floor got a pair of 9ood pistols. Ground floor got medical stuffs. Guards. 1 Scientist. 3 unarmed Engineers. All hostile. Dangerous Version got a machinegun mounted on sidecar and three more guards, mostly stand around the gate. Your best sneaker can sneak through the gate, round the truck, to the back, up the ladder, sneak in the office upstair to get the pistols first. If Engineer is sneaky enough you can get in, plant mines in front of all those doors then attack: This map is around the north, near the coast. ************************************* * 06.04 Germany's Railroad Station. * ************************************* Boring! No Loots! ************************************ * 06.05 Poland's One and Only DONE * ************************************ Oh God! Factory with empty lockers. You know, the East bloc countries are pretty poor picking: So depressing! ********************************** * 06.06 England's repair station * ********************************** No Dangerous version? Boring. The grenades are interesting if you are into throwing melons around though. *********************************** * 06.07 England's V8 Crashed Site * *********************************** not much loot... Boring. ************************* * 06.08 Egypt's PK camp * ************************* You start in a small rocky area. 4-5 PKs stand near the camp with a chest of AGS gun for PK and ammo. Infantries are quite good If you dont have good antiPK guns (2 at minimum) like bazooka with AP rounds, or PWM (6 is the preference) you are screwed. Even if you got enough for one, the swarming red wont let you have the time to fix the PK to counter. In that case, use the scout to get the AGS, sniping which infantry you can, hide and leave. IF you have enough, let the fun begin! There are other encounters in USSR, Poland, Egypt but with no lockers ********************************************************** * 07.01 First mission (that fateful encounter in Poland) * ********************************************************** Grab the pistol but dont walk up yet. Use your fist to break down the locked door nearby. Pity we are pistoleer so we cant use the MP40. Run like hell upstair: If there's one, run near him and shoot, make way for Boris. If there're two, run back down and Hide until they get down the basement. Shot him on the ears as you dont have enough bullets and skills anyway. Boris will butcher the guys for you. Grab the pistol T1933. And the picklock in the bedroom. Attic got nothing worth the bullets you shot up. If Boris want to run outside, let him. Even if he get killed, dont worry. Grab the dropped Axe from his corpse. The last one is in the barn *************************************************************************** * 07.02 Second mission (testing MY loyalty? and in Switzerland, no less?) * *************************************************************************** Keep only a pistol, one pineapple from the loot, two magazine. You will need all the space for loot. Repair the pistol if need be. This town got place you can ambush enemies: behind the bar or the stair lead down to basement. So you either shot the guy once or twice then hide behind the bar or just run away down the stair. You can use the pineapple if 2 red shirts stay near each other, dont be economical here. Try to ambush them. You may change from TT33 to Luger British for a while, there're two in this mission. Other than the bunch of reds around the bar, one rifleman with Lee Enfield stand on the balcony overlook the front yard of the bar. You can run up to him on the ground then shoot upward or you can crawl upstair to shoot, up to you. There's civilian outfits in bedrooms, and four small grenades (in two chests) in the basement. The blocked underground passage can be clear by grenade, gun, or fist. Interlude Before you choose the next mission, try to recruit a few more teammates. Dont forget Shade in Switzerland. Try to gather a full squad so that you can carry away all those loots. Train if you can, esp in Hide. ************************************************************************** * 07.03 1st set of mission - Must-Win Penemunde Archives mission (ROBOT) * ************************************************************************** At the first cross sections you can go two ways: my recommendation is straight forward to the cul-de-sac. We will turn around later. At the end of the rail road there's a group SCRIPTED guards. IF they saw you they will assume ambush postions and paying no attention to your ambushers. So you can send your good sneakers into positions first then send clumsiest guys in later to trigger. IF the short ambush became long enemies may come near and stand on the other side of the wooden wall. HMG or grenades will unblock the way fast. Go through the bridge and corridor is another cul-de-sac with a blocked off section and one-two guards there. There's loot behind the wooden panels: amber and valuable. if you run straight to the other end of this corridor you can find the ladder (2 guards) to deeper sections of the mine. You can do that to advance to next session or you could turn aside to deal with the rest of enemies remaining (send a scout and a grenadier, they will solve problems fast) (another blocked off wooden panel hid gold bars). Pick up all the loots before proceed though. The next session got two blocked off with Lewis Mk1, Scoped rifle, 4 Hesogen charges (save them for later). Eliminate enemies before you step on the 4 pillars room. The 4 pillars room is scripted. If you step on it you enter combat mode and a [i]engineer will run away. try to kill him to find the cyphered message necessary to open secret mission {mechanical soldier}. Scout and grenadier forward to discover and destroy enemies. What they cant kill sniper with rifles can finish off. The cyphered message is first of a series of clue lead to Secret mission, the which also has requirement of 130 Eng for main character before you can activate robot. Or you could just use code to open that mission. ****************************************************************************** * 