디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

번역용앱에서 작성

바드갤러(14.55) 2024.02.11 09:39:58
조회 24 추천 0 댓글 0

hello everybody this is techcut in this

video what i'm going to be doing is

talking about video editors specifically

this is going to be a follow-up video to

this why i switched to resolve from

caden live best video editor on linux

when i made this video uh i was rather

disappointed with my experiences in

caden live it's a if you don't know

caden live is a free and open source

video editor available on all systems

windows mac linux whatever you happen to

be using and honestly for free and open

source software is probably one of the

best and most feature packed options out


for sure but when i made this video

there were just some things that were

not working that were completely

detrimental to

just basic video editing workflows for

example one of the big things was audio

clipping you would clip audio and if you

didn't clip it in like dead air or just

where there's no audio at all it would

have a little

high pitched clip effect it just did not

sound good


it was uh kind of discouraging so about

a week after using

so about a week

so about a week after you

and now recently this is a recent or a

project i'm currently working on for uh

setting up steam os on this device right


and throughout this entire thing and

there's no clipping that that's one of

the issues that was completely resolved

and another one was slides if i go to

file and let's go ahead and open a

recent and let's go to my guide edit say

no for now this right here is a recent

video that i actually published where i

it's actually that pc right there i

installed a proxmox on it and set up a

windows virtual machine and

i'm using a lot of these uh slide

effects so if i zoom in here you can see

i just cut the screen recording placed

it on top did a transform so it zoomed


so then we got uh this effect going on

right here where it just slides over to

replace it it's a little choppy right

now but it doesn't look like that in the

actual video

beforehand when you would do this it

would like have a black bar that would

kind of go across with it it just didn't

look good and yes i can go keyframe by

keyframe and do the same thing but you

should be able to use the compositions

drop them on in and be good to go this

was a another issue that has been

completely fixed and for the most part

any other little minor complaints and

everything i haven't run into any

significant issues like a lot of other

video editors even big applications like

adobe premiere pro those crash all the

time this crash is here and they're

actually uh

posted a picture on twitter of a recent

crash i had but i posted that while i

was still sitting there on this program

is not responding and i eventually just

gave and i hit

weight like probably five to ten times

before i finally gave up and force

closed it but when it opened up luckily

it uh pulled everything and i did not

lose really any time at all within the

editing software and other than that the

only other big issue i have is uh when

you first drag in footage it kind of

gives you a little pop-up offering to

have you change the resolution frame

rate to match the clips you put in

there's been a couple times that i like

just throw a clip and start cutting it

up and i go back and i click on that and

it completely screws everything up it

like shifts everything over a couple

frames because there's been a frame rate

change uh you could do that in project

settings as well but doing it through

that gives you a whole bunch of warnings

telling you hey save everything before

you do this but if you use their little

suggestion button within the library

there it doesn't give you all those

warnings and it doesn't offer to save it

for you and it just screws everything up

but that's the only issue i have at this

point and with that i've been using

caden live a lot more there's a period

of time there that i completely switched

over to davinci resolve to do all the

cutting all the effects and everything

and now at this point i kind of have

like a two-stage workflow where i do my

initial cut in uh kaden live cut out all

the dead air mistakes things like that

render out the footage to davinci

resolve on an m1 macbook air do some

color correcting take it back to caden

live and do a bunch of editing and then

finish it off in davinci resolve i go

back and forth sometimes i do most of

everything in caden live but it's really

nice to be able to have the option to

use those two tools but on linux if i

had to switch back over completely

to caden live i think i'd be able to do


although the color correction color

grading in davinci resolve is absolutely

amazing another thing is

the with the errors that caedenlive had

initially when i recorded that video um

it was worse than what you had to do to

get davinci resolve working in linux

with davinci resolve even if you pay for

a license you're gonna have to use a


to transcode it to get audio to work if

you're using the free version

good luck if you unless if you have like

terabytes of storage because just the

size of the media that davinci resolve

the free version of davinci resolve in

linux needs like one video clip that

would be like 500 megabytes

ends up being like

30 gigabytes when you uh use ffmpeg to

render it out to what davinci resolve

wants so at this point i kind of shifted


davinci resolve isn't really worth using

on linux compared to

something like caden live now

that's about it i just was making this

video because i feel like it would be a

disservice to the people who work

on the caden live project to not make

this follow-up video

and uh with all that if you're

interested in trying it out like always

download links will be down below and if

you want to see what package format you

should be using there'll be a video down

below so you can uh see what runs better

whether that be uh regular repository

packages flat packs snap app images it's

all there check out that video and with

all that have a beautiful day

and good bye

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