디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[일반] v1.7.6 업데이트 원문 (11/17 11:02 am)

*당근갤로그로 이동합니다. 2021.11.17 11:43:35
조회 1084 추천 10 댓글 7

Repentance 1.7.6

Gameplay changes

- Reduced the cooldown of Placebo with stat upgrades, Pretty Fly and Experimental Pill

- The Lost's hearts are now hidden again (Holy Mantle indicator is still visible)

- Enemies are no longer guaranteed to drop coins when encountered in a previously visited room as Tainted Keeper

- Glyph of Balance no longer drops soul hearts when playing as the Lost

- Glyph of Balance can now drop soul hearts, red hearts as Bethany, Tainted Bethany if they need any

- Glyph of Balance can now drop poop pickups as Tainted ??? if he needs any

- Esau Jr. now preserves quest items (such as the Polaroid and the Negative)

- Added Red Stew to the Ultra Secret Room pool

- Added even more new room layouts

- Updated a few item qualities

- Updated localization files


- Fixed The Marathon achievement not usually unlocking (dailies completed before this update may not count)

- Fixed the daily exit confirmation popup not rendering correctly in the Chinese translation

- Fixed the Continue option becoming unavailable when switching languages while mods are enabled

- Fixed Tainted Judas' birthright not working as intended

- Fixed Tainted Cain being able to take fatal devil deals without dying (again)

- Fixed Tainted Cain not being able to pick up items normally in the Death Certificate area

- Fixed victory lap popup displaying the wrong message

- Fixed the victory lap HUD icon clipping into the stat display

- Fixed lava pits not refreshing properly if the game window was resized

- 20/20 now decreases the damage given by Polyphemus similarly to other tear multipliers (this is still very strong since it cancels the firerate decrease from Polyphemus)

- Fixed 20/20 not increasing Keeper and Tainted Keeper's firerate

- Fixed Tainted Keeper getting less coins than intended from enemies in Greed mode

- Fixed Telescope Lens and Door Stop appearing in Greed mode

- Fixed Butter! having a 100% chance to drop passive items on damage taken

- Fixed Butter! being able to drop active items on damage taken

- Red chests can no longer teleport the player to the Devil/Angel room while in the Genesis room

- Fixed Dark Esau not blocking enemy projectiles when not charging

- Fixed Dark Esau preventing white champion enemies from losing their invulnerability

- Fixed Esau Jr. removing Dark Esau when used as Tainted Jacob

- Fixed Tainted Lazarus' charge bar being visible in water reflections

- Fixed Tainted Lilith's birthright preventing her from opening the flesh door in Mausoleum II

- Fixed Dogma (item) giving hearts every time it is dropped and picked back up

- Fixed Mom's Ring spawning a rune every time it is dropped and picked back up

- Fixed Magic Mushroom and Leo granting the Stompy! transformation when repeatedly dropped and picked back up

- Fixed a Dross room that could have the right side entrance blocked by rocks

- Fixed a Depths room that could have Brains behind rocks

- Fixed a Cathedral room that could have Polties appear on top of entrances

- Fixed a Flooded Caves boss wave in Greed mode sometimes causing a crash

- Fixed a crash caused by an “I’m Excited!” pill activating in a room with rain effects

- Fixed Expansion Pack rarely preventing the player from attacking

- Fixed not being able to go to Sheol after having used Genesis

- Fixed Genesis turning other characters into Isaac after having used Esau Jr

- Fixed ultra secret rooms very rarely generating in impossible locations, causing a softlock when teleported to via the Moon? card

- Fixed white fire rooms in Downpour and special button rooms in the Mines rarely generating connected to special rooms

- Fixed Decap Attack causing the head to hover endlessly over the player's body if recalled before the head hits the ground

- Fixed Trisagion lasers getting stuck when spawned by item interactions that create large amounts of tears

- Fixed a rare freeze caused by Trisagion + Continuum

- Fixed C Section synergies with melee weapons creating more fetuses (causing loops/crashes)

- Fixed a crash caused by picking up Strawman after Money = Power

- Fixed Shiny Rock not doing anything

- Fixed Dice Bag causing the Whore of Babylon popup to appear whenever it gives a temporary dice item if the player has Whore of Babylon and is at low health

- Fixed Panic Button triggering on white fires

- Fixed quest items being disabled when the player carrying them dies in co-op

- Fixed Best Friend + Brimstone Bombs damaging the player

- Fixed C Section + Technology sometimes causing self damage when fired by familiars (such as Incubus and Twisted Pair)

- Fixed Dr. Fetus/Epic Fetus + poison effects spawning harmful poison clouds when fired by familiars

- Fixed the light emanating from Dogma's TV not rendering correctly

Modding changes

- The full list of changes can be found here: https://pastebin.com/raw/4vq51P4P

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126113 일반 왜 춤춰 [1] ㅇㅇ(119.69) 09.22 63 0
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126111 일반 상상만 했던 조합처음 맞춰봄 ㄷㄷ;; minho갤로그로 이동합니다. 09.22 59 1
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126100 일반 해금 티어 있는거 ㅇㄷ서봄 ㅇㅇ(119.198) 09.22 39 0
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126096 일반 님들 희생방에서 먹은 템인데 [3] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 09.22 118 0
126095 일반 보스러쉬 깼다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아이작 하드 체크리스트 완성 [1] 푸링나노갤로그로 이동합니다. 09.22 63 1
126094 일반 위습병 존나트롤템이네 [5] ㅇㅇ(222.119) 09.22 94 0
126093 일반 델리리움 이새끼는 [2] ㅇㅇ(220.71) 09.22 78 0
126092 일반 이게 한층에서 일어난 일이라니 [5] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 09.22 313 10
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