07.04 1st set - How-to-lose Scientist (a poetry-loving scientist? Boggle!) * ****************************************************************************** Condition: * Get the scientist out of that town alive When you press leave mission, that NPC must be alive in your party. Even if if you kill everyone already and the message was sent, if you then kill him, you fail. Losing this mission is easy, just kill him at the end. Viola! The targeted scientist at the second house on the left turn. If you go near, or if enemies sense his presence, a cutscene will ensure. if you talk to him, he will be added to your party, an unused engineer. An search and destroy team will appear on the top right corner of the map and advance toward where the scientist is. If you position a good sniper at the end of that left turn and look toward that direction you can snipe them from afar. Or you could just ambush them at mouths of those two alleys. Grenadiers work great if they enter in group. Three redshirts in the house right next to scientist's house: one secondfloor two groundfloor. Three or four on the house on the other side of the crossroad who will advance to investigate noise of battle. Two or three civilian oufits scatter in the map. That's all for stationary loots. *********************************************************** * 07.05 1st set - How-to-lose Snitch (a bother in forest) * *********************************************************** Condition to win: * Kill the informant before he left the map * Kill every THO agents in the map The informant count as a THO agent. He left the map, you fail. BUT, dont let him the only one THO left, ie, dont kill everybody before he leave, as he would refuse to leave in that case. This map present a challenge for one who is interested, that is let the tattletale left the map after you loot his silenced Sten III. You can get this after this battle or two anyway, but doing is a complicated challenge for the bored. Show your merc to him, he draw to shoot, shoot his weapon off and let him live, he run away in that case. If you let enemies sense your presence they will trigger a cutscene and come to you. 2-man patrol and two standing guard are on this side of the road. The officer near the car can spot quite good. The informant will run toward your discovered presence after the cutscene . If injured, or you stay undiscovered he will run toward the 2-floor ruin then toward the 5-man place to leave On the other side of the map, a 5-man group will move AFTER the cutscene. Their position is where the agent leave. 2 man on the ground floor of the 2-floor ruin to ambush. One sniper on the second floor can see quite good. A good scout can sniff out their position beforehand, allow your grenadier approach the 5-man position. Scout himself can stay near the 3 mans. Sniper can provide support from proper distance. Your remainders can dispose of the 4s on the other side of the group. At start, scout kill the sniper, grenadier (or Fast Throw grenade chucker) can bombard the 5-man with 3-5 grenades. Timing right you can heavily injured them to the point they cant counter. Although if you stay near the 5-man, the informant will be quite reluctant to escape through it. Sniper can kill the rest of them. No stationary loots. ***************************************************************************** * 07.06 1st set - How-to-lose A4 missile silo in Poland (You got me there!) * ***************************************************************************** Condition: * Grab the A4 missile design * Kill them all I am not sure how I can lose this mission. Inform me if you know how. 3-man patrol along the rail. left them till mop-up. 2-man patrol near the antenna. They will investigate sounds. 2 separate moving guards in the trench. Dispose them silently if you would. 1 moving sniper on the big roof. 1 standing sniper near the tower. Snipe them from afar. 1 ambushing officer near the truck. each bunker got one redshirt. the tower got one groundfloor and one uptop. The big garage got 4-man reinforcement group if you make approriate noise. A grenadier nearby and a shooter can dispose them off handily as they get out of the garage door. Somtimes the garage door cant close up. You still have to get to underground section to chase enemies though. First part is the ground battle. Second part is in the underground tunnel. Send scout ahead to discover enemies then kill them. Basic tactic, really. Third part happen in that garage. As you emerge from the trapdoor 7 redshirts stand on high to ambush you. Depend your preference: a grenadier with light grenades will damage them handily. SMGs and riflemen can finish off the rest. Careful with the apple so they dont snag and explode in your hand. Lotsa loots. **************************************************************************** * 07.07 Interlude - Act of Terrorism (adventure in London's sewer of fame) * **************************************************************************** Condition: * Kill them all. * Dont let any of the four armed barrel explode. As the prompter say, bring along an engineer. At least 4 charge of lockpick, 4 charge of disarming stuff(recommend 7 or more). Scout will advance to sniff out enemies position. Right before you on the right hand is a 4-man group will chase and stuck you in if your scout ignore that right-turn and go straight. Proper position will allow grenadier and sniper to finish them off as they run. Straight up ahead is 2-4 redshirt who will see you through the door and advance toward you. To the end of that road is a right turn that lead you straight into the hot barrel of a HMG and a smg. A tunnel with three mines. One PPD guy at the end of that, protecting a staircase lead to the main room. Back to the start of the sewer, the right turn lead you to 2 culdesac with two group of redshirt. One culdesac got a locked chest with two dart guns. Save them for the end of this. At the end of this road is another staircase. Now position one dart guy here with half of your disarming stuff. Call them group A. Group B is at the other staircase. As you moved to open the door, cutscene cue in to show that there's at least 4 heavily armored THO inside busily arming the explosive barrels. Group A enter: a THO behind that pillar who will arm the barrel at stair. Another stand a bit farther on the right will arm the barrel in the middle. Dartgun one guy and gun down the other. Group B enter: you may be discovered by the pillar THO. 2 stand near the big barrels of wine that can shield them quite well from grenades. Gun them down, or dartgun them as you wish. If they can move they will cutscenely arm the explosive. You got about 2 turns to disarm them, giving you a dynamite device each. The THOs here is abit random between 4-6. In easier difficulty there's one or two art pieces. ************************************************************************* * 07.08. 