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역시 인사이더의 토론입니다 (이것도 스포일수있슴다 알아서 번역하세용)

M군 2007.02.18 01:39:35
조회 933 추천 0 댓글 2

Round Table: Drowning On Dry Land This week on the Round Table, the interns frantically try to mitigate and cope with the fallout from the ferry wreck, while Meredith (at least temporarily) enters the great beyond … Izzie’s speech: inspirational or inappropriate? iheartizzie: Izzie does it. She speaks her mind and she follows her gut. The result is not always pretty, but it’s part of who she is. Most of the time, that’s a wonderful person. This time, George is rightfully going to be livid at his BFF - and maybe even wish this website was correct in its Death Watch prediction. Married-to-McDreamy: Inappropriate. I know that people often say strange things in a time of grief, but why choose that moment to tell George that she doesn’t approve of his new marriage? Poor George is a fragile man and Izzie was just kicking him when he was down with that proclamation. McCritic: Let’s ask George: Hey, O’Malley, do you feel better about the odds of your friend surviving now that you know Izzie disapproves of your marriage? What? Speak up, we can’t hear you over the sobs. Is this the start of a rekindled friendship between Derek and Mark? Married-to-McDreamy: I think it might be! I loved that scene in which Mark sat down next to Derek in the hallway. We need many, many more scenes in which Derek and Mark hold hands. McCritic: Mark isn’t the Devil. He’s just insecure, probably was very jealous of the marriage Derek and Addison enjoyed. That’s no excuse for sticking his chiseled abs into their business, but it’s also no reason why he can’t be sincere in his current sympathy. Not sure Derek can ever trust Mark as a reliable friend, though. iheartizzie: Mark doesn’t need his $400/hour shrink to tell him he has some self-destructive insecurity issues, and we don’t need one to see that beneath the surface, he knows he royally screwed up his friendship with Derek and wishes he could have it back. These two were like family. Time heals all wounds. Let’s bury the steamy, dreamy hatchet once and for all. How soon before Addison and Alex get together? Married-to-McDreamy: Not soon enough, if you ask me! The sparks between those two are truly something. I predict some major Addisex in the next episode. McCritic: With every AA meeting, these two seem to come closer and closer. I’d say they’re about 12 steps away from ending up in bed together. First, they must admit how powerless they are over their emotions. iheartizzie: He’d notice if she disappeared, ladies and gentlemen. For macho Alex Karev, this is as close to a profession of undying love as you’re likely to get. And he said he wasn’t into her - what a smooth operator. Paging Addison Montgomery to the on-call room, STAT! Will Meredith die? Married-to-McDreamy: Absolutely not. It’s ridiculous to think they will kill off the main character. I do, however, hope that when Meredith does wake up she learns a valuable lesson from this: perhaps if she weren’t so skinny, she wouldn’t have gotten hypothermia. Oh stop. I’m kidding. I know the woman eats like a horse and can’t help her weight. We’ve all read the interviews. Anyway, no, Meredith Grey will live. And hopefully eat something. McCritic: No. But my patience with a story line of forced drama, lacking any suspense because there’s no way the show’s title character will ever perish, has a short shelf life. iheartizzie: Yes. She just doesn’t want it bad enough. Ever since we first got to know her, Meredith has been a fighter. But lately, as evidenced by the bathtub scene to begin “Walk On Water,” she’s been morose. Lifeless. To graduate from Dartmouth College, Meredith would be required to obtain a swimming P.E. credit (a fan and fellow alumna points out). So there’s no way our girl can’t swim. And, as the map below shows, the water in Puget Sound is currently 46 degrees - really cold, but not paralyzingly so for an able-bodied woman only a few feet from shore. She’s lost the desire to go on, and the only hope now is Denny. Perhaps during their brief meeting in the afterlife (which looks a lot like Seattle Grace), he can help her see a different light - and recapture the will to live. Incidentally, what is Coach Eric Taylor from Dillon, Tx., doing there?

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