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스몰빌 자막 아직 없는겨? 영문요약이라도 읽어보셤

천재족발(211.63) 2007.04.22 02:04:48
조회 372 추천 0 댓글 0

By Steve West: 2007-04-19 21:31:33

TV Recap: Smallville - Progeny It’s been a little while, but ‘Smallville’ is back and ready to wrap up season six. It’s great to return to the show and be treated to an evil Lex. “Progeny” was full of what makes a great episode of this show. There are some magnificent Lex moments of pure evil, an extra dose of Chloe Sullivan, plus Clark even has a classic moment where he reluctantly saves Lex. For a show that’s gotten bogged down a bit this season, ‘Smallville’ is back on top of its game with the first episode of the final arc of season six. Bring it on!

We start off with a flashback to Chloe as a child with her mother Wonder Woman. OK, so it’s not actually Wonder Woman, but it is Linda Carter. Only mommy seems to be a bit crazy, as men in white show up to take her away. We come back to the present to see Lex driving his Porsche. He gets a phone call telling him that a meteor freak won’t admit she has powers. “I want answers,” Luthor tells the doctor on the other end just as a truck runs him off the road. What kind of jerk would do such a thing? The type who would then smash a car window and knock the mastermind out. Except, it’s our Chloe. Things just got interesting again on ‘Smallville.’

The next morning Chloe wakes up, not remembering how she got there. When Clark shows up she tells him about her black outs, and that she’s afraid it’s her krypto powers coming out. Clark lets her know she doesn’t have to go through it alone and he understands how she feels. The interaction between these two is always so great; more episodes should feature Chloe. As they’re driving the two come across the accident scene, but the police are all over it. Chloe tells Clark to stop and he quips, “Chloe, no offense. But I think Lex can get his own triple A.” He does stop and when a LexCorp security guard calls Lex on a cell, Clark listens in to hear someone ran the billionaire off the road and took a flash drive. “Do we know who Racer X is?” Chloe asks as younger viewers become confused by the geeky reference to ‘Speed Racer.’

Using his super vision Clark finds a black coat button, which just happens to be Chloe’s. She figures out that she ran Lex off the road and stole the flash drive. A fact that is quickly confirmed when they return to Chloe’s apartment and find the drive in her coat pocket. On the device is a file for a single krypto freak. The person is capable of controlling other meteor freaks, and the picture happens to be of Chloe’s mother.

Lex enters a room with Mrs. Sullivan in it. She insists that she was crazy and isn’t able to control anyone other than her daughter. Lex tells her that isn’t true and there is to be a demonstration. Moira is taken into a room where a young lad is waiting. On the other side of the glass Lex tells the kid to, “Give it all you got.” The kid has super strength, but before he can use it against her Mrs. Sullivan touches his pen and tells him to sit down. Lex asks her to use her power to call back a man who escaped from the facility. She agrees and then tells the man using her power to find and kill Lex Luthor. The krypto freak goes to the Luthor Mansion to find Lex, but instead finds Lana.

Clark and Chloe discover that Lex has her mother when they’re turned away from the mental facility. A video shows Chloe speaking with a doctor and then punching the person when told her mother isn’t there. They decide to go pay Lex a visit.

The krypto freak tosses Lana around when Clark and Chloe show up. Clark takes Lana to the hospital, and Chloe stays with the freak. He doesn’t remember how he got there, and Chloe insists he tell her where the facility is. Lex tells Moira that if Lana is seriously hurt or dies, there will be grave repercussions. You have to love when Lex gets his evil on. Mrs. Sullivan uses her power to tell Chloe to leave Smallville.

Chloe and Clark are getting ready to go to the facility when she tries to leave. Clark stops her and she asks for a glass of water to clear her head. She pulls out some kryptonite and tells Clark it’s the only way for her to get out of town. On her way out Chloe is stopped by a roadblock and then taken prisoner. She wakes up next to her mom.

Chloe finds out the truth about why her mother left. When Chloe was a child she told her daughter to wash her hands until all the ink was gone. She found her daughter with blood everywhere in the bathroom; she had scrubbed her hands raw. That’s why she left, to protect her daughter. “Now I have to protect you from Lex Luthor.” They fake her mom being sick, and when the guards come in she controls the super strength guy to take them out. Other guards immediately tranquilize the krypto freak of strength. Her mom tells Chloe to get out, no matter what she has to do. Chloe knocks out a guard and takes his gun. On her way to the exit she runs into Lex who tells her not to do something she’ll later regret. Yeah, she fires the gun and a gas canister flies at Lex’s head just as Clark shows up (who was rescued by his own mother). Watching Clark as he saw the canister come closer to Lex’s face, and then at the last second reluctantly shoving his nemesis to the side, was worth the price of admission.

Chloe comes home excited to see her mom and take her to Star City where Oliver has a place set up for Moira to live. Clark tells Chloe that the drugs Lex was administering are wearing off, and her mother is losing lucidity. Chloe wants to go to Lex for the drugs, but her mother forbids any deals with Luthor. This time mother and daughter are able to say goodbye and that they love each other, and then Moira goes back to being catatonic.

Back at the Daily Planet Chloe is writing a story about Luthor Corp’s crimes against humanity when Lex shows up. He tells her he has the evidence of her running him off the road and if the story is published she’ll spend 10 years in jail. Chloe tells him that her mother sacrificed everything to stop scum like him and the time in prison will be worth it. In true Lex fashion he tells her there’s a plan B. “A plan that makes prison look like a picnic,” he tells Chloe. Whatever the plan is, it’s scared Chloe enough to not publish the story.

Back at Smallville Medical the doctor tells Lana that she’s been pumped full of hormones. He accuses her of faking a pregnancy to marry the billionaire Luthor. She realizes she was never pregnant. “I don’t know who’s baby you saw (in the sonogram), but I can assure you it wasn’t yours,” the doctor tells Lana. Hmm…so she was never pregnant. Lex has some truly messed up plans brewing this season. Clark tells Chloe that the war is starting. And with that proclamation, ‘Smallville’ finishes a triumphant return to our television screens.

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