2nd set - How-to-lose Godfather (an offer he would not refuse) * ************************************************************************* Conditions: * Kill all the assassins but left Godfather alive * Interrogate him For the sake of Mechanical Soldier mission, leave this mission until after Border and Corrupt Official. It's has few hidden bugs that can closed off req for mechie mission. And just to be on the safe side maybe you shouldnt lose this. But this is the only lose-able in the second set. He refuse our offer. Most unwise. And he want to kill us for money. Extremely most unwise. And we want to lose the only loseable mission of all 4, so he had to go. Kill him before talking. Easy mission with plenty of melee fighters. Godfather Smoke got 4 bodyguards and one gatekeeper. There's one Russian guard at the barrier. Two lurkers with stand in the mist so hard to see. And someother buggers. Easy peasy! There're loots in the locked back room of his office and an identical chest in the factory. A few cash pile and stock. It's poor pickings, equipment-wise, in this mission. ************************************************************************ * 07.09 2nd set - Cant-lose Pen (Assassins, convicts, wardens, oh my!) * ************************************************************************ Condition: * Interrogate Otter * Kill enough prisoners This mission is abit buggy, generally speaking. Sometimes Otter die at the very start of mission, making interrogate him impossible. In that case you cant fail this mission IF otter is still alive, you can always kill him before you speak to him. MISSION FAIL! 5-man prisoners group near the shed with one Russian officer. you can run one or two guys behind the shed to attack them (dont run straight ahead at them). Grenadiers move to near the gate. Sniper lie where convenient and shoot the targets. It's a simple mission, really, if you have high FAMI rifles, or good grenadiers with light apples. Good loots. *************************************************** * 07.10 2nd set - Must win Border mission (ROBOT) * *************************************************** Condition: * Captured the prisoners. * Kill them till they surrender. * Dont let Russian guards die too many (1-2) If you pay dat paltry amount you start on the Finnish border and stuck one up the rear of the THOs. plus you get a carbine 98k silent so ahead of time. If you dont pay, you get two crappy silent guns. I always pay. Move to middle of the bridge and terminate them. Let one THO alone so you got time to taking care of the wound and move to positions. The reinforcement appear after you kill the last THO. An oval group which will surrender when only 3 remain. The [i] guy is in the middle. A pistoleer in the alley, and a scout in the house will see them all. A grenadier station behind the door of the guard house. He could stay on the roof but he will be sniped easily. Two riflemen lay straight on the track, slightly behind the grenadier's door. The rest can be where you want. Two riflemen can open fire to draw off enemies presence, making them spend all their AP on shooting them from far afield. Then the pistoleer and the scout can open door and open fire/throw grenades. Pistoleer can use the trick of shooting their arms to make them dropped guns. Then grenadier can finally open door and sling grenades toward the weakened enemies. When they are down to 3 they will cutscenely surrender. The [i] guy will tell you of a village in poland, which is a clue toward Robot mission. Plenty of loots As for the silent sniper gun, Carbine 98k scoped silent is a bit specialized. Its damage mean only sniper can use it effectively and undercover. In others' it's not so good. ******************************************************************* * 07.11. 2nd set - How-to-lose Corrupt Official (so many shinies) * ******************************************************************* Stealth Mission: * Covertly Infiltrate His Office (stealth always) * Interrogate Him * Extract stealthily and safely. If stealth status is blown: * Capture Official * Interrogate him This mission cause many "buggy" situations for people so I will explain upfront what need to be done. Most often meet bug is that you lost stealth when attack a Hammer guards. The four outer perimeter Hammers are okay to take out but the two personal guards and two in the nearby room is NOT okay. They are SCRIPTED to discover you if you so much as whisper to them, so forget it. And later on when the cutscene happen there appear a guard under the ladder, also a SCRIPTED one. So to keep Stealth at all cost, stay away from those 5. All other are fair games if you can kill them without losing stealth. To extract stealthily and successfully, you need to jump from the windows of that Official. Either you pick it or drag that body, turning around will break the windows. From there you run back to where you start, there's a red cross marked it. Second bug happens when you want to attack all those Hammer guards. Greedy for their loots huh? You can mine, or boobytrap the doors on the path they withdraw so in the cutscene when they go to that place they will be blown to asunder. Alas the game engine got confused at that point and display two set of objective, both Stealth and Not_Stealth. At which point you are unable to fulfil Extract goal or Interrogate the official (since you punched his life out). So you wont be able to complete the mission. So? Let 4 guards and the Hammer rep 9o. On to the mission: Try to use bare hands/knife only. Even throwing missiles or shooting silenced guns run the risk of discovery. (even if you pump all your rounds on the body of target it still count toward the universal alarm trigger) 2 roving guards outside of the wall can be seen by your sharpeye sniper, punch their life out or shurikened or silent shot them, whatever took your fancy. (Shotot too many and even civilians will run out to investigate). 