디시인사이드 갤러리

마이너 갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

번역용앱에서 작성

바드갤러(14.55) 2024.02.01 00:58:57
조회 67 추천 0 댓글 0

this has been the craziest youtube

journey of all time i think we might

actually be the fastest channel to hit 4

million subscribers

in 3 months with like 50 videos yes you

just heard that right this kid in his

bedroom who makes random videos about

discord conversations has built one of

the fastest growing youtube channels in

history and the best part is this was

all planned you see up until a few

months ago beluga was gaining about 800

subscribers a month but then in june

this happened beluga with his infamous

cat profile picture suddenly started

getting recommended all across youtube

what makes it more interesting is the

reasons for this sudden growth are very

hard to identify his thumbnails are

often poorly cropped and blurry and his

videos are mainly just discord

conversations with no voice over

i mean sure it's funny but how can a

made-up discord conversation between two

cats have 25 million views what are we


what could beluga possibly have

discovered about youtube in june that

led to this growth

well i decided to dig deeper into

beluga's backstory and it shouldn't

surprise you that this guy is a lot

smarter than it seems

in fact beluga has pretty much

discovered the new blueprint for how to

grow a youtube channel

he used the three-step system to beat

the algorithm

the thing is when beluga first started

his channel it was very unclear what his

strategy was

i mean his first videos included a

reaction to a man being attacked by a

goose a random minecraft documentary and

a commentary video on dream the really

interesting thing was hidden inside this

video here on the surface it may look

like a simple explanation of why he was

changing his name to beluga but within

these 67 seconds it became clear that he

knew something that no one else did i

changed my channel name from survival

mode to

beluga because i think it's a better

name and also starting next week i'm

going to post some of the best videos on

the entire internet i have some huge

plans for the channel and i really

appreciate your support if this channel

blows up in the future you might want to

like the video and comment now to prove

you were here when it started i mean

having confidence is one thing but the

way beluga spoke here made me realize

something this wasn't his first rodeo

which takes us on to step number one

beluga had a catalyst

right now a lot of people say youtube is

too competitive and there is some truth

behind this there has never been more

creators competing for the same audience

but here's the good thing youtube's

algorithm rewards great videos now that

might sound overly simple but when you

strip back all the noise its purpose is

to show intriguing and well-made videos

to the right audience as you may know

youtube measures this with two main

metrics click through rate i.e the

percentage of people who click when

shown the video and average view

duration which is how long these people

end up watching the video for here's the

difficulty though how can youtube tell

if a video is good if no one sees it in

the first place it's a chicken and egg

scenario the first 1 000 viewers are

always the hardest to capture

some creators target search using

keywords some try to make videos about

current trends hoping to get sweeped up

into the wave of content and then

there's the shortcut strategy that

beluga used utilizing a growth catalyst

you see the truth is this wasn't

beluga's first channel in fact his

youtube journey had actually began in

2019 when he launched a channel about

lucid dreaming after growing this

channel to almost 1 million subscribers

it was clear beluga wanted a new

challenge he decided to go all in on

cross promotion

he mentioned and linked his new channel

at every opportunity he also made

community posts about it and even

funneled traffic to his beluga videos

through end screens this promotion

definitely helped but it only brought in

a few thousand viewers so why was it so


well it was the spark that lit the fire

now youtube had an audience to test

beluga's videos with they could show

these viewers the videos and if the

click-through rate and average view

duration was good the algorithm would

kick in and start pushing the videos to

more people if a channel is set up in

the right way an injection of people can

lead to a snowballing effect

but there's a problem you see a lot of

people think getting a shout out from a

larger channel is like hitting the

jackpot but if the content you're making

isn't already optimized it can have the

opposite effect

so how did beluga make videos that the

algorithm loved well that takes us on to

step two beluga became the session time

king we all know watch time is very

important to grow on youtube so how can

a guy who makes two and three minute

videos be getting so much promotion well

that's because beluga makes bingeable

loops of content the videos may be short

but the average session time is long

