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드림씨어터 드러머의 미드평..(영문)

드리머(124.37) 2007.06.20 23:41:32
조회 318 추천 0 댓글 8

프로그레시브 메탈밴드, Dream Theater를 아는사람이 얼마나 될지 모르겠지만,
몇명이라도 있으리라는 생각에 올려본다..

드림씨어터의 드러머, Mike Portnoy의 미드평이야..

영문이지만, 그렇게 어렵지 않으니까 미드를 즐겨본다면 읽는데 큰 지장 없을꺼야..

(짤방은 Gilmore Girls에 출연하고 있는 Skid Row의 Sebastian Bach랑 게스트출연한 Rush의 Geddy Lee랑 딸이야..)


It\' s been a while since I\' ve posted....sorry, I\' ve been consumed in the new DT CD and now recently the summer tour with Queensryche and Fates Warning...

On the tour, I bought and watched the first 2 seasons of OZ on DVD and thoroughly enjoyed them.

Because I am such a big fan of almost everything HBO has done with their original shows, I figured I\' d pick up the OZ DVD\' s and dig into them because I missed the boat when the show was on the air....and I ended up really getting into it!

I am soooo bummed now though, because seasons 3-6 aren\' t available yet on DVD.... <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s7.gif">

Anybody want to help me out with them on DVD, VCD or VHS?
If you can help out, drop an email to MaBrown and he can get them to me....
(I could probably arrange a goodie or two in return!) <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s4.gif">


After having caught some of the new American version on NBC and digging it, I picked up the original English BBC version on DVD and watched the entire box set throughout the G3 tour in Japan. 

What an absolutely brilliant and hilarious show!

I\'ve never been a big fan of british TV comedy, but this one takes the best elements of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm and combines it with the improv/documentary elements of This is Spinal Tap and Christopher Guest\'s films. 

What a shame there\'s no more to watch.....

I hope NBC renews the American version so I can continue to get my fix... 



What an ending to one of the greatest series in the history of television!

The finale was just PERFECT!
I\'ve never seen a show end with so much closure....

The ending really made me look at life in a whole new way.
I\'m really gonna miss this show.... <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s7.gif">

Some further thoughts in this thread:


Hoooooraaaaayyyy!!! My favorite show of all time is finally back! <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/upfiles/smiley/banana.gif">

I spent the last week re-watching all of Season 5 (which was much greater than I remembered...episode 511: The Test Dream - might be one of my favorite Sopranos episodes of all time)

And last night\'s season premiere did NOT disappoint at all!! <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s10.gif">

1 down, 19 to go.... <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s7.gif">



A great season finale to a great season! (poor Lem...) <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s7.gif">

I had almost given up on the show after last season (as I have with 24 - sorry, 24 fans), but the addition of Forest Whitaker\'s character kicked a whole new life into the show and this season came back with a vengeance!



Just watched last night\'s season finale....
WOW!!! <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/upfiles/smiley/eeka.gif">
This has got to be the coolest, deepest, most nugget-infested show in TV history....
Hats off to these writers for creating such an incredibly cool labyrinth for us fans to crawl though each week.... <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/upfiles/smiley/bow.gif">
4 8 15 16 23 42
PS - whatever happened to the Darren Aronofsky-directed episode that was announced earlier in the year?  <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/upfiles/smiley/adam.gif">


So far, I\'m digging this new Showtime series.
Of course I love seeing the great Michael C Hall back in action (from one of my all-time favorites Six Feet Under)

This show has potential to be a true classic if it keeps up the standard layed down in these first few episodes.

It\'s a pretty dark show with shades of "Nip/Tuck", "The Shield" and "Six Feet Under" mixed together with "Seven"... <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s10.gif">



Although HBO in America hasn\'t begun airing Season 2 yet, the BBC in England has already broadcast all 6 episodes (and those of you who are net-smart should know where to find em!) <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s4.gif">

Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have created another masterful show...
(think less "Office" and more "Curb Your Enthusiam")

With hilarious cameos ranging from Chris Martin to Robert DeNiro to David Bowie, this new season was even better than the first.

Shame if the rumours are true that Gervais and Merchant are gonna to do as they did with The Office and end it after two 6-episode seasons... <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s7.gif">  


OK...Here\'s the deal:
I followed the show religiously for the first 4 seasons (and LOVED it), but by the end of the 4th season I was starting to become a little annoyed by some of the far fetched premises.
("why doesn\'t anybody ever have to pee or eat?", "how can a president be assassinated at 7am and then by lunchtime life is back to normal?")
I gave the Season 5 premiere a chance but then decided to let the show go (hey, that\'s 24 hours of my life back!) thinking the show was on an X-Files decline...
Then the 5th season got rave reviews by both fans and critics, so when it was recently released on DVD, I decided to give it another chance...
I am currently half way through Season 5 and WOW!! <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s10.gif">
Every episode is on the edge suspense and excitement!!
Granted, the only way to<I> really</I> enjoy this show is to suspend your disbelief and just go along for the ride...(ignore the above questions when they arise in your head)

So now I am racing the clock to finish Season 5 on DVD and catch back up with the rest of you to join in the fun for Season 6 (which just began this week with a 2-day, 4-hour Season Premiere of which I know nothing about it...so I\'m desperately dodging posts and headlines!)

Possibly the greatest TV show ever (it’s surely up there in my book) came to a close with a few final episodes in which we lost some major players (RIP Christopher, Bobby, Phil and possibly Sil). Unlike most of America, I was not AT ALL disappointed with the open ended final episode. In fact, anything otherwise would’ve been too easy and too expected.
I think David Chase rounded out the final episode with class and showed that life doesn’t always have closure.

This season went out with a bang and opened up a whole new world of future season possibilies with flash forwards and the idea of a post-island story taking place….
….and RIP Charlie!  <IMG style="ZOOM: 1" src="http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/image/s7.gif">
The best new show of last season came to an exciting finale. I hope they keep up for Season 2….
Another great season with great performances all around. The brewing battle between Vic and Shane is getting very intense and I cant wait for next season….
After a VERY disappointing second half to Season 3, the premiere to Season 4 was a breath of frest air – showing the entire making of Medellin in a 30 minute documentary style format. The character of Billy Walsh is a great one and I hope he sticks around for this season. (BTW, HBO sets a bizarre new between-season record…instead of the frustrating year to year a half wait between seasons – Entourage had a whopping 2 week interval between seasons!)
I’ve been checking these guys out for a while now on You Tube in preparations for this new HBO series and they are hilarious. They are an obvious comparison to Tenacious D (even the fan character Mel is their equivalent to the D’s Lee), but with the D no longer doing their HBO skits, I’ll gladly take this New Zealand substitute. And mark my words, Jemaine is another Jack Black or Sasha Baron Cohen waiting to take Hollywood by storm in the coming years.

The Contender meets Rock Star Supernova. Yes, I’m a sucker for this reality competition stuff! I am enjoying watching these incredibly talented filmmakers’ work, but I find myself screaming at the screen over Carrie Fisher and Garry Marshall’s ridiculous, overly PC, and totally overly critical reviews of these filmmaker’s work. Anything that is daring and out of the box gets immediately shot down and unfairly sways the audience voting…
But I am enjoying watching these young talents at work…

이밖에.. 영화나 음악.. 에 대한 글도 있는데..
보고 싶은사람은..
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박찬욱감독에 대한 예찬글도 2개인가 있어..

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