2 Hammer guards on front gate. Deal with them as you wish or they will leave in the cutscene. A few places on the wall you can climb over or you can just use the back gate. 2 roving guards inside the wall in the back. If you KO them then drag their corpse away before anyone noticed. 1 roving guard on the front yard. One officer type who notice noise and move around a little but incoveniently so. One guard stand near the big double gate. One officer in the guard house require your best sneaker to sneak in for a lil CQC (Close quarter combat), or you can just silently shot them. One guard in the ground floor bathroom require your best sneaker to deal with him. The sniper on second floor is too annoying but can be dealt with later. When the two Hammer (SCRIPTED!) behind him move away you can flick his life away easily. When your leader walk near the door to the study, cutscene happen. After it all hammer guards disappear, and one russian guard appear under the ladder (SCRIPTED). Dont attack him. Jump out of the windows of the study room and hightailed it out of there. All the rest: explore, exploit and extract. Stealth mission is always a bitch since you cant kill them all. In this case, it's the 5 targets I said earlier. Interrogate the official stealthily will get you the information that THO trade tech with USSR. To blow this mission, just kill the official before you talk to him. Blow stealth status wont lose you the mission. Still, I dont recommend blow stealth or lose this mission. NOTE: The silent map alarm triggers on either the number of enemies killed or the number of bullets/knives you threw. Try to finish off only two outer roving guards, 2 outer gate hammer guards, 2 inner gate hammer guards first. Perhaps the hall/ladder guard too. Then you trigger the cutscene. The rest came later. Should you drop too many bodies or shoot too many times, either an allies officer will be spawned and investigate, or the two Scripted upstair hammer will go investigate. This is quite rare but it's bad news because they cant be killed without blowing stealth. In that case, you lure them away from the hall then run your leader straight up to the library to trigger cutscene. The allies officer and the Hammer guards should disappear. In the rare case that officer wont disappear but continue chasing... you are screwed. Reload earlier save. Loot: 2 SMG on attic, DP heavy machinegun with two magazines. Some valuables. Gate house officer got 2 heavy grenades. *************************************** * 07.12 Interlude - Traitor/Treachery * *************************************** 2 part mission Condition: * Interrogate Boris * Kill them all. This mission's end is abit buggy but solvable. Dont let Boris wear PK. Dont worry about heavy weapons. Loots will take care of it. Bring a few heavy melons if you are worried, or 60+ penetrating mines. At least 4 charge of lockpicking. Pistoled the guy you saw and running the whole group toward the end of the street. one HMGer in the left building, two behind the barrels of oils straight ahead, 2 behind the truck with another at the end of street, three inside the left warehouse next to the barrels. Shoot the barrels to fry them up a bit. The guys behind the truck can be pistoled or SMGed. Rifled the rest. Before you interrogate Boris, checking the loots. You will have one Bazooka for your sniper, one Panzer for your best shooter, heavy grenades for your grenade chuckers. Mine where you start if you want. I really dont bother. There's Boris in your party but it doesnt worth the bother. Keep him safe. Cutscene show three Pks at where you started, one near the truck, one near the HMG loot. The PK nearby, you just bazooka or panzerfaust them in the head. Problem solve! The one at the end of the road should be dealt with before the last group. You can repair those PK to deal with the rest, although that need a high level engineer. Mvoing your grenade chucker along the street, and take cover at the end of turn. Bazooka and sniper can be on the roof or just follow the grenades. Generally, one PK stand slightly back, so you can deal two first. Chuck heavy grenades at them to draw attention, while moving the bazooka to where you can shoot at 70%+. Keep one good interruptor to deal with escaped PK pilots. If you can repair all five PK, dont let Boris wear any. weapons he keep can be stored but not PKs. Loots aplenty. Loot them all. If you wear Pk and appear in a strange place, fear not. You may click on the door to enter the hall then enter main office OR you can leave the base, camping outside then return. ************************************* * 07.13 Interlude - Defend the base * ************************************* Condition: * Kill them all Dont bring HMG or grenades as you can loot quite a bit before battle start. Bring 60+ pene mines, all the rest of your explosive for your best engineer. 