디시인사이드 갤러리

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번역용앱에서 작성

바드갤러(14.55) 2024.02.01 00:25:50
조회 17 추천 0 댓글 0

this website this website and this

website were all built with no code and

there are these three incredible tools

that when combined allow you to build

$110,000 websites in minutes with no

code and AI so let me show you how to do

it okay so up until now building a

website would require lots of different

people a programmer who would build it

out a designer who would create the

designs a project manager who would

oversee and communicate with the client

and usually the process could take weeks

months or even sometimes s years but

right now with Incredible no code tools

and AI we can do that in a matter of

hours now the first tool I'm going to

talk about is the reason why this entire

thing is currently possible and it's

called reloom now reloom actually

started as a components library for a

building tool called Web flow but the AI

website builder that reloom has just

released is completely groundbreaking so

let's dig in and I'm going to show you

how you can use it so if you go to

reloom doio you're going to be able to

go down to the right hand side here and

you're going to find the the AI site

Builder and the first thing it's going

to really ask you to do is to describe

the company or describe what you're

trying to build as a website so we are

no code is an online school for

entrepreneurs to launch their startup

with no code tools and if I just input

this I'm basically going to be able to

click on this generate button over here

and then in less than 1 second as you

can see here it's basically going to

just create a sitemap so what's a

sitemap well a sitemap is basically an

outline of what the website it's going

to look like what are the different

pages that we're going to have what are

the different sections on that page and

how do each one connect to each other so

in a matter of just a couple seconds

this generated a first one I can also

ask it to generate the additional Pages

underneath it and come here and just put

generate it's going to go ahead and

build those out so you see this is

actually live so you can see how quickly

this AI actually works and what you'll

notice below actually is that it even

determines which sections you might want

as additional pages so here it's given

me an about section A courses section A

Blog a contact form and of course all of

these are adaptable so now what I would

do is I'd go to these individual

sections down here and I would actually

generate them so about us boom I can

just do that you could also do them all

at the same time but I'm basically just

going to do them all separately here and

as that's generating let's just go up

here and check out these sections and

I'm going to show you how to adapt each

one of these sections so for example

here it's the navigation bar perfect

here there's going to be a hero section

feature section right so maybe I'm going

to take out the this one over here you

can right click and just delete it maybe

I going to want to take the benefit

section and put it above hero then I

want the benefits and a feature list

then there's a how it works section um

here I actually don't need this section

cuz we're just going to be featuring the

courses so I'll delete this and then I

can do this for all the other sections

as well if I want by just going below

and adapting these so this is already

absolutely amazing that's just done this

automatically without asking me too too

much I can adapt every single prompt

that I want here the next thing that I

would do is if I was building this

$10,000 website for a client I'd

actually just copy the link share it to

that individual and then we could have a

conversation around oh you know what we

actually don't need this page we

actually need an additional page now

once we've agreed on the basics of the

sit map what we want to do is build out

a wireframe for those of you who don't

know what a wireframe is it's basically

a full structure of what the website

will look like without having all of the

elements in it and this is where this

tool gets incredibly powerful by just

clicking wireframe up here it's going to

translate everything that we've just

created as a Sit map in an actual

wireframe with different sections but

not only that it's writing out the copy

for us so launch your startup with no

code at we are no code right and here

it's already going to be creating the

different sections discover the benefits

of enrolling in our no code startup

school right each one one of these

sections we can basically ask to rewrite

it we can change the tone of it and this

is basically the entire structure of

your website already built out now just

to be clear this would usually take

weeks to do and it actually looks pretty

darn good so if I kind of go into this

and look at the different sections now

what's so cool is that I can grab a

section even and I have the choice to

change which kind of section it is so

here I could just come in here and I

could check out the different layouts

you could visualize as you can see here

by changing a couple different things

with a header without a header four

columns instead of three uh we could

replace the component as well if we

wanted to you're basically building out

this entire wireframe and you can really

just determine what you're looking for

here so there's so many different

sections to choose from and let's say

that I like this one okay I'm going to

click on that it's going to autogenerate

this rewrite all of the copy create all

of the things it's really doing a great

job at all this and again you can go

through each one of the different

sections and just adapt it as you wish

so let's say oh this section it's cool I

like this but actually I want this

testimonial to look a little different

right I want to Fe feature three

different individuals I also want to

have their pictures here boom I'm going

to select this one and I want to put

their star system review as well and as

you can see it's basically building this

whole thing out in a matter of seconds

with AI and by the way if you are

watching this video and you're

interested in launching a business or a

tech startup but you don't know how to

program and you don't want to spend

$50,000 on programmers then I highly

recommend that you check out our program

called the no code startup where we

essentially allow you to build your next

tech startup from scratch with powerful

no code and AI tools so instead of

trying to piece together the internet

and figuring it out on your own work

within a community with coaching and a

proven step-by-step curriculum which is

going to allow you to launch your

startup in no time all you have to do is

Click below and apply for the program

we'll get back to you in 24 to 48 hours

and now let's get back to the video and

once you're done tweaking all of this

again you can come here and you can

share this grab your link send it to the

person that you're building this

$110,000 website for and you might think

that we're done here but the next thing

I'm going to do is going to blow you

away as well so with reloom not only can

we create the site maps and then convert

those site Maps into wireframes but then

we can either push it to a designer and

keep designing inside of that wireframe

or we can actually push it to a website

builder like web flow and we're going to

