디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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AA 유모차 사태

9017갤로그로 이동합니다. 2017.04.24 15:35:42
조회 1652 추천 4 댓글 0

이건 얘기 들어보니까

애엄마가 애 둘에 유모차까지 기내에 끌고 들어왔는데 가뜩이나 소형기 꽉꽉 만석 채우고 다니는데다 양놈들 짐 체크인 싫어해서 다 끌고 들어와 머리위 의자 밑에 처박고 타는데 유모차 넣을 자리가 없었대

그래서 유모차를 게이트체크인 해주겠다고 했는데 애엄마가 거부하면서 언성이 올라가

승뭔 아저씨가 내리라고 하려다가 일이 커졌다는데....

물론 언론에서는 애엄마 업글 시켜주고 그 직원 짤라버린다(징계회부) 말이 나왔는데....

정황상 헬죠오센식 맘충의 출현이 아닌가 하는 의구심도 든다.

유모차의 경우 부피가 커 기내에 넣을 공간이 없어 어느 항공사든 무료로 게이트에서 체크인 해줬다가 내릴 때 꺼내 주는데

그걸 왜 거부했을까????

아래는 AA승무원이 페북에 올린 글 원문 긁어온거


A friend shared this with me from another post. It puts the situation in a different light:

"I was on this flight directly across the isle from the woman filming the video. This is what I observed: 1.) woman gets on the plane pushing a car seat type stroller with one child in it, carrying a second child on her hip and dragging behind a very large folded stroller that was too big for the overhead bin or to go under a seat. 

2.) the flight attendant shown in the video approached from the back of the plane and informed her in a calm manner that there was nowhere to store the stroller. The woman immediately escalated the situation and within about 30 seconds was screaming at him at the top of her lungs. 

3.) the flight attendant evidently decided she was not fit to be on the flight (in my opinion the correct decision) and started to move her and her children towards the front of the plane.

4.) when they got to the from of the plane the woman decided she was not going any further. The flight attendant picked up the stroller and lifted it over his head to try and move past the woman. As he was doing this she pushed him and the stroller fell a bit and struck her in the face. She began crying loudly and dramatically. Shortly after this is where the video begins. 

5.) The first class passenger then inserts himself into the drama with his faux chivalry but clearly has no idea what has transpired in the back of the plane since he was in a window seat in the first class section of the plane and could not have viewed the incident from his seat. 

6.) after another 10 minutes or so the woman exits the plane only to be returned about 5 minutes later and taken to her seat. We wait another 30-40 minutes while various flight and ground crew come and go speaking to the woman. After about 40 minutes she deplanes again this time telling all of the passengers, who are now becoming vocal in support of the flight crew, that all she wanted was an apology from the flight attendant. Evidently that's what the 40 minute delay was all about. Then we waited another 10 minutes for the ground crew to find and remove her luggage from the belly of the plane. 

7.) the flight finally leaves and arrives in Dallas an hour or so late. American representatives are waiting at the gate to speak with the first class passenger who made the threats. What I heard was a very apologetic tone coming from two American employees, as if the airline had done something to upset the first class passenger. 8.) when I entered the bag claim area the first class passenger was right in front of me and as soon as he made it through the revolving door there was a camera crew waiting for him on the other side to interview him. 

That's about as factual of an account as I can provide and I realize there may be other parts of this story that I do not know about or did not witness. 

From what I saw: a.) if anyone from American should have been punished it should be the ground crew who somehow letting this woman on board with a full size stroller. The flight attendant was put in a horrible situation by a passenger that most passengers in my immediate area thought seemed unstable. She escalated the situation, not him. 

b.) in my opinion, the first class passenger should have been removed. Had the flight been in progress he might very well have been arrested upon landing for threatening a crew member. Additionally, he could not have seen any of the back of the plane antics of the woman based on where he was seated. c.) I agree the flight attendant may have reacted too harshly in responding to the threatening customer in first class, but his actions with the woman in question were professional throughout the ordeal. I am disappointed American has chosen to punish him."

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