3+ charge of lockpick. Mine the road. Seed 4-5 guys on one side of the map. Divide and you are too weak to stem them back. Keep one guy on one side and the rest on other will just make that guy the bait which got killed, no good. So, keep them all on one side. Grenade thrower and eplosive chucker stay near the road to blast them to kingdom come. Scout near those two to deal with infantry. Sniper and the rest shall give them support fire. When you talk Sam they appear. Run your leader to where you deem best. The scout look around to see enemies, and deal with the ones seem most dangerous. Support fire finish off the wounded. Then explosive and grenades can start flying. Try to kill all the PKs in one round and pray that the ejecting pilots too weak to counter. The infantry on the uncontested side can run unopposed to the trench and start trading shots with defenders. let them! You finish off your side and repair PK IF and ONLY IF you intend to use PK. Set the mines if you have any left. Position your grenade and explosive chuckers on the uncontest side Now the support group and leader can kill the rest of enemies. After3-5 turns the second wave will drop in. Unless you can kill PKs all in one turn, dont fight them at the landing zone. Let them get in a bit to drag them out. Infantry on the previously uncontested side now can be dealt with by your silent scout or your support fire. Infantry on the previously contested side now will run straight onto the unhurt defenders. Move the anti-PK group where they can attack PKs on the next turn. This turn your anti-PK will throw grenades/explosives at PKs to kill them all in one turn. If not, thing get ugly. Bazooka and panzersrek can finish off the rest. Oh, and pray that ejecting pilots wont hurt you too bad. Mop them up. This map show a classic battle against small tanks: Mined the obvious path, position grenadiers to deal with threats easily, and make use of heavy weapons effectively. Sniper can try sniping PKs but if ever they get within grenade range, their grenades can hurt very bad. ******************************************************************* * 07.14 3rd set - The Stash (ah! another continent, here I come!) * ******************************************************************* This mission or Valhala will give you a wire cutter, a helpful gadget. Condition * Kill them all. Another mission make heavily use of mines if you want. Although, a grenadier and good engineer can make mincemeat out of them. Mine the starting place with 4-6 very good mines if you want. The nearby rock can shield your anti-PK of two. Notice the wide open area next to the HMG. Put one good sniper on the rock near the two trees so that he can observe that area. The rest of your team move to the blocked off area. When you enter the underground section enemies will drop in in three place, with one place is random. If that place is the central area, 6 enemies. If it's on the other side, 3-5. Leave them till later. The team drop in the wide open landing zone can be picked off by sniper. The nearby team can pile in to finish them off too. The PKs will land straight on the mines and get heavily injured. Heavy grenades and good explosive will finish off the rest. The last redshirt enemies may try to ambush you since you leave them alone. Scouting them out then deal with them as usual. Loots aplenty. *********************************************************************** * 07.15 3rd set - Valhala Firm (once again, back to sweet Swiss land) * *********************************************************************** Condition: * Stealthily infiltrate the building * Kill them all * Loot them all * Prank call the police to minimize civilian's casualty. The last condition is optional though it allow us the luxury of time. If let alone, the patrol police will notice the 2-floor THO with gun and start open fire, leading to massive police casualty, cut straight to our money. So the phone booth on the wall in the street near the Firm allow us to misdirect them ou of the map. Time! Luxurious Time! The library got one officer and a decyphering book, give the final clue of Poland mission Mechanical Soldier. Read on the approriate section about it. The other wing got 3 guys inside, require two to handle. One get in from the street to see them all and club one guy down. One get in through the window in the alley and shoot the rest. The back room got one redshirt. one guy is enough, usually your sniper as he can provide support fire for the rest. Front hall got two, leave them for now. Run your scout straight upto upstair. he got good hide so he should be safe. One THO on the corridor: leave him be. Run him into the back room with two guys there. Wait abit. Your last guy, usually the second best Hide, also run like hell upstair, try to stay near the corridor THO. When discovered, he will kill that and move into position to ambush the stair incase those front hall go up. The scout kills the two in the back room. The sniper move in to kill the back room guy. The library and 2-man teams also move to kill. After the first turn, there should be 7 corpses. The library team should also move back out of the windows since one of front hall redshirt will investigate the library. Remember the sniper can provide support fire if you need it. Second turn: library guy move in to kill the curious red. one Front hall may also get onto the stair so two guys upstair should deal with him. 2-man team and sniper could provide support fire if need call. Third turn: move to basement and deal with the remaining two. Loot them all! Lotsa loots! ***************************************** * 07.16 3rd set - The Warehouse (yawn!) * ***************************************** Condition: * Kill them all From reading the directive it seem this mission could be failed but I havent figured it out. If you know how, write me the way. Bring PKs or not, this is one easy mission. The easiest is open/close the iron gate and gun them down. The infantry may try to get over the wall but it's futile anyway. Without PKs, you can run a long way around the walls to back, climb in and silent killed the rest. Beware that PK, though, as it like to stuck in your back. Good loots, but boring mission ********************************************************** * 07.17 SECRET MISSION - Mechanical Soldier (aka Robots) * ********************************************************** You can also activate this mission by using cheat code. I ask that you dont open it before its due course because of two potential bug. 1. ABSR is a PK-type, so he will be excluded from Stealth Missions or PK-forbidden missions. As he cant be dismissed, and killing him took 5-7 mines of 100 penetration, get him too early mean no way to kill him... meaning deadend. 