be able to actually build the whole

thing out as a website so I'm quickly

going to show you how you might do it if

you want to continue to design but then

I'm going to show you how to push this

inside the website builder if you go to

the top right here and once you finished

this all up we can export here you're

going to have the choice between pushing

it to figma which is a very famous

design tool or you can export to webflow

which is probably the most beautiful and

Powerful website builder today but there

are a couple steps that you have to do

to make this a reality so if I click on

export to figma for example it's going

to ask me to install the figma plugin

I'm going to come here going to install

the figma plugin once I install it it's

automatically going to open figma and

it's going to ask me to open reloom

library now the other thing that I'm

going to need is going to be the figma

kit so if you come to rom. again I can

grab the figma kit and it's actually

going to open up in figma as you can see

right here then here I'm going to click

open in and I'm going to select the Free

reloom Library that you see here then

I'll come here I'll click run I'm going

to go and create this new tab that I'm

going to call new website and then what

I'm going to do is go back into my

project over here I'm going to copy and

I'm essentially going to bring it now

inside here and I'm going to paste it

and right now what's happening is that

it is building this entire thing out

within the figma project that I've

created and boom just in about 30

seconds it's built this entire website

out for me in figma as you see it's been

using the elements from reloom here

they've all been recreated and now we

can start designing within this and as

you can see it's also built out a mobile

version and then once you generated this

you can actually change all of the

styles that you'd like you could start

designing on of this if this is the next

step that you're going to want to do

with your customer right and one thing I

would recommend here is that if you're

trying to change something I would

actually come to the style guide here

and adapt things inside the style guide

because this is going to actually change

them throughout the entire project so

for example if I wanted to change this

button I wanted to make it a different

color and maybe wanted to have some

rounded edges you just go inside the

style guide so all I would have to do

here would be to come to the UI elements

to find the specific button that I want

to change up here boom click on this and

then I can basically come down here and

change the color of that if I wanted to

so let's say that I wanted this instead

of being black I wanted it to be a

different custom color let's say I want

to be this blue excellent so let's say I

wanted to have roughly rounded edges I

could just do this input it and now this

button looks like this I could also

choose to change other buttons and so I

can do the same thing here and then what

happens is that when I go to my website

it's automatically going to go into all

the sections which have this specific

button and it's going to change the

color of them throughout the entire

process project so basically this is the

best way to be able to adapt elements

inside of your figma file uh for them to

reflect throughout the entire project

and so this part is really to design

everything within figma however you

could also choose to skip this and go

back to the project and actually export

it straight to web flow which is going

to allow you to build it I'm back here

inside my project I'm going to go export

webflow it's going to ask for a similar

thing and so here what I'm going to do

is copy to web flow now the next thing

it's going to prompt me to do is to

clone the style guide again so we can

have these elements inside of webflow

automatically excellent clone in webflow

create site and then here what I'm going

to do is I'm going to create a new page

add a page I can delete everything

that's inside this project and I can go

ahead and come back to my

project and then paste it here and as

you can see here it has imported the

entire project over here and what's

amazing about this is that it actually

already is created for responsive design

which means that it's also going to look

really nice in mobile this is a fully

built website I could come here to the

right and basically publish it uh I

could choose to connect it to a domain

publish it and as you can see everything

that we've actually built out is here

and we can just start replacing things

out so for example here I want to change

this image I can simply go and change

this to Let's upload an image from our

folder over here and boom just like that

we've replaced it and what I love about

this is that we can then very quickly

preview it as well so like if I were to

come here and press on this we're going

to be able to preview what it actually

looks like and um yeah it's absolutely

amazing what's possible so let's just

switch this out for example we can

choose an image replace the image come

here replace the

logo and just like that you can build a

$10,000 website with no code tools now

all the tools I've used today you can

find Below in the deion so if

you're trying to build a 10 $1,000

website for yourself or to sell to a

customer then you can use reloom and

then you can push it either into figma

and design or straight to web flow and

to build and if you're trying to make

your website incredibly impressive you

can easily do that by incorporating 3D

design or even animations inside your

website so the best tool for that would

be spline where you can either use an

existing template or you could create

one completely from scratch and that

often times can make a huge difference

so you could have a 3D iPhone mockup up

you could have a 3D character you could

have a entire interactive 3D experience

and yeah when you see these things on a

website they just look very impressive

and it can often times be the difference

between A5 and $10,000 website and if

you're going for an animation for

example you could have that animation

interact when you scroll down the

website you could have it interact when

you move the mouse around it so if

you're looking for the 3D look

definitely check out spline and as you

can see no code in AI does all the heavy

lifting for you but if you're looking to

build something it's a little bit more

complex then check out this video cuz

I've tried more than 200 no code tools

and I'm going to tell you which one is

going to be the best for your project

subscribe to the channel and I'll see

you guys in the next video Let's Go

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61 번역용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.01 11 0
60 요약용 바드갤러(14.55) 02.01 53 0
59 번역용 바드갤러(14.55) 01.31 47 0
58 ㄴㅇㅁ 난쟈모갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.29 18 0
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51 정보글 모음 24/1/29 난쟈모갤로그로 이동합니다. 01.29 30 0
47 ㅇㅇ(61.99) 23.10.23 27 0
46 ㅁㄴㅇ 바드갤러(113.198) 23.10.23 19 0
41 훠훠 ㅇㅇ(198.252) 23.10.17 40 0
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33 이거 물어보면 어케됨? "내가 뭘 물어보려 했더라?" ㅇㅇ(121.151) 23.09.27 23 0
32 얶엒 ㅇㅇ(204.13) 23.09.22 22 0
31 영어 배우기 …더 나은 성능 [1] 바드갤러(121.161) 23.08.22 65 0
30 바드가 생각하는 인구 천만명 이상인 나라에서 부유한 나라 상위 20국 [1] 바드갤러(121.161) 23.08.22 50 0
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