디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

단풍나무 횽.

KE071(216.19) 2007.04.14 11:28:17
조회 232 추천 0 댓글 6

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Import Details for Requirement: 26823 Version: 4

HS Deion: 060290crosshair.gif 06 Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliagecrosshair.gif 02 Other live plants (including their roots), cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn.crosshair.gif 90OtherOGD Extension: 002202crosshair.gif 0022Other propagative material - (house plants, for personal use and not for resale)crosshair.gif 02Orchid - plants (houseplants, for personal use and not for resale)Origin: KRcrosshair.gifAsiacrosshair.gifKorea, Republic of (South)

Recommendations to CBSA / Documentation and Registration Requirements

Refer to CFIA (must be accompanied by the following documents/registrations):
elbow.gifPhytosanitary Certificate
elbow.gifPlant Protection Import Permit

Importer / Broker Instructions


- Obtain from Country of Export prior to importation.

- Obtain from Plant Health Division Permit Office in Ottawa prior to importation.


The Phytosanitary Certificate must accompany the shipment.

-Material must be clean and free of pests and soil.

The material must be certified free from soil pests.

1) "Material was grown in soil where the potato wart disease (SYNCHYTRIUM ENDOBIOTICUM) has not been recorded and where, based on official soil surveys or other precautionary practices, the potato cyst nematode (GLOBODERA ROSTOCHIENSIS and GLOBODERA PALLIDA) and the soybean cyst nematode (HETERODERA GLYCINES) are not known to occur.";


"Potato wart disease (SYNCHYTRIUM ENDOBIOTICUM), potato cyst nematode (GLOBODERA ROSTOCHIENSIS and G. PALLIDA) and soybean cyst nematode (HETERODERA GLYCINES) are known not to occur in the country of origin of the plant material."


*** Please note that border lookouts and targets take precedence over import requirements indicated in the AIRS. ***

- Any import inspection services provided by CFIA staff are subject to a CFIA user fee.
- May be subject to requirements of Other Government Departments.
- Contact an Import Service Centre for further information.

Brokers/ Importers should attest to one of the following with respect to the packaging material being used to ship the product:
- "Wood packaging contained with shipment displays the ISPM No. 15 compliant stamp."
- " Wood packaging material is accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate, ie. approved treatment per ISPM No. 15. "
- "Wood packaging material is made out of manufactured wood which is exempted from ISPM No. 15."
OR (when it applies)
- "No wood packaging contained with shipment."

When importing plants or viable plant material, importers should be aware that they may be subject to additional regulatory requirements if the imported product is a plant with a novel trait, or PNT.

A plant is considered to be a PNT if it contains a trait that is both new to the Canadian environment and has the potential to affect the specific use and safety of the plant with respect to the environment and human health. For example, a plant may be subject to regulation if it is a product of biotechnology, and/or displays novel herbicide tolerance, and/or has a new trait that could increase its weediness or invasiveness.

Please refer to Directive 96-13 for additional regulatory requirements.

Additional References

crosshair.gifD-96-09 Plant Protection Import Requirements for Orchid Please refer to our website <U>http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveg/protect/dir/directe.shtml</U> to view the text.

crosshair.gifPlant Protection Act and Regulations To view the Plant Protection Act and Regulations, please refer to our website <U>http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/reg/rege.shtml</U> or contact the nearest Import Service Centre for further information. <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>


형도 알겠지만 검역에 존내 까다로운 히밤 캐나다. 잘 읽어보고 준비할수 있음 해봐. 근데 캐나다에서 사전에 뭐 받아야 하는 경우 10일 남았으면 포기 ㄳ 오랫동안 정든 난이겠지만 분양할 곳을 찾는게...ㅋㅋ

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갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
설문 연인과 헤어지고 뒤끝 작렬할 것 같은 스타는? 운영자 24/04/22 - -
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18445 애들이 배만보여줘서... 씨뷁갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 249 0
18444 횽도와줘요~ 러시아항공타는ㄷㅣ.. [14] ㄷㄷㄷ(59.10) 07.08.25 596 0
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18442 아.. 제가 나갔다와서 리플을 지금보네요.. [1] 씨뷁갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 149 0
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18437 횽틀~ 댄공 772(2-5-2배열) 좌석 질문~!! [1] 하늘팀갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 294 0
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18434 항갤러여러분 밤입니다. [5] klm(222.116) 07.08.25 209 0
18433 항갤햏력테스트-1 난이도 中下 [11] 천안지역염동술사갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 301 0
18432 영원히 버러우 타로가겠습니다 [2] 플라이트(121.141) 07.08.25 340 0
18431 짜슥..다 뽀록날거.. [4] 씨뷁갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 376 0
18430 ㅋㅋ 잊을만 하면 나오는 [7] 천안지역염동술사갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 357 0
18428 초경량 헬기 ㅋㅋ [4] 씨뷁갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 555 0
18427 대한항공 이번에 들여온다는 비행기 [6] fdsa(218.237) 07.08.25 837 0
18425 월급에서 세금35% 뗘가면 많이 떼어가는거에요? [10] 너이자식(61.96) 07.08.25 540 0
18424 고수님들 루트좀 짜주세요 [1] 제프(210.182) 07.08.25 208 0
18422 어느새 운행 시작한 버진 아메리카;; [4] 로맨틱S장전!갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 613 0
18417 항갤여러분께 퀴즈 [3] 룰루룹갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 136 0
18412 2005년 5월 그당시의 제주 소인국테마파크. [2] 게스트(59.21) 07.08.25 339 0
18411 행력퀴즈 [24] 달라스갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 431 0
18410 Maxjet - 상당히 매력적인 항공사더군. 하지만 우리나라/일본 현실에서는 그림의 떡 ㅠ.ㅠ [7] 로맨틱S장전!갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 517 0
18409 소녀시대 MV에서 세스나. [7] 페페(59.16) 07.08.25 357 0
18408 형들, '나는야 항공 관제사' 어디서 받을 수 있어? [7] 랑데(220.92) 07.08.25 323 0
18407 러시아 갑부가 에어쇼에서 B-52 폭격기 구입 신청 [5] 서울버스63-1갤로그로 이동합니다. 07.08.25 623 0
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