2. ABSR can fill the 7th slot in your team. If you play missions with 7-man team and it require you add a NPC to your group, it could be a sticky point lead to crash. So beware. Of course, playing with ABSR too early mean you can just use him to kill them all, which is a boring game experience. Same as you play scout-solo, I mean. But who am I to argue with your enjoyment of the game. But mind my warning regarding bugs, though. ****************************************************************************** To cheat, open the file s3autoexec.cfg, add the "wirbelwind" without quote to the end of it. that will allow you to use ~ to pull down console. type EXACTLY ScenarioAddVisibleZone( "Secret" ) that to make visible the mission zone in poland BeginZone( "Secret" ) that to begin the zone. space and capitalization must be exactly as above, mind you. ****************************************************************************** CONDITION: * Kill them all 6 redshirts in front of the gate to the next part of mission prove to be easy prey for a good grenadiers. Their equipments are quite good and that should clue you in as to the quality of enemies. Second part of mission got 3 Mechanical Soldiers, the like that is the final battle of assault mission. Heaven! You can attack them if you got the right equipments: PWM grenades, Hecsogen, AP-round heavy weapons. A good sniper with 80% + can bazooka them easily. RPG grenades cant even scratch them. You can sneak one by one to the gates to 3rd area. There're two gates: obvious gates down the elevator or the blocked gate. The last area got two active enemies behind barricade. Easy Prey! ABSR can be activated if you got 130+ Engi which can be only be achieved by Engineer. He's the same type of robots as the 3 above. Now you can go back to finish them off if you havent killed them before. ABSR's weapons are fixed. He cant be healed but he can be repaired by PK-technician. 600 HP and impervious to nearly all weaponry, he's a veritable Abram tank. ***************************************************************************** * 07.18 Final Battle - Stealth Mission (chicken your way out? shame on you) * ***************************************************************************** This mission is a failure ending. It's admonition on the game part, meaning if you let Boris sacrifice himself in assault, you dont deserve a true ending. It is quite subtle on the gamemakers part so gamers dont always get it and they complain that this ending peter out. Condition: * Stealthily infiltrate the next part * Kill Major Stealth Mission mean no PK,or ABSR. Also no loud weapons. Silenced guns, throwing knives and kickboxing only. See the fun?! You can kill them all or you could just stealthily slip past them to the door lead to the next area. Stealth mission mean no loud killing, and dont let guards see dead corpses, either. There's a electric generator on this map that you can make them flashing red light and loud noise, hiding what you are doing. You should figure out how to get past this because that's only the fun you get out of this map. Just to taunt us better, enemies drop very good loots, but no where to use, of course. Those Russians' humour! The next area got one guy on the stair and two on the doors. Exterminate them with extreme prejudice. The door to the ladder is unpickable meaning you cant save Boris from your bad decision. Get in the office and end this farce. Enjoy the boring ending. **************************************************************************** * 07.19 Final Battle - Assault Mission (It's easy to be hero in this army) * **************************************************************************** True battle, true ending. Dont use ABSR or PK to make the most fun out of it. Bring all the heavy grenades, explosives you can scrounge, buy or hoard. Time to spend it all in two glorious battle. Condition: * Kill them all * Kill Major First part is a open field battle. PKs in and around the perimeter. 3 snipers on tower and cliff. Moving guards. Position your Sniper and riflemen in sheltering positions, so that they can take cover from PK's fire. Scout get near and determine area, enemies position and PK route. Try to get engineer into position to mine the path and ready to blast them to kingdom come. Grenadier also in position. Sniper open fire to kill three red snipers. Engineer run to mine the path that PK shall use to investigate. If PKs get near, pummel them with bazooka, explosive, PWM. Use it all as they drop but save the best explosives for last (hecsogen or nitroglycerin). Infantry try to storm your position? Eat Heavy Grenades, Mincemeat! Gather the loots, especially the heavy grenades as the final battle await. The next area is a underground tunnels which make use of SMGs and light grenades. use them up. The wide open door make me proceed with caution: Sniper with bazooka, riflemen with heavy weapons, all use AP-round; grenadiers with TG42 and PWM; engineer with the remaining explosive ready to hand. BANG! Three Robots appear. Aint you glad you trained with their like on that Polish Village? The first shots are excuted with precision because if you miss and they counterfire you are deadmeat. Grenadiers and soldiers throw all the PWMs, engineers throw explosives, bazookas are shot... Very Hairy! because in training you are quite in control of how you attack. Here, one miscalculation can mean your whole group dead. The last Robot is something of a bit anticlimax. Oh well. Now you finish what you come here for. See? The Assault ending is soooo much better than Stealth ending. Those Russian are SUBTLE. What? The Major is a wimp? What do you expect? An undercover spy turn administrator that have 1500 HP with a triple HP of a PK like the last S2? Mightiest than even your mightiest warrior? You are kidding me! Please, that is so ridiculous. This IS realistic.

