디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

could가 과거시제 명시할때 can과거형인지 물어봄

ㅇㅇ(175.223) 2024.04.14 11:30:01
조회 169 추천 0 댓글 0

보통은 그렇지만 글의 맥락이나 대화맥락이 있으면 그냥 써도 된다고 함
"보통은 그렇지만" 이게 대충 문법이지 문법이란 대체로 usually 를 말하는 것이니까ㅋㅋㅋ

is it usually used with an adverb or phrase indicating the past when "could" is used as the past tense of "can"?

Yes, it is often used with an adverb or phrase indicating the past when "could" is used as the past tense of "can." Including such adverbs or phrases helps to provide temporal context and specify when the ability, permission, or possibility existed. While not always mandatory, it's a common practice to use adverbs or phrases indicating the past to clarify the timeframe of the action or condition described by "could."

is it absolutely necessary to use an adverb or phrase indicating past time when "could" is used as the past tense of "can"?

No, it's not absolutely necessary to use an adverb or phrase indicating past time when "could" is used as the past tense of "can." While it's common to include such adverbs or phrases to provide temporal context, it's not a strict requirement. The necessity of including an adverb or phrase indicating past time depends on the context and the information being communicated. There are situations where "could" can be used without explicitly referencing past time, such as in present or future hypotheticals, polite requests or offers in the present, or expressions of present or future possibility.


is it absolutely used with an adverb or phrase in case indicating past time when "could" is used as the past tense of "can"?


No, it's not absolutely required to use an adverb or phrase indicating past time when "could" is used as the past tense of "can." While it's common to include such adverbs or phrases to provide temporal context, there are cases where "could" can be used without them. The necessity of including an adverb or phrase indicating past time depends on the context and the information being communicated.

For example, in some contexts where the past time frame is already established or implied, it might not be necessary to explicitly mention it again. Additionally, in hypothetical or conditional statements about present or future situations, an adverb or phrase indicating past time may not be relevant.

So, while it's common to see "could" accompanied by an adverb or phrase indicating past time, it's not an absolute requirement in all cases.

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