디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

번역용앱에서 작성

바드갤러(14.55) 2024.02.01 00:13:28
조회 11 추천 0 댓글 0

bienvenidos and welcome my name is

crossbite and today we're going to be

looking at how to pull in

streaming video of your friends so you

can use that for collaborations

and streaming with live interaction

so all you need to do is go to obs dot

ninju from your favorite web browser

you don't need any additional software

for this just go to the website

and you're gonna click on add your

camera to obs it's gonna grab your

default camera

mine is currently in use by vc face so i


bring this beautiful video to you so you

may get an error like this if your

camera is in use and as you see there i

am in the face and that's why i'm

getting that air

if you have vc face open you're going to

want to go ahead and go to your settings

and scroll down

and enable the virtual camera you're

also going to want to load in

a solid color background blue screen

green screen

magenta whatever your preferred color is

i'm going to use green screen just for

the purposes of this video

but whatever is appropriate for you and

we're going to go back to obs dot ninja

and we're going to switch that over to

our vc based camera

you're going to see that the image is

reversed but don't worry about that

correct once you load into streamlabs or


and if you're using your microphone feel

free to choose the appropriate option

i'm going to be using discord for my

microphone options so i'm not going to

go ahead and use that today

you do have a few different camera

options i like to go with balance i

feel that that works pretty well so

that's we're going to go with

this time as well so you can see there i

am with my green screen on

and up at the top i've got a web link

you can just click on that to get

the web link copied or you can select it

and choose ctrl c

or right click and copy if you so choose

i also want to note you do have some

options at the bottom like muting

or hanging up the call or those types of

things so

feel free to check those out if you need

those for anything

but today we're just gonna go ahead and

just kind of show you

how this works and we're gonna kind of

just do a high level

so i have streamlabs obs open here as

you can see

let me go ahead and choose whatever

scene i need i'm going to go ahead and

choose a new source of a web browser

browser source

and i'm going to go ahead and add a new


i'm going to name this obs ninja for our

reference today

and as i create that i'm just going to

paste that link that i just copied in a

moment ago

and as you can see it's going to just

pull me right in there with the green


notice it's not flipped like it was in

the obs

ninja from our web browser

and that's it you can see the quality

even zoomed in

looks pretty good it looks pretty

comparable to what you're seeing right

here out of vc

face directly so not too bad

now if you want to load this in

you're going to want to go ahead and add

a chroma key

so that way you can remove the


i chose a green background and i have

green in my outfit which is unfortunate


you can get the idea here that uh you

just need to crank up

the sensitivity and the smoothing and

kind of get the

right levels for you


and now you can see that our background

is gone we have the transparency

although it's not perfect we do have

transparency there

and that's all you need for that so

let's say you want to use this for


and you want to send that link over to

your friends or you want to have your

friends send their link

over to you you just paste that in

and you just add them in

and there you go so on the right side

you've got me coming straight out of vc


on the left there that's the feed coming

from obs ninja

you can see the lights it's pretty low

there's really not much of a delay at


a few milliseconds maybe so let's kind

of make this a little more practical

so i don't have to be here talking to

myself i'm gonna

get a link from my friend lasana

and i'm going to take that same browser


just made but i'm going to paste in her

link instead of my own link

because i don't just want to be talking

to myself i want my friends in here so

there she is keep in mind i still got

the same chroma key settings

i'm not making the extra adjustments to

make her

look perfect for this video but

there she is


and we're interacting we're swaying

we're having a good time

basically you share the link you add

that link into your browser source

and you're ready to roll so i hope this

was helpful for you if it was please

give me a thumbs up if it was not give

me a thumbs down

if you want to see more like this please

subscribe and i will catch you guys in

the next video

see ya

tipos t-pose for dominance

all right all right you win

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93 요약용 [1] ㅇㅇ(14.55) 05.26 9 0
92 재밌는 얘기 ㅇㅇ(195.3) 05.23 8 0
88 바드 갤이 있었네 ㅇㅇ(112.186) 03.25 8 0
86 요약용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.11 38 0
85 번역용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.11 23 0
84 번역용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.11 10 0
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82 요약용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.08 30 0
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78 요약용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.07 31 0
77 요약용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.06 85 0
76 ㅇㅇ 바드갤러(14.55) 02.05 17 0
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64 요약용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.01 49 0
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55 ㅋㅊㄴㅇ 난쟈모갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.29 11 0
52 정보글 모음 129 난쟈모갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.29 18 0
51 정보글 모음 24/1/29 난쟈모갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.29 31 0
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