************************************ * 08.01 Here is your bag of tricks * ************************************ ----You can broke the glassed windows with minimal AP by standing/sitting face to face with it, open the inventory and throw items out. They will fall forward and broke the windows. Three times will do. And since doing that doesnt cost AP it's very economical. Another way is that you drag a body to the windows, turn around: blam! Windows broke! Slow, though. As for Kickbox/throw/shot, that's the way of overmuscled brainless mercenaries (sad to say, I was one such until the third playthrough) ----CTRL+K will remove the tree crown and the bush make it easier to see the map. They still exist, of course, so if you try to throw grenades with bad skill you could get blocked. So try to remove/restore tree crowns a few times before you throw. ----Repair items will cost you lots of point, so only do the fix jam, or repair to sell with training Eng in mind (quite expensively I might add). If you intend to repair your current weapons, buy the service from dealer. It will cost you a point of maintainance, plenty of cheap! ----As I said before, the unpickable cabinet in Main office can be a great thing to train Eng. Buy the lock picks then pick that. You will get up to your limit in no time. So much cheaper and more convenient than repairing weapons yourself, or mine/disarm mine. ----A mine so ineptly set will be detected instantly and be avoided henceforth. Voila! Here is your tool to block their way. set it up as a barrier so they cant help but have to go around. ----Mine right in front of the door, or the fall point of the windows for unavoidable positions. Mine/grenade trap the hard-to-pick door or locker then shoot it for maximum effect. ----The higher your Eng skill is, the better hidden your mine/trap is. And explode more prettily too. ----Pay attention to Maintainance points. A gun with less than best condition cant give you the best performance. And if you have to repair/unjam the gun during mission time you will lower MP points considerably. Repair before go to battle. Choose weapons wisely: maybe some guns got good performance but its MP points is low, there's no spare so you would choose other guns with slightly lower spec but good maintainance points. The MP smg series are a case in point: MP 38-42 silenced smg is the best of silenced smg before they sell Sterling Pratchett Silencer. However, it's very low threshold and no snapshot mode, making it very problematic in mission, after about 6 burst you run the constant risk of jamming. Now, silenced sten III is lower in spec but it can snap shot so you could have kept that, relied on single shot and Fami to kill, only use burst if you run the risk of discovery. Generally, snapshot is not as risky in jamming as burst so you could prolong the use of the gun until the end of mission. That's why I advise a pair of pistol instead of one, and the Browning HP is just a interim pistol due to its lack of spare. ******************************************** * 08.02 .02 And your treasured tactics too * ******************************************** ----Think 3D. If enemy fort up on your way, try not just to go around them but go over them, or go under. Blast them to asunder with grenades or HMG or heavy weapons is really satisfying but they are not the only ways. ----Know enemies. Send your scouts and your sniper forward to check out enemies positions and the terrain. try to check out whether they can be killed isolatedly before attack. Try to see where will be the choke point that can stop enemy reinforcement. Check out the most HP redshirt too, as he is the most skilled and need to liquidate ASAP. ----Prepare battlefield. Mine the choke points if you dont have enough guns to hold that. Grenadiers is the most suited for them as his apples have good bites and can go a long way. Snipers at the central place to control all directions. SMGs and pistols at corner. ----Know your weapons. SMG is often the most murderous weapons at close range. Grenades for crowd control. Pistol in the hand of skilled user such as sniper and SnapShot pistoleer with high Familiarity can help to score crits and finish off the remaining enemies (Nothing like the satisfaction of when you finish off the grenade/mine-weakened group with a pistol). Dont use pistol to duel with riflemen, dont use SMG to kill far off enemies and dont use grenades in tight corners. ----Melee weapons are for one-on-one in the dark of the night. You want to kill silently, sneak up behind them with melee, throwing weapons, or silencer. When the curtain go up, use other weapons fit for situations. ----Diversion tactics: Shot a few on the air to draw enemies toward you, creating holes in that tight defense for scouts to sneak through. But remember Diversion is diversion, try not to get caught in that trap. Nothing funnier than a medic got surrounded by a platoon of SMGs, and nary a grenade in sight. OTOH, grenadiers may make mincemeat of those goons, at his heavy cost, of course. ----PKs is minitank... slow minitank, too. If you cant kill them with your current weapons, run away is possible since they are slow as turtles. Sniper with high penetration rifles (40+) can damage or crit the pilots to force them out. Heavy grenades, or Panzerfaust, is a brute force approach. You can lure them near door/windows mined with good explosive then shoot... Always keep at least 2 heavy grenades or xplosives just for this eventuality. ----Using Engineer to play with enemies: the obvious grenadetraps set by your scout and a cunningly mine/explosive in the remain route will crush him to dust. Especially in scripted situations or the curious officers of the map (every map 9ot one or two officers with the highest HP and very curious, they will investigate the noise and chase after you with their pistols). It's time- consuming but oh well, you have to find amusement where you can. ----Save at least one PWM in your random encounter hunting. Especially in Egypt as the Egypt special encounter is no joke. They run to investigate at the lightest sound, with 4 PK in a wide open maps. And I so hate to leave the map with alive redshirt.

