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scale 하지 않는 스타트업을 운영하면 겪는것들

Sto1갤로그로 이동합니다. 2023.02.13 18:38:33
조회 467 추천 3 댓글 3

첫번째 영상

scale 하지 않는다는 소프트웨어 startup을 하면서 겪는것들 (기술적으로)


2번째 영상:
scalable 하지 않은 business를 한다는거의 진짜 의미
founders get this confused doing things that don't scale is doing something that's provocatively manual on your part where you the founder does a thing personally and that isn't counting on a lot of code that you're writing or scalable processes um to run what how you think late stage companies are run

in the do things that don't scale philosophy the job of the ceo and the job of the co-founders is to do the shittiest worst low status work you can think of it's the opposite of whatever your mental model when someone says the word ceo and you're like oh wow ceo visionary you know you know powerful it's like no like you're like doing the work yes and you've got to learn to love and embrace the work that is your job at a pre-product market startup is to actually make everything happen and to be personally accountable for making the entire system run end-to-end

To wrap up: this idea of do things that don't scale one it's going to be counterintuitive two expect people around you to not understand and to actively think you're stupid like not just not understand but actively tell you you're being an idiot like why are you delivering burritos like what on earth are you thinking like you're making them like they'll like stage an intervention for you you're screwing them your friends will come together they'll set you down and be like what are you doing man this is a mistake this is not what you should be doing um expect it to look way different than what your larger competitors are doing now expect to look way different and expect yourself to be the primary actor you're not acting through others you are the doer anything else to add though to wrap this up i think if you look at other companies that raise a lot of money you're inclined to copy that strategy of what they're doing so again if you see someone all these companies are doing i don't know 10 minute delivery right like that's the hot new thing and so they're like oh this company raised 50 million i better raise 50. do things that don't scale is cool yeah not for you go do one delivery like when i see people fail a lot it's that they they want to get a thousand customers and they can't get one just being able to say one we have we've delivered one burrito separates you from the pack yes and so again maybe this is this is an inspiring thing actually doing something is much better than average congratulations you're in the top half of stoddard founders if you can get out of your own way enough to do one thing to extend that and if you can get that person to do it again they enjoyed it enough the first the customer enjoyed your product enough the first time that they're gonna use it again because that's the other question oh we have a ton of users like oh like how often do they come back it's like come back are we supposed to be looking for we're supposed to be measuring that was that on the test i didn't study for that one it's like well okay all right that's two things that don't scale don't just take our word for it though the essay is online you can read it and trust me you'll get a lot of out of it if you just go read it so google search do things that don't scale pg and i'm sure you get the link on the top alright see you later dalton

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