this phrase is used to describe the

total duration that someone is watching

youtube content not just one video think

about this from youtube's perspective

they could show a viewer a 10 minute

video and they might click off halfway

through and leave the platform this

would result in just 5 minutes of

session time but if they show the same

viewer a beluga video they might go on

to watch three more all the way through

leading to a total session time of over

8 minutes

this is why the length is irrelevant if

you can make videos that people watch

from start to finish so how does beluga

do this

let's take a look at this video here and

break it down in action

the first thing i want you to pay

attention to is beluga's constant use of

sound effects




in these opening 10 seconds there were

11 different sound changes

the discord pinging almost forces you to

stay engaged the explosion sound effects

and music add variety

and the awkward pauses emphasizes the


it's very hard to feel bored with so

much happening

a lot of creators focus all their

attention on the visual edits and not

enough on the sound

also you might have noticed just how

fast-paced the messages appear and


see if you can follow this conversation

without having to rewind


the main reason beluga does this is to

keep the viewer as an active watcher

beluga demands your full attention

if you look away for even a second you

will miss vital context

there's also a bit of a sneakier reason

he does this

the speed that messages go by means

you'll naturally have to pause and

rewind a few times per video this can

lead to spikes in retention and actually

count for a longer average view duration

but the real genius comes from beluga's

storytelling i know on the surface he

might not seem like the shakespeare of

our times but hear me out each of his

videos follow the same storytelling

template a relatable situation is

presented the main characters clash or

there's a misunderstanding

new characters enter the conversation

and then the video builds towards a


this is his skeleton for all his discord


the story is crafted to constantly give

the viewer new stimulus

youtube videos can't just have a

beginning middle and end these days

there needs to be multiple moving parts

everything we've discussed so far is

important but there's something missing

that in my opinion is the main reason

beluga gained 4 million subscribers in 3

months which takes us on to step 3

beluga discovered the ultimate title and

thumbnail strategy let's start by

looking at the titles beluga always

covers topics that are very relatable

even the titling style of when you is

very inclusive he never writes a title

that limits the video's potential every

single one in theory could appeal to

millions of viewers

also notice how concise they are on

average beluga's titles are 33

characters long for context this is

almost half the average title length on

youtube this is actually a competitive

advantage viewers can fully understand

the concept of the video in just a

glance another really smart tactic is

how often he uses random numbers in his

titles notice here how he uses 9.17

seconds or 97.1 percent success this

might seem irrelevant but trust me it's

very purposeful they add an element of

uniqueness to each title if he had said

10 seconds here for example it just

wouldn't stand out as much it almost

looks too perfect

and there's even more to learn from his

thumbnails first of all they capture

something that's very recognizable in

the first person it's meant to feel like

your own screen whether it's discord

frame requests or the iphone time limit

this complements the broad appeal of his


the real key though is how his

thumbnails are always paused just before

something happens they leave you with an

unanswered story look at this one for


you need to click to get the reward what

is beluga about to say that will end the


he also deliberately keeps his

thumbnails amateur looking even leaving

in stuff like the typos and blur is all

intentional trust me this guy knows

enough photoshop to make these images

higher quality but he chooses not to he

does this as a way to stand out in a

world of highly polished thumbnails his

videos stick out like a sore thumb which

is a strategy in itself they also add

realism to the video the best memes and

viral videos always feel homemade

overall his title and thumbnail formula

is what i like to call statement plus

intrigue his title sets up the video and

states what it's about and his thumbnail

creates the intrigue by teasing a

storyline it's simple but when combined

together he sells the video to the

viewer i think if there's one thing we

can be certain of this guy's growth was

far from an accident beluga executed the

perfect plan and who knows maybe there's

someone watching this video right now

who can learn from this story and grow

even quicker if you found this video

interesting all i ask for is a subscribe

but for now though i'll see you in the

next one

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