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2869 AD 딥 블루 호라이즌 사전예약 6.14-7.4 운영자 24/06/14 - -
26383473 뉴스 [오늘의 스팀] 헬다이버즈 2 대대적 패치로 호평 [1] 게임메카갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.06.14 228 2
26117670 공지 신문고 [203] 실 성갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.05.06 27997 9
21263018 공지 중세게임 갤러리는 게임관련 갤러리 입니다 [344] 실 성갤로그로 이동합니다. 22.06.16 59856090 138
25963616 공지 2024년 볼만한 게임쇼케이스 및 시상식 [70] 실 성갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.04.14 39788 48
26388548 일반 에어컨 필요없음 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:45 0 0
26388547 일반 여자 축구 원탑이, 미국 여자 축구임 무대포갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:45 0 0
26388546 일반 서양 신작겜 여캐중 제일 예쁜 애가 누구임 조홍감갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:45 2 0
26388545 일반 게임에는 왜 여마왕이 없음??? [1] ㅇㅇ(121.135) 16:45 4 0
26388544 일반 페이커 아리 짱깨 냄새나는데 나만그럼? [2] ㅇㅇ(1.235) 16:44 16 0
26388543 일반 페이커<<아프리카 bj아님? 언급하는 좆방충들 다 밴해라 ㅇㅇ(119.194) 16:44 7 0
26388542 일반 오랜만에 딥락갤 함 때리까. [1] 나는♿(222.103) 16:44 11 0
26388541 일반 중갤 마비노기 키워드로 2024~2023 까지 읽어보고옴 전세왕J갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:44 8 0
26388540 일반 몬월 아이스본 제일 날먹무기 뭐임 [5] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:44 22 0
26388539 일반 중서운 이야기) ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:44 5 0
26388538 일반 페이커 아리 대출해서 구매할 칭구들구해요! 파밀리스갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:43 25 0
26388537 일반 중학생때 페이트 했는데 재미없었으면 뭐임? [3] ㅇㅇ(183.98) 16:43 20 0
26388536 일반 중붕이들은 좋아하는 게임이 뭐야? [3] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:43 19 0
26388535 일반 빌어먹을 정글에서 28년이야 [1] 반고닉의왕갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:43 30 0
26388534 일반 이쁜 금발 백인 여캐<<일본밖에 못만듬 ㅜㅜ [5] 넓적부리황새˙갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:43 28 0
26388533 일반 걍 막쓰기 편한패드 추천좀 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:42 18 0
26388532 일반 근데 문화를 선도하는건 커뮤잘안하고 인스타하는 1020인데 [1] ㅇㅇ(221.145) 16:42 27 1
26388531 일반 바하4 리메이크 주인공이 데더다 데이브라고 해봐라 [1] 대왕고래갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:42 16 0
26388530 일반 키캡이 대체 뭐길래 [3] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:41 58 0
26388529 일반 페이커 아리 너무 원신냄새남 [1] man올갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:41 49 0
26388528 일반 커뮤하다보면 커뮤가 진짜 여론인줄 착각하는순간이 와 [3] 퀵쓰기아님갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:41 50 1
26388527 일반 스.포) 시발 쌍근 깝치지말고 호박쓸걸 [8] 코드가길어서러운와타시갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:41 46 0
26388526 일반 진여신전생 진동 없는 이유 [1] ㅇㅇ(222.235) 16:40 18 0
26388525 일반 엑박패드 연결됐다 안됐다함 [2] ㅇㅇ(114.204) 16:40 10 0
26388524 일반 페이커 스킨 산 새기들 <- 메던로랑 수듄 비슷함 [5] ㅇㅇ(211.230) 16:40 55 2
26388523 일반 페이커떡밥 << 중갤 설립의의에 맞는 정통게임얘기 [1] ㅇㅇ(118.216) 16:40 20 0
26388522 일반 흑여캐 <<< 진심 불호밖에 업음 ㄹㅇ [2] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:39 33 0
26388521 일반 근데 진심으로 라이엇 신작이 기대됨? 허리펴라갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:39 13 0
26388520 일반 페이커도 중까흥 [2] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:39 41 1
26388519 일반 진여친선생해라 개중붕들아 [6] 참피눈동자갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:38 51 0
26388518 일반 페이커 아리 피규어 팔리기는 팔리는구나.. [2] ㅇㅇ(125.136) 16:38 69 0
26388517 일반 여자축구 < 이거 근데 토토충말고 보는 사람이 있음? [6] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:38 37 1
26388516 일반 페이커 키캡 근황 [3] 방순갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:38 88 0
26388515 일반 이게 게임글임? 여기 게임갤임 ㅇㅇ(121.182) 16:38 18 0
26388513 일반 한국에선 자랑스러운 k게임이 외국에서 팔렸다 하는데 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:38 30 0
26388512 일반 알퀘이드 에.뿌!!!! ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:38 28 0
26388511 일반 아틀러스 이 미친놈들은 20년전겜 리마스터도 dlc풀세트 달고 나옴 [2] ㅇㅇ(222.235) 16:37 48 0
26388510 일반 흑인 여캐 참을 수 없다 ㄹ [9] 무대포갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:36 98 0
26388509 일반 컴터 새로샀다 ㅋㅋㅋ 543543갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:36 21 0
26388508 일반 난 페이커 스킨 논란 다르게 봄. [8] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:36 100 0
26388507 일반 게임 국적까지 알정도면 걍 개발자 그런거아님? [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:35 26 0
26388506 일반 50만이면 아리 리얼돌 정도는 줘야지 [1] man올갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:35 60 0
26388505 일반 애니멀녀 왜이리 이쁨? [2] 글로리아갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:35 84 0
26388504 일반 블쟈식 합체 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:35 34 0
26388503 일반 중부이 요리고수야... [3] 무능한나나갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:35 48 0
26388502 일반 지금 게임의 pc 침략은 여자로 치면 이런 거임 [1] 대왕고래갤로그로 이동합니다. 16:35 31 0
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