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신작 소설 Blood Line의 추가 정보 + 작가 인터뷰

지혜문어갤로그로 이동합니다. 2016.02.06 07:20:06
조회 638 추천 13 댓글 6



 Leia acknowledged that her former colleagues in the Senate were just as likely to want to have her killed as they were to ignore her. A new Star Wars novel is going to explore why that’s the case, and why Leia had good reason to be wary.

USA Today  has revealed a first look at Claudia Gray’s (writer of the excellent Lost Stars) next Star Wars book, Bloodlines, and it’s all about Leia Organa. Set around a decade before the events of The Force Awakens,Bloodlines sees Leia begin to realize that there’s a new generation of people who have grown up after the Rebellion, the Empire, and galactic civil war, and are thus ignore the dangers of the Imperial remnant that would be become the First Order.

But the most interesting part of the Bloodlines is that it actually shows us that Leia wasn’t just exaggerating her soured relationship with the New Republic. In an extra debuting over at USA Today, she actually is the target of an assassination attempt (with a few other senators) when she holds a meeting on Hosnian Prime to try and rally the Senate to her cause:

But it seems like Bloodlines will be delving into Leia’s tetchy relationship with the New Republic more and more, and we’ll get some insight into just how the Resistance came together before the events of The Force Awakens.

아래 USA Today 링크 가시면 선 공개된 13장의 내용을 읽어보실 수 있습니다.


이하 작가와의 인터뷰 내용

"I find myself remembering the Episode I posters, where you see the boy Anakin with Vader's shadow stretching out behind him," she says. "In this book, we find out just how far Vader's shadow falls."

Leia is professionally at a good place, as a senator and leader in a peaceful New Republic decades after the fall of Vader and the Emperor's stranglehold on the galaxy. However, Gray says that a new generation doesn't remember the lessons of the Rebellion or recognize the wrongs of the Empire, and Leia begins to see the cracks in the foundation that could lead to a dangerous future for the galaxy.

Family is a major theme overall in the Star Wars films and it plays a key role in one of the book's most significant events, "one that has pretty far-reaching repercussions for several characters," Gray says. "However, this novel isn't fundamentally about Leia as a wife, sister or mom; this is about the role she's created for herself since the fall of the Empire, and the one she takes up by the time of (The Force Awakens)."

Some characters from the recent film make an appearance in Bloodline, though Gray is introducing a lot of new players. The most important is Ransolm Casterfo, a guy Gray describes as "an ambitious young senator who's Leia's political opposite in virtually every way. He even collects artifacts from the Empire, like pro-Palpatine banners, pieces of armor, and so on."


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